Water retention vs. plateau?

When I started using this tool, about a month and a half ago, things went well and I lost 7 pounds in the first few weeks. Since the last week in June, I weigh myself each week and nothing is happening. I'm measuring too and no progress there.

I'm trying to figure out what is going on. I do tend to eat salty snacks later in the evenings (staying under my calorie goal on most days) and wonder if water retention can be that drastic? If it's not that, perhaps a plateau? I've heard of those, but not experienced one.

I'm interested in hearing any stories or sharing of similar experiences. Thanks!


  • While I surely can't know your particular situation, I DO know that water retention CAN be pretty drastic. Give up those salty snacks! (I know how hard that is - because I am not a sweets person. Salty stuff all the way!!!! :(
  • staceyo1211
    staceyo1211 Posts: 163
    I retain water not sure why and my dr isnt sure, but I take a daily water pill that helps get rid of the extra water. If I dont take it my weight can and has gone up 3-4 pounds over night. That is done even by staying within my calorie and salt intake. it sucks.
  • amyers35
    amyers35 Posts: 51
    its hard to tell with a closed diary and if you are not tracking sodium! drink water,water,water! it is probably that. i think that is what was the matter with me a couple of weeks ago when i went back to my hometown. thought i was hitting a plateau but im thinking it was from all of the eating out and salty foods and not drinking enough water bc when i got home i was back to my weight before i left- in a week. its easier to drink lots of water when i am at home/work with my water bottle but i didnt have anything w me when i went back to hometown and i dont like drinking water on roadtrips bc of stopping!
  • staciekins
    staciekins Posts: 453 Member
    Are you tracking sodium and drinking plenty of water? It's recommended to drink half your weight in ounces (180 lbs= 90 oz) Also try to get as close to (even go over) your fiber and protein, but stay under your carbs and sodium
  • ste73
    ste73 Posts: 90
    there are water shedding tablets if you think water retention is a problem. there used in body building to remove water to give a more defined and vascular look. one litre of water weighs 1 kilo, so it can soon add up, but remember your body works better when it's properly hydrated, so what you could potentially be doing is making your workout stamina suffer for the sake of tipping the scales in your favour. The best weigh to monitor it your self is to keep an eye on the colour of your urine. Any discoloration is a sign of of dehydration and if you get a dry mouth, that means you are already a third dehydrated

    hope this helps
  • Thanks, everyone, for your replies!

    I don't watch sodium (and doesn't everything have sodium these days, particularly if it's pre-packaged) and pretzels are one of my favorite snacks. Time to buy carrot sticks, I guess. It's not the saltiness I like, it's the crunchiness.

    I drink some water, but don't drink enough. Will try to do better!

    Thanks again, all!
  • xraychick77
    xraychick77 Posts: 1,775 Member
    you stay under your calorie goal on most days....think about that

    do you workout? you have to exercise to see results.

    and simply eating salty snacks is not going to stop weight loss
  • joejccva71
    joejccva71 Posts: 2,985 Member
    You should be about 5-7 17oz water bottles a day, which is roughly a half gallon to a gallon of water.