How I shed pounds, no dieting!

Okay, so to get started, I'd like to say I've been overweight for most of my life. But all of that changed within a few weeks. Just because you want to lose weight and/or become healthy, doesn't mean you have to go on some fad diet, or eat low carbs! I will show you how I lose weight without depriving myself.

First of all, I absolutely HATE dieting because I get tempted to eat things I can't, so I just binge eat because I'm not enjoying what I'm eating. I mean, I do limit myself, but not to a diet.My main rules:
-No junk food (only in moderation)
-No fast food (no matter how good that double cheeseburger looks)
-Only water/gatorade
-Workout at least an hour a day

Now, it seems like I have not strict rules, but not easy either. But they are easy!

What I do to make sure I lose weight without depriving myself is I only limit myself. Yes, I eat chocolate, candy, soda, sugar, but only in moderation. I find out how many calories/carbs/grams of fat. I use this website to help me with that. Then I eat whatever I want as long as I don't go past what I should. No diet, whatsoever. With this plan, I lose about 2-3 pounds a week. It's not good to make yourself not eat what you want to. You will just eventually end up overeating, which is not good.

As for my exercise plan, I exercise at least 45 min- 1 hr daily. I swim, do yoga, run, jog, walk, play sports, anything that gets me active. You can't get bored with your workout, because you won't do it. I also play the Wii Fit sometimes, because I lose weight while playing video games. How awesome is that?

So there's my guide to becoming a healthier and positive you! GOOD LUCK!


  • CWRose
    CWRose Posts: 62
    Ya know I have never really been into sweets or junk food, however, I agree with you on that you can still lose the weight while eating basically whatever you want. I prefer to eat healthy foods due to that my body feels better inside and out as opposed to eating not so good for me food. But I do think it's just fine to treat ones self occasionally with the things that maybe aren't so healthy. Like you said "in moderation". Anything outside of moderation can be bad for you so maintaining ones self control is still of the utmost importance. Congrats to you on all your success, I think you have taken a realistic path on your journey. :)
  • cheeksv
    cheeksv Posts: 521 Member
    I am glad this has worked for you. It is basically the montra of this site. Keep track of your calories and most people still eat what they want just as you said in moderation.It does seem to work for a lot of people. I am not one of those people, I do eat less and am on a dreaded diet. I gave up those things you listed sugars( Except in fruits), soda, junk foods, candy,because well they serve no nutritional purpose to my body and are not healthy. They might not cause you to go off course but they are not good for you either. I believe in giving things up to be a healthier person not just spacing them out to keep the pounds away. Please do not take this as me putting down your post.I see a lot of people who ask for help in staying away from problem foods and others saying " Just in moderation". I have never really seen anyone say just do not eat it, and I do understand for most just giving something up is not easy and causes relapse.I am only saying that sometimes you should do things in moderation and sometimes you should look into whether or not you should be putting it into your body at all.
    Congrats on the loss and I hope you are closer to your goals :)
  • NikkisNewStart
    NikkisNewStart Posts: 1,075 Member
    awesome that you figured out what works for you!
  • LoveMy3Boys
    LoveMy3Boys Posts: 562 Member
    Its awesome this works for you. I have tried it and I easily lose control. I hate, hate, hate counting calories but its the only thing that helps me. Sigh. One day, maybe I'll be able to just eye ball it.
  • PegasusDeb
    PegasusDeb Posts: 665 Member
    I toatally agree with you! I have decided I am NOT on a "diet". I have done those, only to gain it all back when I start eating "normal" again. My weight lose has been gradual, some weeks better then others & I know if I was to be serious it would come off faster. BUT... I AM going to continue to live my life. I AM going to have fast food occasionally. I AM going to have a slice of pie if I want it. I AM going to have an occasional evening out w/ an alcoholic beverage if I desire it. When I travel it's sometimes difficult to be good, but hey, I just try to be better the next day or even better, get in some walking. That has been my biggest hurdle as of late. I'm battling a foot issue, plus the fact it's frickin' miserably hot & my house is stuffy from being closed up all day! I am going to work on that, but in the meantime I'm going to enjoy this new found weight lose & live my life as happy as I can be! Life is too short to stress over things (which tend to make me want to eat more! lol)