Help! I'm passing out after workouts!



  • VickiMitkins
    VickiMitkins Posts: 249 Member
    That's just not normal. Talk to your doctor. It may just be you re pushing too hard, and need to back of on intensity, but I would want a stress test to confirm it's not something significant. I'm 48 and get my heart rate up to 160 for brief periods. I whipped after it, but don't pass out.
  • lizziebeth1028
    lizziebeth1028 Posts: 3,602 Member
    Definitely see a Doctor. But more than likely it's nothing serious. You are probably dehydrated or going to long with out eating before your work out..that could throw your sugar levels off.
  • brbetha01
    brbetha01 Posts: 179 Member
    I'd get to the doctor quick. That's not normal. It could be something like hydration, calorie intake... or something a lot more serious.
  • aj_rock
    aj_rock Posts: 390 Member
    A piece of advice slightly different from everyone else...

    If you happen to sweat A LOT while you excercise, you're losing sodium and other minerals. I know people usually yap about how we have too much sodium but if you're on a low-cal diet, you need to ensure you get enough. Going too low on sodium and then excess sweating can mess with your blood pressure something fierce, which is the usual cause of dizziness and passing out.
  • ncahill77
    ncahill77 Posts: 501 Member
    DOCTOR! It could be any number of things but you need to know for sure, cut down the workouts till you go.
  • jwhit31
    jwhit31 Posts: 450 Member
    I agree with other posters, you should see your doctor at at least give him/her a call for some advice. When I started working out seriously (for the first time) two years ago, I would get dizzy fainting spells often. I was putting my body through more than strenuous work than it's been through in a long time and sometimes I was either had low blood sugar and or not eating enough calories throughout the day to sustain normal activities and my daily workouts.
  • Protein before a hard workout doesn't give you energy that you can use during your workout. Your body can't break it down in time. Perhaps try a gatorade. You can even dilute it a little if it's too much.

    I get this a lot when I'm training and it's not something you need to call the doctor unless you try other options. He's just going to tell you have a carb source before hand like a banana, maybe a Fiber One bar or such, gatorade, etc.
    sometimes I was either had low blood sugar and or not eating enough calories throughout the day to sustain normal activities and my daily workouts.
  • LindsayHein
    LindsayHein Posts: 73 Member
    Definitely go and see your physician right away! If you are using your food diary, bring that in to show them. It may be a diet issue it may not be. This can help him/her narrow down possibilities. Good Luck! I will say a prayer for you.
  • Gulfgrammy
    Gulfgrammy Posts: 16 Member
    Are you eating enough and drinking enough water during the day ? How is your potassium level ? Breathing properly during your exercise is essential. I've recently read where eating cereal before you exercise is really good. Check your blood pressure. It may be too low. A close friend of mine fainted due to low blood pressure on Wednesday . He fell forward and hit his eye. He had eye surgery due to severe trauma to his right eye. As a result he may lose his eye sight. Fainting is never good. See your doctor please.
  • Eat carbs not protein before the workout. I bet you you won't get dizzy. That's all. No horror stories needed here until she tries that haha
  • Goal_Seeker_1988
    Goal_Seeker_1988 Posts: 1,619 Member
    sounds like blood pressure maybe too high.
  • Avalonis
    Avalonis Posts: 1,540 Member
    I've got a question and maybe someone's got an answer for it. After I finish an intense walk (or any kind of intense workout), I start getting tunnel vision, legs get wobbly, and nearly pass out. There are time that I do pass out for a few seconds. I do deep breathing to slow my heart rate and maybe I shouldn't do that, I don't know. But I'm scared to do any kind of work outs on my own since this happens every time. Before my workout I eat protein - which I thought would give me an energy kick before the workout. But I just can't figure out why I'm passing out? Does anyone have suggestions or advice to help me out?

    I had this exact same situation when I unintentionally didn't eat carbs for 8ish hours and then played 2 hours of tennis and 30 minutes of hill sprints. I thought I was going to throw up, I couldn't see right, and I was super lightheaded an dizzy. my whole vision was blacked over for a few seconds at a time.

    Eating carbs and enough calories was enough to not make it happen again FOR ME.

    However, if you have this condition regularly, like others said - You NEED to see a doctor. There could be serious health issues causing this.
  • Thanks for all the suggestions. I did go see my doctor today and they will be running some tests on me to find out what's going on. They think the combination of the high humidity and my blood pressure didn't help my situation out. I will be staying off the exercise until I know for sure what's going on. Thanks again for your support.
  • StormChaser217
    StormChaser217 Posts: 70 Member
    You really do need to go to a doctor and get a check up . Make sure you drink lots of water , and eat right . But most of all first see a doctor .
  • StormChaser217
    StormChaser217 Posts: 70 Member
    I am so glad you went to see a doctor . Remember drink lots of water when you work out .
  • JennsLosing
    JennsLosing Posts: 1,026
    maybe your bringing your heart rate down to quickly? anyways, i'd still go talk to a dr just to be sure
  • JennsLosing
    JennsLosing Posts: 1,026
    just saw you went to go see a dr, good luck to you ; )
  • jane130
    jane130 Posts: 28 Member
    Go see a doctor, fainting is not considered normal and can be dangerous. I would think you are having blood pressure issues, get your blood pressure checked (they have machines at grocery stores). Dehydration can cause low blood pressure, which is why people on here are suggesting you drink water.

    Don't mess around though, you need to see a health care provider if you are fainting.
  • 38Gigi38
    38Gigi38 Posts: 115 Member
    Suggest that your doctor request a Tilt Table test. I have a disorder called Vasovagal syncope, and that is just a big word for blood pooling in my legs. It causes my blood pressure to drop really fast when I'm standing too long because the blood isn't getting to m brain as fast as it should be, and I will pass out every time that it happens. Dehydration makes this disorder worse so that might be a contributing factor. I'm glad that you went to the doctor, just make sure they run the right tests.