New to MFP

Hi im a mom of 2 toddlers ages almost 4 and almost 2 and ever since my second was born life has been stressfull tough with 2 kids and so many things have occured over the last 2 years and I found myself with AWFUL eating habbits and lack of exercise and energy. I really want to lose this weight so I can feel good about myself and am tierd of talking about and everytime I do and then look back at the last time I said it I realize I could have been 20 pnds down or at my target weight had I have acted at that time bt I geuss I never wanted it bad enough and now im at the point where I want this.


  • wadesha
    wadesha Posts: 360 Member
    Hi! :) your going to get alot of support from mfp people. Joining this website is one of the best things you could have done. It keeps you motivated and by logging what you eat you feel more in control of what you put into your body. The next step is 2 get some exercise in each day. Maybe you could start taking walks or get a workout Dvd to get started. I wish you the best of luck on your journey :)
  • HankFit247
    HankFit247 Posts: 139

    Were all here to support you. Agreed, a DVD based solution is great forbusy parents.

    As a Certified Personal Trainer, I'd be more than happy to assist you in determining which would be best for your needs, time constraints and desires.

  • amber_hanners
    amber_hanners Posts: 388 Member
    welcome you definatly came to the right place mfp is amazing feel free to add me if you would like support ( this goes for anyone who would like more friends
  • jjstokes
    jjstokes Posts: 47 Member
    You may not realize how many calories you burn just being a busy mom! You should look at the exercise data base and see what hours of housework, climbing stairs, etc. will burn. I was surprised! When I spend half of a day outside working in the yard - I get to splurge on something BIG. And I can continue to maintain. It isn't necessary to go to the gym, or do a structured workout every day. That's one of the things you'll LOVE about this site. Welcome!!!