My Body did kick into Starvation mode



  • Atlantique
    Atlantique Posts: 2,484 Member
    Well one can call it "storing" or not....I know for a fact, that I was taking in less than I was expending and NOT Losing weight. I don't think of it in terms of really "storing" I think joejccva71 was right and said it more clearly....your metabolism slows down saving what it can to perform those functions.

    All I know is for 6 months I hit a plateau and when I kick started my metabolism by eating back some of the calories I burned I started to lose weight again.

    I suppose eventually if you stop eating and you live in a caloric deficit you will lose weight. Eating 800 calories/day will allow you to lose weight, but then two things happen, First when you start to eat again, like a normal person, even a dieting normal person, you will gain weight. Secondly, just what are you using to fuel your body? At some point the cells will break down to fuel the basic activities of living.

    Regardless of what is preached or not, I know from personal experience, that eating back my exercise calories, up to a point is working for me

    Bodies that are severely underfed tend to burn much more muscle than they should. Both because of the insufficient caloric intake and because severe underfeeding almost guarantees poor nutrition.

    That's a really bad cycle, as your percentage of bodyfat may rise while you lean body mass drops.