Is it really worth having?

So this mornng I woke up thinking how nice it would be to grab a Chai tea latte @ Starbucks. Being responsible I checked out their website and discovered that along with that venti size tea being $5. it also has a whopping 53 gr. of sugar, 56 gr of carbs and 260 cals. (non fat milk). YIKES! I think I will just make my own @ home. Not saying I will give up the Starbucks version forever, but really I was kinda shocked. What have you decided just isn't worth it?


  • springtrio
    springtrio Posts: 429 Member
    YIKES! I had no idea it was that high. I don't go there unless it's "pumpkin spice latte" season and after last year I discovered I should have never gone after I seen the nutrition in it. I think a treat once or twice a year is nice, but I agree with you - avoid it and do your own version.
  • JodiS75
    JodiS75 Posts: 284
    Starbucks, lol! Actually, just about any drink with calories (besides my red wine!) I decided a while back that I would rather eat my calories than drink them. :drinker:
  • JessPaul93016
    JessPaul93016 Posts: 119 Member
    Donuts.... because I can't just eat one! :laugh:
  • tabi26
    tabi26 Posts: 535 Member
    Tim Hortons!! I used to have French Vanilla Cappucinos ALL the time! The last time I had one it had soo much sugar it actually made me physically ill.....vomit and all!! EWWWW!!!!:sick:
  • melzteach
    melzteach Posts: 550 Member
    I make my own, chai latte, at home almost every morning; except I use a teaspoon of agave nectar and a splash of 2% milk. So delish!

    For me most coffeehouse drinks and smoothies from fast food restaurants are simply not worth it. WAY too much sugar and calories!
  • Angela4Health
    Angela4Health Posts: 1,319 Member
    Fettucine Alfredo.... never again.
  • sufikitkat
    sufikitkat Posts: 583 Member
    Subway! So much sodium it's scary even in a Turkey sub. I still eat there once in awhile, like if I forget to pack a lunch for work, but it really is just not appealing to me anymore.
  • lucyhoneychurch
    lucyhoneychurch Posts: 576 Member
    Coke. 140 calories that can be eaten somewhere else, and 34g of sugar that I would have to work off later on. Not worth it!
  • I did the same thing yesterday with movie popcorn. I looked it up ahead of time and was appalled by how much fat is in there, even without the butter! Glad I looked ahead because when I got there it wasn't even a temptation. Totally NOT worth it!
  • katschi
    katschi Posts: 689 Member
    Almost everything aside from meats, veggies, a bit of fruit and fats.

    I have chai tea with coconut milk and some splenda (my vice)
    My other favorite treat is coconut-cherry smoothies.

    I don't miss any of the crap I used to eat.
    It doesn't tempt me anymore.
    Such a relief.
  • Articeluvsmemphis
    Articeluvsmemphis Posts: 1,987 Member
    McDonalds just isn't worth it. and drinking my calories just isn't worth it. don't get me wrong, I occasionally drink a Dr. Pepper or root beer, but just in general, day to day living, I drink water, green tea, or make some low calorie instant coffee w/ few additives. but I was right there w/ you on the Starbucks thing. I LOVED my white chocolate mocha, and got it nearly everyday. yep about a good 400-600calories(i believe) worth depending on the size. I'll eventually get one again this Fall when it gets cool/cold out, but it'll be like once a month seriously.
  • McRebecca
    McRebecca Posts: 72
    I drove by 3 Starbucks today on my way to work... I contemplated stopping at each one... I drove past each one! The cost and the cals helped me stay away too!! I poured a black coffee with a tsp of sugar and a tsp of hot chocolate mix in it.. CHEAPER and less cals! Still yummy too.
  • dayglo4
    dayglo4 Posts: 18
    I have chai tea with coconut milk and some splenda (my vice)
    My other favorite treat is coconut-cherry smoothies.

    Coconut cherry smoothies you say! Yum, now I will have to try one :)
  • Pam3
    Pam3 Posts: 1,687 Member
    anything chocolate...cant resist just having a single piece....
  • jllipson
    jllipson Posts: 646
    Any and all soft drinks!
  • I can't believe I used to drink two or three cans of regular Dr. Pepper a day about a year ago. I think they have over 40 grams sugar in a can and according to MFP, my daily sugar should be about 35 grams. WOW.
  • NeuroticVirgo
    NeuroticVirgo Posts: 3,671 Member
    Starbucks, lol! Actually, just about any drink with calories (besides my red wine!) I decided a while back that I would rather eat my calories than drink them. :drinker:

    This! I only get starbucks now as a treat. And I downgraded from a Venti Caramel or Javi Chip Frappuccino w/ whipped cream a tall LIGHT caramel frappuccino with out whipped cream. It comes out to about 100 calories (maybe a little more if I add some caramel drizzle). Nice little treat.
  • pinknsassyemt
    pinknsassyemt Posts: 68 Member
    Starbucks does sell a 100caloried coffee drink/frapp style thing in my local grocery store by the coffee.. it comes in a four pack and each bottle is 100cals... I bought a 4 pack for treats, chill them at home with some light whip cream... might be something to help you thru that crave :-)