Are you a weight watchers member?



  • hwilliams519
    hwilliams519 Posts: 428
    Are you a weight watchers member?


    *Note: I already know the negative things people say about ww, including the debate of Points vs PointsPlus. I could care less about that stuff. I'm trying to find out more of the positive aspects of being a ww member.

    Thanks for sharing that! I've wanted to see a nutritionist that could help me customize a plan, but I figured that was expensive. I think I will look into that.

    I am not, nor have I ever been, a WW member. "So, why are you replying?" one might reasonably ask. Because my wife has been a WW member for the past three or four years (I don't know exactly), and she's had great success with the "old" points program, having lost more than 80 lb. She's now doing the life member / maintenance thing. (And no, she doesn't like Points Plus either.)

    I, on the other hand, not only wanted to lose weight, I also was diagnosed with gout here a while back, and that's something with some odd dietary implications. I went to see a professional nutritionist, hoping for a simple, integrated diet plan that I could follow without a whole lot of fuss ... and she put together a customized program for me. ("Is it low fat or low carb?" I asked. She gave me an odd smile and answered, "Yes.") It was also she who pointed me to MFP for food-logging purposes, although I've since found it to be useful and enjoyable in a number of other ways, too. I bring this up because my wife was a $39.95 / month member. The nutritionist charged me $60 for my first visit, which lasted an hour and a quarter and involved many, many questions (from both her and me) and explanations (all from her). Thereafter, it's $30 per return visit, of which I've had one and am due for another in a couple of weeks -- but after that, she said, if I'm still doing well, she doesn't want to see me for another 6 months. In addition, she strongly encourages me to phone or email with questions at any time, and she's very prompt about answering the email.

    My point -- and I do have one! -- is that individual attention from a credentialled nutritionist / dietician is proving cheaper than a WW membership ... and, to my mind, is a much better value. And there's my two cents' worth.