Im gonna tell you what im like exactly

RobynFaye133 Posts: 40
edited September 29 in Chit-Chat
ive been on here for 2 weeks now, ive gained half a stone, ive been exercising my butt off! i no i wont see a huge change right away i no there is no quick fix but ive decided to let everyone no exactly who i am what im like and what isnt appropriate to say to me which will only make me mad n end up gettin in trouble.

im touchy about my weight, i no im a fat i no im over weight i get that all day every day off my mum but at least i am trying to change where as some people i no just moan about how big they are and eat 6 hotdogs for lunch with a family sized cheesecake afterwards, i dont eat that way i like feeling full but not ill n i eat healthy.

im very private certain things are just not right to say i hate my body i hate how ugly i look, and i have been the Drs over Thyroid problems as i gained weight quickly, yet for some reason it aint that making me gain weight its my fault.

i act confident but im not, i have 0 confidence and 0 happiness right now as i am overwieght.

im pretty easy going i like to have a laugh n a joke but i dont take it too far.

i like meeting new people and ive had great support on here but seems like just one person wants to make me feel miserable i wont stand for it, i have been walked all over all my life im not gonna keep my mouth shut ill tel u straight if you cross a line with me just so people no.

other than that nothing really winds me up, i dont want to be molycoddled or anything just some encouragement is nice not being told flat its all your fault. i like being nice being a ***** is not me but i dont care for nastyness and i wont take it.

im in a bad place right now but i want to lose weight for me no-one else and i will keep doing my best.


  • V44V
    V44V Posts: 366 Member
    You'll find you get nothing but support from here, good luck with your journey. Feel free to add me...
  • CarlaRG
    CarlaRG Posts: 264
    You are doing this for no one else but you. You are are the right road. There will be hurdles but keep pressing forward. You are worth the effort!
  • all i want is support just a nasty comment upset me =/ i think im touchy because im unhappy sometimes i snap at people when i dont mean to so i mostly post something to let people no im grouchty! thank you for the support :flowerforyou:
  • JaydeSkye
    JaydeSkye Posts: 282 Member
    YOU ARE TRYING to make changes to improve your life and happiness - be proud of that, its the first step to living your life the way YOU want to live!!

    Add me as a friend.

    I come from a family of obese/overweight everyone... I'm the odd one out and they point it out constantly and try to find other ways to attempt to belittle me. It doesn't work bc I have all the confidence in the world, but it still sucks. I know what you mean about the 6 hotdogs and cheesecake - that was how I grew up.

    We're here to support, encourage and share this journey together. I'm sarcastic but I'm usually just joking.. I'd never go out of my way to hurt anyone.
  • YOU ARE TRYING to make changes to improve your life and happiness - be proud of that, its the first step to living your life the way YOU want to live!!

    Add me as a friend.

    I come from a family of obese/overweight everyone... I'm the odd one out and they point it out constantly and try to find other ways to attempt to belittle me. It doesn't work bc I have all the confidence in the world, but it still sucks. I know what you mean about the 6 hotdogs and cheesecake - that was how I grew up.

    We're here to support, encourage and share this journey together. I'm sarcastic but I'm usually just joking.. I'd never go out of my way to hurt anyone.

    you made a change though! :) the girl i no who eats like that isnt very nice not coz shes big but because shes just a nasty person she made me feel horrible shes a size 22 and im a 14 i chose a dress and she said i looked disgustingly fat, i do get upset and i did burst into tears my mum does it all the time, sometimes i wonder if she cares she stops me from going out to exercise yet calls me everything under the sun fat slag fat ***** or the best one was how your boyfriend gets around the blubber ill never no....things like that :brokenheart:
  • JaydeSkye
    JaydeSkye Posts: 282 Member
    YOU ARE TRYING to make changes to improve your life and happiness - be proud of that, its the first step to living your life the way YOU want to live!!

    Add me as a friend.

    I come from a family of obese/overweight everyone... I'm the odd one out and they point it out constantly and try to find other ways to attempt to belittle me. It doesn't work bc I have all the confidence in the world, but it still sucks. I know what you mean about the 6 hotdogs and cheesecake - that was how I grew up.

    We're here to support, encourage and share this journey together. I'm sarcastic but I'm usually just joking.. I'd never go out of my way to hurt anyone.

    you made a change though! :) the girl i no who eats like that isnt very nice not coz shes big but because shes just a nasty person she made me feel horrible shes a size 22 and im a 14 i chose a dress and she said i looked disgustingly fat, i do get upset and i did burst into tears my mum does it all the time, sometimes i wonder if she cares she stops me from going out to exercise yet calls me everything under the sun fat slag fat ***** or the best one was how your boyfriend gets around the blubber ill never no....things like that :brokenheart:

    Your mother has issues. You are her CHILD she should NOT speak to you that way, period. That's me being a mother. I have three daughters and I would never speak to either of them that way. Now, me as a person - my mother is the one person that has been the rudest, nastiest person in my life. My mother has her own set of issues. The most annoying that she competes with me and is jealous of me. Its sick. I moved far away from her but recently she came to visit and we walked to the store.. a guy in a car beeped and yelled something. I ignore that kind of thing, I'm married and to be honest guys yelling out of cars does nothing for me... so my mother looked at me and said "he must've been yelling at you." And then a few more times, while we were together she got mad if guys would hit on me, rather than her. Its gross. It gets worse. My husband and I went out to see a movie and when we returned, before walking into the house I could hear her talking to my brother (who had also come to visit) inside my house. Not knowing we could hear them, I heard everything they said. Which included my mother telling my brother how she tried on my clothes in my closet and how I must not take care of my kids if I can go to the gym, etc. Just a lot of nasty things I'm not posting on here. But you get the idea. I didn't address it, she was leaving the following day anyway. Last week on FaceBook I seen a conversation she was having with my aunt telling her how I "think I'm better than her" and how she's so much better looking, skinnier, etc. (which isnt true) So - I can completely relate to the eff'd up mother.
  • JaydeSkye
    JaydeSkye Posts: 282 Member
    On another note.. yes, a size 14 is on the big side but it isn't record breaking. You can perfectly lose the weight and be half that size if you get your mind right, exercise and eat correctly. Plenty of people on here have done it starting out at even BIGGER sizes than a 14 and would be glad to help you. If you need encouragment, I have a blog that documents the weight I gained with pregnancy and then the weight I lost - in pictures. I was 209lbs, if I can do it... so can you.
  • sarahlasvegas
    sarahlasvegas Posts: 73 Member
    A UK 14 is a US 10 - you are not big at all.

    My mum and my sister take the p1ss about my weight loads ( i was always such skinnier than them) just have to rise above it.

    Feel free to add me for support - don't let people drag you down, x
  • :noway: your mother really said those things?! my mum had weight issues up until she was 16 now she hardly eats but she did have a overactive thyroid which made her loose alot of weight i sercretly think she has eating issues, but my brother said ever since i was born shes just lost it. sometimes i do think i am to blame that maybe i shouldnt be here. silly thinking that but its how she makes me feel she acts like her mother selfish and nasty and she goes on how she sacrificed everytihng for me, im sorry but she wasnt there at me school plays she didnt took me up in bed my dad did that, he doesnt think im huge but he never sides with me either. im trying so hard to lose weight but its not shifting! i dont no how much more i can do :( xxx
  • A UK 14 is a US 10 - you are not big at all.

    My mum and my sister take the p1ss about my weight loads ( i was always such skinnier than them) just have to rise above it.

    Feel free to add me for support - don't let people drag you down, x

    i shall, but they shouldnt take the piss my brother is quiet supportive and he'll stick up for me when i need him but he has his own family so i dont want to bug him there isnt anyone i can really talk to execpt on here thank you xx
  • JaydeSkye
    JaydeSkye Posts: 282 Member
    :noway: your mother really said those things?! my mum had weight issues up until she was 16 now she hardly eats but she did have a overactive thyroid which made her loose alot of weight i sercretly think she has eating issues, but my brother said ever since i was born shes just lost it. sometimes i do think i am to blame that maybe i shouldnt be here. silly thinking that but its how she makes me feel she acts like her mother selfish and nasty and she goes on how she sacrificed everytihng for me, im sorry but she wasnt there at me school plays she didnt took me up in bed my dad did that, he doesnt think im huge but he never sides with me either. im trying so hard to lose weight but its not shifting! i dont no how much more i can do :( xxx

    I've heard the whole "I sacraficed my life FOR YOU" speech since I was a toddler... didn't stop my mother from always putting herself first... like my first day of school - dropping me off down the street so she would make it to her boyfriend's house before the traffic came. Her boyfriend who she was cheating on my father with back at the time. Yep, I was always second to the boyfriends, etc. I completely get it. See... we'll be good friends, not only can we support eachother with weightloss, but also having mothers that say the darnest things haha.

    It took me a long time to know that my mother's problems were not my fault nor my responsibility. I'm 26. I've felt guilty for 24 of them years, now I know better. So big ((((hugs)))) to you and know that nomatter what kind of family you come from you can be whatever person you are inside. And I think I see a very confident, skinny hott girl just anxious to come out :)
  • BeyondApril
    BeyondApril Posts: 133 Member
    Absolutely nothing but support here. I have 3 kids, my daughters are thin but my son is overweight at 21. He will lose weight when HE is ready. I tell them I love them all the time, and that I am here for them whatever they need.

    MFP friends are here for YOU whatever you need. Do this for you, so that YOU can feel in control of your health and appearance.

    Good luck!
  • Don't let the crappy people get you down Robyn, I know it's difficult but keep on smiling and working hard to reach your goals, keep doing it for you =D! Screw everyone else and their idiotic opinions! Im sure you will do great and reach your weight goal in no time :)

    Here for a natter if you ever need one.

  • thank you guys n_n i had a rather crappy week last week but feeling much better now <3
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