
Sweettart Posts: 1,331 Member
edited September 19 in Health and Weight Loss
What are some of the weight loss supplements you are taking and how do they work for you?


  • Sweettart
    Sweettart Posts: 1,331 Member
    What are some of the weight loss supplements you are taking and how do they work for you?
  • shanwow16
    shanwow16 Posts: 203 Member
    I am taking CLA-80 which is supposed to help trim the fat around your mid-section a little quicker/easier when you are eating a healthy diet and excersing regularly. As per the the person that worked at the Nutrition store I went to it just helps burn those fat pockets that you don't normally burn with regular excersice. It's a natural supplement with the essential Omega fatty acids that help burn fat quicker. It's not too expensive, about $30 canadian per bottle, about a months supply. I have noticed a difference since taking it, I'm down a belt notch, but nothing drastic and I feel fine when taking it.
    I'm afraid to take anything like Hydroxycut though - not sure what it would do to me, if it will do anything to my heart in the long run, etc? As much as I want quick results - realisticly you shouldn't lose that much weight in such a short amount of time.
  • Sweettart
    Sweettart Posts: 1,331 Member
    Yes I've heard of a lot of ppl taking CLA actually one of my friends does the body building compitions and she also said to use it think I'll give it a try. I've tried diet pills and the only one that works for me that does make my hear t race is firelean without ephedrine. It just gives you that little boost in the morning and I only take 1 pill before my workout.
  • Poison5119
    Poison5119 Posts: 1,460 Member
    The problem about weight loss pills, when paired with exercise and diet, is HOW DO YOU KNOW it isn't the exercise and diet that's doing it, and not the pills? The only way you'd be able to know if it's doing anything is to stop exercising and dieting for a few months to see if the pills are actually doing anything.

    I was taking Tonalin CLA for the first two months I used MFP, and I dieted and exercised, and I have not taken the pills in two months, and I'm still losing weight. I've lost weight straight through at the same rate. Tonalin, imho is a waste of 60 cals that I'd rather have somewhere else! Just my .o2 cents.
  • I use Hydroxycut Hardcore and it works pretty good but it makes me sleepy. I know, strange right! lol
    I also take CytoSport CytoSlim protien shakes after my workouts adn that helps too.
  • shanwow16
    shanwow16 Posts: 203 Member
    The problem about weight loss pills, when paired with exercise and diet, is HOW DO YOU KNOW it isn't the exercise and diet that's doing it, and not the pills? The only way you'd be able to know if it's doing anything is to stop exercising and dieting for a few months to see if the pills are actually doing anything.

    I was taking Tonalin CLA for the first two months I used MFP, and I dieted and exercised, and I have not taken the pills in two months, and I'm still losing weight. I've lost weight straight through at the same rate. Tonalin, imho is a waste of 60 cals that I'd rather have somewhere else! Just my .o2 cents.

    Yeah, I was using CLA prior to MFP - but when I stopped using them I wasn't seeing the same results. A lot of it is likely mind over matter, but I figured I'd give it a whirl and see if I benefit. After 1 month if I'm not seeing a difference I'll probably just try without. I'm only on my 2nd week of re-starting to take the CLA.
    I was drinking a protein supplement after work outs for muscle repair, but I'm afraid that I'll bulk up too much taking that as I have a hard time staying under my protein as it is plus I take a daily vitamin.
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