hey all (:

barbz here, 19 year old girl from Miami who's been sick and tired of being overweight my whole life..i never really tried dieting ever, the few times i did it wouldn't last more then 3-4 days.. around March this this year i hit rock bottom [I've been going through depression for a little over a year mostly because of drugs] and I've decided to make some big life changes, i went spoke to my family and parents about what i was going through and they decided that they were going to pay for my gym membership.. i started at 300 pounds in march, and today i weigh in at 268.. i've been feeling really lively these past few months, i have more energy, i don't nap like i use to all the time, i've gone from a XL to a L

i do about an hour and a half of cardio every day 5-6 times a week, i weight train for 45 minutes with my trainer twice a week..i still consider myself new to this whole thing, i still learn new things everyday about fitness.

anyways, my birthday is in a month from now and i want to lose 10-13 pounds this month.. i KNOW i can do it, but if i want to do it, i'm going to have to quit smoking pot.. i felt that's been holding me back this whole journey and had i not been smoking i would of probably lost alot more weight, but i haven't been able to successfully quit :\
so heres to joining a new community where i'm not going to be alone anymore.