Ah! Potlucks at work!

Phera Posts: 269 Member
edited September 19 in Motivation and Support
So apparently potluck season is upon us at work. In the break room there's two boxes of Kripy Kreme, a plate of orange sugar cookies, and a whole berry pie. We're not even to lunch yet and I just want to go in and gobble it down. I know about the whole, "nothing tastes as good as thin feels," but how do you guys resist delectible temptations at work?


  • Phera
    Phera Posts: 269 Member
    So apparently potluck season is upon us at work. In the break room there's two boxes of Kripy Kreme, a plate of orange sugar cookies, and a whole berry pie. We're not even to lunch yet and I just want to go in and gobble it down. I know about the whole, "nothing tastes as good as thin feels," but how do you guys resist delectible temptations at work?
  • I limit my trips to the breakroom and only go in to fill up my water bottle. Drink lots and lots of water! If I walk in there and feel as though i must eat, I return to my office and eat one of my snacks (this way I am aware of the calorie count) Lastly, I put each and every thing in my food diary on this site to I know how much wiggle room I have. Sometimes I have a cup of coffee with flavored creamer to take the edge off :) Good Luck!
  • planitsd
    planitsd Posts: 2 Member
    Socialize more. If you are busy talking you may have less time to eat.
    I also could suggest to bring something delicious that is lowfat... maybe you'll start a trend and motivate others as well!
  • i just think of how bad il feel all day and how bad i feel about myself it soon puts me off, i just take my own snacks to work or have a filling breakfast so the thought of eating them just makes me feel sick
  • mommared53
    mommared53 Posts: 9,543 Member
    I don't know but there is something on a plate out by the coffee pot and it's covered with aluminum foil with a note on it that says it contains walnuts. I didn't look to see what it was but I'm thinking . . . . . . DA DA DAAAAAAAAA . . . . . . chocolate fudge. (SCREAMS) I'm trying hard to stay away and not look at it but it keeps softly calling my name. Betty . . . Betty . . . Betty
  • I agree with one of the previous posts...I just think about how MAD I'll be at myself if I do give into temptation. I think back about a time when I gave in and how crappy I felt. It's tough, but once you start seeing results (like getting back into your "skinny jeans") it makes those temptations easier to avoid. :tongue:
    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Easy Calorie Counting
  • stylistchik
    stylistchik Posts: 1,436 Member
    I'd vote with start the healthy trend! The girls I work with are always bringing in treats to share and our manager trains for fitness competitions and its funny how when she starts dieting again, everyone goes to her food and/or start to bring in healthy treats of their own to share!Its fun to share new healthy recipes you find, too!
  • clewliss
    clewliss Posts: 640 Member
    They can be the death of your healthy eating depending on how strong of a person you are! Here's why:
    1) You start walking by it, gauking over it, tasting it, then you have to have it!
    2) Then, you think what's wrong with a little bit more
    3) By this time, you realize you can't resist and stop where you are and then you just eat until it's gone!
    4) You get home and ask yourself why you did it and feeling guilty, you start saying negative things to yourself.
    5) Feeling like a failure (even though you aren't) you give up!

    I say this from personal experience! Been there, done that. Maybe you are a stronger person!
    The "new me" goes into the lounge and I put on my plate what I think I really want and count it, too. I then go back to my quarters and eat alone! I'm a very social person and get along with everyone, but I have to do that for ME! Everyone just assumes that I'm that busy and can't stay around:wink:
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