Can you tell when your partner/friend/spouse is lying?

People do some strange things when they're about to tell an untruth, a friend of mine (she had a speech impediment )would stammer a lot worse, when she was about to tell a lie. And my ex would scratch his head whilst lying. Anybody got any lying give-aways out there???


  • change_happens
    no eye contact, shifty eyes, fast talking, looking down, changing the subject, twisting lips, pretending lik they have a text message, acting as though they forgot something, having to make a quick phone call that would not have been made before they were caught.... the list goes on and on. the longer you have been with a person, you will know when they are lying.
  • TheGoktor
    TheGoktor Posts: 1,138 Member
    My partner makes it really obvious when he's lying...

    "Are those your teeth marks in the cheese?"

    "Of course not, it was the giant mouse, silly!"


    "Was that your bottom?"

    "No, it was the dog" (we don't have a dog)

    These comedy lies are *always* accompanied by a huge grin and followed by a fit of giggles!

    I should add that amato mio is THE most honest person I've ever met in my entire life; he doesn't actually lie to anyone, and he certainly has no need to lie to me...nor I to him.

    I have however, had partners who've been pretty scummy when it comes to telling the truth, and yes, they have definitely been shifty. Which of course is why they never lasted long!

    A very close friend of mine can be economical with the truth, although this has more to do with her being massively insecure than actual dishonesty. I tend to give her 'the look' when she starts on one of her fantasies, and then she looks sheepish and apologises! I have to keep reminding her that she has no need to fib to me, nor does she need to impress me (which is the main reason for her untruths), but I accept that it takes a while to unlearn a lifetime of behavioural habits....she's getting better, and after all, we've only been friends for three years! :laugh: But I always know when an exaggeration or lie is imminent because she gets very animated and excitable. It's as though she has to get it out as quickly as possible, lest she forget any of the details!
  • suzycreamcheese
    suzycreamcheese Posts: 1,766 Member
    yes i think i can tell, but the extent of his lies is usually something like "of course im fine". "no im not pissed off", when he blatantly is.

    If he lies about other stuff, then no, i cant tell
  • angelicdisgrace
    angelicdisgrace Posts: 2,071 Member
    My husband tries to keep a straight face then he can't help it and gets a huge smile.
  • bonjour24
    bonjour24 Posts: 1,119 Member
    i can tell when a lot of people are lying- it's in the non verbal cues they give. but then it's part of my job to know that stuff. my other half knowsnot to bother lying (not that he did to begin with). he has learned either to just not tell me stuff (which i can still tell that he's hiding something- he gets all twitchy), or he just tells me the truth very nicely. like 'no your bum doesn't look fat in those pants. it's your thighs that look fattest'.
  • Gagal81
    Gagal81 Posts: 6
    I cant lie. I tell all over myself. I cant look anyone in the eye or keep a straight face while lying. My son is the same way. Now my exhusband can lie and not even blink, the only reason I could catch him in a lie was because he would tell so many lies he couldnt keep his story straight. Finally just got it in my head that if his mouth was moving he was lying lol
  • middleofseven
    Boy can I relate. I got rid of my "husband" years ago. No more lies.