First post, 10lbs down.

Hello all,

I have been eating a 1200 calorie diet since the beginning of May and have been using MFP for almost as long, but this is my first time on the website. I am down 10 pounds so far and am starting to notice. *Super Excited* I don't know anyone else that has the mindset to loose weight, so seeing everyone on here is great. Most people sit around and complain they aren't loosing weight instead of getting up and doing it. So glad to be a part of this community.


  • hollwoods
    hollwoods Posts: 27 Member
    Congratulations, I have also been eating better since May and have slowly been losing weight. But since I've been using the phone App and on an 1800 calorie diet (usually falling short because of less carbs), most of the weight has come off recently. Again, congrats on your first 10 and I hope the very best.
  • FilmGirl
    FilmGirl Posts: 5 Member
    Thanks, I was only loosing about a pound a week from the lower calorie diet. When I started incorporating exercise, I lost a bit more a week. It's usually hard for me to hit my calorie mark too, mainly because I would rather be under than over. The phone app is usually all I use too. Good job on loosing so far.