Vitamin Waters??

vemaddox Posts: 133 Member
ok so i know water is in the name so dont think im too crazy for asking this....if you drink them yourself do u count them towards your water consumtion or no.....the ones i drink have basically 0 on everything just like water just have the vitamins.....what do u with those drinks?


  • HMonsterX
    HMonsterX Posts: 3,000 Member
    Yes it counts.

    So does fruit, veg, tea, juice, soda, etc.

    Remember, its not 8 glasses of WATER, its the equivalent of 8 glasses of fluid.
  • minburke
    minburke Posts: 241 Member
    I don't count sodas or soups or fluid.

    But I count water and anything that is mostly water like vitamin waters, gatorade etc but I also log the calories included in those types of drinks also.
  • kathy985
    kathy985 Posts: 1
    I was wondering the same thing. I've decided that since the first ingedient is water and there are no calories, I will count it towards my water consumption. But since the kind I like has "fake sugar" - (sucralose), I will be limiting myself to one a day :)
  • leomom72
    leomom72 Posts: 1,797 Member
    Yes it counts.

    So does fruit, veg, tea, juice, soda, etc.

    Remember, its not 8 glasses of WATER, its the equivalent of 8 glasses of fluid.

    what are you talking about ? you don't mean on your food diary, do you, because it DOES say water..
  • Zen_Master_B
    Yes it counts.

    So does fruit, veg, tea, juice, soda, etc.

    Remember, its not 8 glasses of WATER, its the equivalent of 8 glasses of fluid.
    Carbonated drinks and Caffeinated drink dehydrate you, something to keep in mind. But your very right most people don't factor in how the water content of fruits and veggies goes toward there goals, admittedly it is a negligible amount anyway.
  • cband
    cband Posts: 45 Member
    I was wondering the same thing. I've decided that since the first ingedient is water and there are no calories, I will count it towards my water consumption. But since the kind I like has "fake sugar" - (sucralose), I will be limiting myself to one a day :)

    I LOVE viatmin water xxx. I used to drink the regular but now I use the zero as a treat for myself when I'm good that day :p
  • minburke
    minburke Posts: 241 Member
    Yes it counts.

    So does fruit, veg, tea, juice, soda, etc.

    Remember, its not 8 glasses of WATER, its the equivalent of 8 glasses of fluid.

    "Water Consumption

    We recommend that you drink at least 8 cups of water a day."
  • HMonsterX
    HMonsterX Posts: 3,000 Member
    Yes it counts.

    So does fruit, veg, tea, juice, soda, etc.

    Remember, its not 8 glasses of WATER, its the equivalent of 8 glasses of fluid.

    what are you talking about ? you don't mean on your food diary, do you, because it DOES say water..

    It says water, as its a simple way to make damn sure you're getting enough fluid. Have a listen/read of this

    Water comes from many sources, not just the tap. :)

    As for dehydrating, thats just not true. Its true that a cup of coffee wont hydrate you as well as a glass of water, but it'll do 75% of it. So it still hydrates, just not as effectively.
  • minburke
    minburke Posts: 241 Member
    Yes it counts.

    So does fruit, veg, tea, juice, soda, etc.

    Remember, its not 8 glasses of WATER, its the equivalent of 8 glasses of fluid.

    what are you talking about ? you don't mean on your food diary, do you, because it DOES say water..

    It says water, as its a simple way to make damn sure you're getting enough fluid. Have a listen/read of this

    Water comes from many sources, not just the tap. :)

    As for dehydrating, thats just not true. Its true that a cup of coffee wont hydrate you as well as a glass of water, but it'll do 75% of it. So it still hydrates, just not as effectively.

    I guess it's all a personal preference but I'm definitely not hydrated unless I drink 2L of pure water a day.
  • HMonsterX
    HMonsterX Posts: 3,000 Member
    Its each to their own ofc. I never drink actual neat water, and im fine. The point i was making it that the average body doesnt need 2L of pure neat water a day. Just make sure you drink when you're thirsty, and you'll be fine :)
  • Marsha_S
    Marsha_S Posts: 74 Member

    I guess it's all a personal preference but I'm definitely not hydrated unless I drink 2L of pure water a day.

    Same and tea makes me feel even more thirsty so I only drink herbal tea. If I don't drink my 2L of water I'm gasping, even if I have juice or something else.
  • Hananiah
    Hananiah Posts: 128 Member
    It is best to get regular water...because vitamins can easily be obtained from raw fruits and/or vegetables.
  • Luthorcrow
    Luthorcrow Posts: 193
    Does it count for your body? Yes, just the way a cup of coffee, tea or coke would as well. They are all mostly water but that is not the intent of the 8 cups of water meter. It is supposed to be there to encourage and help track how many cups of water you drink. Not flavored water, not diet soda, just plain water. 8 cups of plain, preferable filtered water is a pretty standard healthy recommendation.

    There a lot of reasons to drink pure water. It gives your kidneys a break and it helps hydrate and flush your system. Even drinks with no calories will have artificial sweeteners which are sweeter than any natural sugar in fruits or vegetables or even honey or cane sugar. Which just trains your palette to expect fake levels of sweetness which real fruit and vegetables cannot match.