Dieting again! Need help!

buccynde Posts: 10 Member
edited September 29 in Introduce Yourself
I am new to actually using MFP. I have had it as an app. for a year, thought I would use it. I am looking for some support this time. Maybe I will stick with it. Problem is is that I love food. Junk food, fast food, high calorie food! I would love to find some friends out there who have the same issues or who have advice! Looking forward to success!


  • szczepj
    szczepj Posts: 422
    I love food too! If you want a friend just add me :)
  • Tdk4685
    Tdk4685 Posts: 293 Member
    I just started MFP about a month ago. I also love junk food!!! However I have found by using MFP I am making smarter choices every day and I still get a little treat now and then. I just started working out at the gym too and that has helped a great deal. That is alowing me to have my little treats so I think over all it is going rather well. It is slow going however, but I think it is working.
  • Tdk4685
    Tdk4685 Posts: 293 Member
    I just started MFP about a month ago. I also love junk food!!! However I have found by using MFP I am making smarter choices every day and I still get a little treat now and then. I just started working out at the gym too and that has helped a great deal. That is alowing me to have my little treats so I think over all it is going rather well. It is slow going however, but I think it is working.
  • ICantW8
    ICantW8 Posts: 7
    I have the same problem. Junk food. Mine is mainly the sweets. I have such a hard time staying away from it. I would love to be in your support network. Feel free to add me. Good luck
  • PSUgrl921
    PSUgrl921 Posts: 368 Member
    I'm in that boat too! Love junk. Fast food is awful for me! I love it way too much! Good luck and feel free to add me if you wish! Just remember it's a day by day process! I track daily goals which is huge for me and less overwhelming.

  • I'm a foodie! I love food!

    I'm learning about portion control however.
  • MicMar66
    MicMar66 Posts: 186 Member
    Hi and welcome. I know what you mean about junk food...It is so addictive! Sounds like you are off to a good start. Keep it up!
  • ltowne
    ltowne Posts: 129 Member
    Oh my....we are in the same boat. I would rather eat fries and a burger than about anything else. I am an emotional eater. I eat when I'm happy, sad, glad or mad!!!! Our social life evolves around food too! I have lost 23 pounds since January. Not bad...not great but better than nothing. Lately, I have been lacking in my attention to calories. My best friend has been ZUMBA class. I love it and it is a great way to burn calories and get the heart rate up. Our instructor estimates about 900 calories burned per hour. I guess I feel like if I exercise a few days a week, then I can treat myself to junk food once in awhile. Not a real smart choice, but one I can live with. Good luck and feel free to add me as a friend for support! By the're so lucky to be in sunny Forida! It is one of our favorite vacation destinations!
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