new here :)

hi everyone.
im Randee, im 24 and live in North Dakota. I have two kids (2.5 and 1) Im a stay at home mom.

i have a weight loss goal of 70lbs, seems like so much right now.
im having a HARD time with meal ideas, food choices etc...
ive been trying to cut out one bad habit at a time, i got rid of pop/juice 100% and thats a HUGE one for me.

i try exercising when i can, usually its a 2 mile walk(brisk)

idk. so thats me.

i need any advice or ideas or anything. thanks!


  • Kougra
    Kougra Posts: 358 Member
    Hello and Welcome! You took the first step. You got moving!! Please feel free to friend me. We are here for you!
  • Kelly_Wilson1990
    Kelly_Wilson1990 Posts: 3,245 Member
    Welcome Randee!!
  • ICantW8
    ICantW8 Posts: 7

    I am also new here, but everyone so far seems to be so supportive. I think we have both came to the right place. I am in the same boat as you. 70 lbs to lose and two little ones. We can do this together. Good luck.
    Feel Free to add me.
  • szczepj
    szczepj Posts: 422
    You are on the right track! If you think your ultimate goal looks really big look into making mini goals. I recently made some mini goals up and I'm only 3 ish pounds away from my first one! I'm excited! :)