


  • Jbean818
    Jbean818 Posts: 5 Member
    I have the same problem! I usually try to stay really healthy during the week and "save" a lot of calories for the weekend. That being said- I think its important to try not to get DRUNK when you drink. If you drink 5 light beers thats only about 500 calories, but for me once I go over that limit I am wayyyy more likely to eat another 2,000 or so in junk food!! I think the eating after is the worst part. It wrecks your stomach and your diet way worse than the actual drinking. To slow myself down I either drink seltzer in between drinks or sometimes I even bring lollipops and other candies out to busy myself with. Works for me. Also, drinking less with non-alcoholic drinks in between prevents the next day hangover- which means I'm more likely to hop back on the healthy eating and exercise routine. Hope it helps you! :)
  • dad106
    dad106 Posts: 4,868 Member
    I hear ya.. I just graduated college and I know what that is like. You go to the bar, get drunk and then all you want afterwards/the next day is a really greasy pizza( and about 95% of the time, thats what I did!)

    I say don't quit drinking entirely but maybe instead of drinking the entire weekend, only drink like one day. Also, you don't have to drink when you're at a bar.. you can just dance and hang out with your friends and it will still be fun. That way you can keep your diet in check and not worry so much.