
Just wanted to say Hi...I am going to do it this time...My "GONNA DO IT" method has to work I am hoping this website will help..it has already opened my eyes to how many calories I eat in a day...OUCH! I just strted today and I love the feture that you can use the mobile device to scan the barcode of food items and get the info for servings, callories etc... I am looking forward to meeting/hearing about how others are doing and for some encouragement which I am sure I will need along the way.:smile:


  • rikisue206
    rikisue206 Posts: 99 Member
    Welcome! I too was very suprised and shocked on how many calories I was eating. Just stick with it and it does work! If you don't already I highly suggest you get the app on your phone! It has been a constent remind for me and I think my saving grace! Good luck!!!
  • LolasEpicJourney
    LolasEpicJourney Posts: 1,010 Member
    You can (and will) do it! I think determination is what really matters. If there is a will - there is a way!! Welcome
  • jrdjrd
    jrdjrd Posts: 4 Member

    The app has been an eye opener to me too. I was surprised how much I have been eating too.
  • cpauscher
    cpauscher Posts: 41
    Welcome. I'm glad you're here. It's eye-opening for sure when we really start looking at our food habits. It takes time and determination with lots of support to truly change how you eat. Don't get discouraged. Anything that is this important takes time to make it stick.

    If you would like to add me as a friend, I'd love to have you.
  • jenwall1973
    If you'd like some extra friends, feel free to add me. I'm pretty new at my journey also - but the encouragement I've gotten from my MFP friends has been invaluable. You're gonna do great!!!
  • mary127
    mary127 Posts: 90 Member
    Welcome!! There is so much support here you'll love it. It truly has helped me. Feel free to add me. Good luck & enjoy!
