For all my sacramento..or near to it... ladies :)

afteil Posts: 162 Member
edited September 29 in Motivation and Support
I would like to start this by saying that this is not an attempt to sell something, so first I'm going to tell you what I want to do, and then I will include my story so you can see my reasons why.

So- The what I want to do: I just joined Mary Kay a little less than a month ago. I did not join this business to get rich, or to sell people something they do not like, I joined because I love how happy women get when they look nice and know it (and because I believe in fate...but more about that later). But, one of the most important things I want to do is to help women like myself who want to lose weight, get healthy, and look amazing. So I came up with a plan.

YOU ARE INVITED! I want to have a party (or parties) to launch a new day in our lives. Even if you have been on this journey for a long time, every day is a new challenge, a new worry, a new accomplishment, and I want to celebrate it. I want us to have a party so we can have facials, get some pretty makeup and take pictures to give us our 'before'. I want us to be friends, to hold each other accountable for our journeys, to motivate us along the way, to give us someone to share our joys with or to talk to when we feel like we had the worst day ever. And I want this to be a motivation- I want to find out your goals, and a long the way I want to give you goodies for completing your journey. At the end of your journey I want to give you a big prize (which we can talk about in person since everyone loves different things).
WHAT CAN YOU DO? This is our world, ladies (no offense to the men out there=P). If you think you would be interested in joining me for a party, please send me a message on here. I am based out of Citrus Heights, (sacramento), but if I can get to you, you bet your bottom I will. If you think that you would be interested in hosting a party (which comes with its own perks) and sharing this with your friends who may or may not be on MFP, we can work that as well:).

Ok- done with the actual what of what I want to for the why:
My name is Amy and I am 22 years old, I'm 5'4 and I currently weigh 220 lbs. When I was 21 years old I was diagnosed with choroidal melanoma, (melanoma of the eye), and had to have one of my eyes removed. We found out that I had had a tumor for almost a year, and we became very afraid that it had spread to other parts of my body. The first place that this cancer spread was to the liver, and if it did that then it would basically be a death sentence(or so the internet tells me). While they were running blood tests, I found out that my liver was damaged...not because of cancer, but because of my weight. I knew I had to change my life at that point, but as life goes I got in my own way and would zig zag for the rest of the year...Then spring came and I was going to school 6 days a week, and trying to take care of my husband who was working and going to school as well. Summer came and I vowed to get myself into shape (because we are planning on going to cabo this new years for my moms old boss/friends wedding) and I lost 20 lbs fairly quickly...and then I got in my way again and my weight loss stalled. But I have skipped over something important- I am a culinary student, and the reason I was at school 6 days a week was because I had to work in our student run restaurant 2 days a week and then I had normal classes the other 4. I had been a MK consultant before, but I was young and didnt do much with it. But, one day I was working in the cafe, and overheard our hostess talking to a lovely lady, and low and behold they were talking about mary kay, and I knew there had to be a reason behind it. So, I started talking to her as well, and we ended up having a face party our schools library in a study room, that happened to have large clear windows. So here we are sitting there with cleanser on our face, our hair held back by dorky headbands, playing with makeup with 2 small children in the room trying to eat the markers. And I loved every minute of it. I had to wait 3 months to get the money and rejoin MK, and I jumped in and started going to every meeting and party I could.

And I realized something- when you surround yourself with people who are positive, helpful, and sweet, who are all working towards the same is very hard not to be energized and want to succeed too. And heck, if it works for selling makeup...why wouldnt it work for something as important as our lives and our health? So I came up with the plan that I mentioned above...and ive given it a lot of thought and asked a lot of different people what I should do: If i should wait till i lost some weight, or if i should do it as I lose weight so we can all work together, and they said with a resounding 'huzzah!' that we should do it together. So here I am:) and, I hope, you will be here with me. Ive reset my ticker to 0 because I truly want my journey to start again, with joy and enthusiasm, and most imporantly,

With Love
-Amy J.


  • Anyamare
    Anyamare Posts: 1
    All I can say is that I love you, my darling daughter.:flowerforyou:
  • afteil
    afteil Posts: 162 Member
    Ty mommie<3
  • afteil
    afteil Posts: 162 Member
    :( no one?
  • himitsusj
    himitsusj Posts: 9 Member
    well there's two people, mom and I. Technically, anyways.
  • afteil
    afteil Posts: 162 Member
    Blah, I had hoped people would actually be interested in something like this. Oh well.
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