The battle of your mental state!

We all know that it isn't easy to change your life, especially those who juggle with jobs or schools and children! Weddings and baby showers are all around, which usually includes not so healthy food! After a long day at work you don't usually have time or energy to plan a healthy high in protein and fiber meal for you and your loved ones. It is so easy to fall back into the quick and easy way of life. After working collapsing into a sofa with a soda and a quick dinner is so much easier then putting that much more effort into getting done what you should be getting done!!!
I'll be the first to say, it is HARD. But it can be done. I'm still waiting for that extra energy to kick in that comes with exercising, but I'm confidant it will come. I am grateful to myfitnesspal (website and phone ap) for helping me keep count of my calories! and grateful to my trusty heart rate monitor which helps me keep track of those calories I'm burning more efficiently!
I'm really committed to doing this! Eating healthier, watching calories, and forcing myself to keep moving! I've recently inquired about belly dancing, wouldn't that be awesome!!!! There is a lot of active things to do that can be so much fun! Softball teams, volley balls teams, classes among classes of anything from belly dancing, hip hop dancing, zumba, pilates, yoga, the list goes on and on!!!! It doesn't have to be that awful treadmill. When I do have to get on my treadmill (WHICH I HATE) I use bungee cords to strap on my laptop so I can watch netflix or music videos right as I'm on my nice little stroll. Usually those strolls are cut short by my 6 year old who says I "Never do anything with him" and then I feel guilty, then there I am back on the sofa. Mind you I was a t-ball coach on my sons t-ball team last month, this month spent the day taking him to his cub scout day camp, and have gone swimming a dozen times, yet I never spend time with him, geeeeezzzz!!!! I do love that little boy though :) and I want all the time in the world before he is all grown up!
ok, I'll stop ranting now :)


  • mandygal13
    mandygal13 Posts: 219 Member
    You just posted on the biggest battle of all! It's so easy to get discouraged or overwhelmed. I've really been fighting that battle the last week. Thanks for encouragement, and just keep moving! Maybe you could go for a walk with your precious boy and spend time with him WHILE you exercise? Or invest in some Wii games that y'all could play together...
  • EmBlazes
    EmBlazes Posts: 374 Member
    Hi and thank you for posting this. A lot of people are in the same position! I think your determination to get on the treadmill is great because it really is hard to do it when you have other distractions - especially if you don't enjoy it!! You could definitely take your son for a walk.. we take our 13 year old for 3-4 hour walks in the countryside here in the UK and he is really quite fit now. At 6 he used to whinge about it but he soon got over that and started to enjoy the walks!!

    Keep on keeping on :happy:
  • rodneyderrick
    rodneyderrick Posts: 483 Member
    The mental state isn't talked about as much as it should be on here; but to make the leap from eating a crap load of calories to a reasonable amount of calories is huge, especially with all the articles saying calorie counting doesn't work. I see people fail at this everyday because they aren't able to balance life, fitness, and healthy eating. People who take in an extreme amount of calories daily are the first ones to eat too few calories when on a diet. Instead of gradually changing their eating habits, they hop into the deep end of the pool without knowing how to swim, and end up face down by the end of the week. Once an individual learns how to balance fitness and lifestyle, they will come to understand that this isn't a diet; it's a lifestyle change, and can feel good about spending the rest of their lives in skinny jeans.