One Year and 77 lbs later :)

clumsymofro Posts: 52 Member
edited September 29 in Success Stories
I've been on the bigger side of normal for almost all of my dad's side of the family aren't the smallest people in the world and I definitely inherited that gene. I really didn't start gaining all of the weight until I got to college and had the freedom to eat whatever I wanted, when I wanted; the beginning of my consumption of alcohol at this time didn't help either. I started packing on the pounds and before I knew it I was at 255 lbs, my heaviest. I tried so many diet plans and I lost up to 30 lbs at times but I would get lazy, frustrated or hit a plateau and just go back to the way that I was eating before. My dad was always concerned about my weight and told me that I needed to lose some and I only took this as him being mean and criticizing and not for what it really was, which was concern. My mom was always supportive of me and would gently nudge me to lose weight but she knew that I would lose it when I wanted to. About a year ago, I started having some health issues that weren't being resolved by traditional methods and I had read that they could be cured by weight loss. That's when I finally looked in the mirror and said to myself that I couldn't do this to myself anymore...I'm too young to be having the health issues I was and I needed to do it now before it got any harder. I started watching what I ate, portion control, exercising and pure willpower! The pounds started melting off of me and I couldn't even believe the results I was getting! People almost immediately noticed my weight loss and I still get a huge smile on my face to this day when I see the looks on people's faces who hadn't seen me in a while.I haven't met my goal yet and I still have my hard days and cravings (I'm a sweets-aholic) but I look back and tell myself that I never want to be like that again, never being able to find clothes and just feeling completely horrible about myself. I feel so much better now, am beginning to finally like what I see in the mirror! It took me some time to finally realize that I am what everyone says I am...beautiful and SKINNY!!

SW: 245 lbs
CW: 173 lbs
GW: 150 lbs
Previous size- 24
Current size- 14 :)


  • _SusieQ_
    _SusieQ_ Posts: 2,964 Member
    Awesomesauce!!!! WTG!
  • Pineapples
    Pineapples Posts: 246 Member
    This is an awesome accomplishment.
  • LaurieEReid
    LaurieEReid Posts: 273
    Way to go! Fantastic attitude!
  • HeatherrSue
    HeatherrSue Posts: 106 Member
    Congratulations on taking charge of your life, starting your journey, sticking with it, and someday hitting that final goal!!! Very awesome!
  • LuvMyBoys2
    LuvMyBoys2 Posts: 69 Member
    you are an inspiration! I hope I have the same success in a year. Slow and steady wins the race : )
  • Great work, you are an inspiration to me! :)
  • clumsymofro
    clumsymofro Posts: 52 Member
    Thank you everyone for your support! I'm glad that I can be an feels great to share my story and if it can help someone, even better! :)
  • deh1974
    deh1974 Posts: 3
    Congrats I all the hard work you hve done in a year I should have taken it slower like you : ) Today marks my first year anniversary since making a change or the better keep it up!
  • themommie
    themommie Posts: 5,033 Member
    CONGRATS, I also started a yr ago July 17th to be exact and have also lost 77lbs, too funny. Your story is very inspirational and helps me to keep going. I would like to lose another 23 lbs
  • Ocarina
    Ocarina Posts: 1,550 Member
    Wow! You are an inspiration. I can't wait to be in your shoes. :)
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