harry potter 8

kelsue35 Posts: 463 Member
OMG!!! anyone see the new harry potter movie? it was SOOOOOOO GOOOOOD!

**Just a quick note to inform everyone that this thread contains movie SPOILERS** Ms_Natalie (MyFitnessPal Forum Moderator)


  • Kimmer2011
    Kimmer2011 Posts: 569 Member
    Just saw it this afternoon with older daughter & hubby. A friend asked me, "Did you cry?" Um, duh! Of course I cried!
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,229 Member
    Just saw it this afternoon. Awesome flick!:happy:
  • Mishy
    Mishy Posts: 1,551 Member
    me me me! I thought the movie was great!

    Although, I am SO sad that it's over. I think in part this is because I'm having a difficult time finding another book series to really get into.
  • alyssapasquale
    alyssapasquale Posts: 9 Member
    Seen in twice already :) went to the midnight showing and then again later that day with another friend. I never cry and when Snape died I lost it (hes been my favorite since the beginning.) I dressed up as Hermione :)
  • pauljsolie
    pauljsolie Posts: 1,024 Member
    Does Harry die? I can't believe there have been 8 of them now. I've only seen the first one.
  • dgirllamius
    dgirllamius Posts: 171 Member
    Waiting for it to be shown in English...should be a few weeks or so. I so want to see it now though D:
  • tedm5
    tedm5 Posts: 15 Member
    Saw it at midnight with about 3000 other die hard fans. Thought it was great, they did a great job with the finale. Now waiting for JKR's new website to open up later this year.
  • TiniTurtle
    TiniTurtle Posts: 595 Member
    went to the midnight showing! it was by far the best of all the movies ♥ bittersweet ending of my childhood.
  • hail87666
    hail87666 Posts: 176 Member
    I'm thinking I saw I different film cause I thought it was crap. Mind you, I've hated them all. Was so anti-climatic, didn't get my emotions going like the books do. By the end I thought, oh you know what, who cares if Harry dies (and I really care when I read the books). There was no drama! I expected to cry but I didn't. And all the subtle nuances were missed. I love how Hermione throws herself at Ron in the books because he wants to help the house elves, and then when they join the front lines with their kitchen knives.... I Never got the sense watching it like this was the biggest battle of wizarding history and their entire future depended on it. There was no real grief for the dead or celebration at their victory. It was so emotionally lacking. But that's what you get from totally wooden actors I guess.
    Oh and the last fight between Harry and Voldemort is supposed to happen in the great hall, in front of everyone, with the ghosts of his parents, lupin, sirius etc walking round him giving him encouragement. Pfffffft.
  • staciekins
    staciekins Posts: 453 Member
    I really don't wanna be THAT person, but your topic title gives me a twitch. It was Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows Part 2 or shortened... Harry Potter 7 Part 2
  • AEB_WV
    AEB_WV Posts: 323 Member

    Although, I am SO sad that it's over. I think in part this is because I'm having a difficult time finding another book series to really get into.

    Try 'The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo' series. VERY good.
  • tam120
    tam120 Posts: 444 Member
    Just got back. Loved it!
  • aristel
    aristel Posts: 110
    I´m going tomorrow! can´t wait anymore
  • Ginial1479
    Ginial1479 Posts: 45 Member
  • Ginial1479
    Ginial1479 Posts: 45 Member
    Wow... After hating, 1, 2 and 3... You didn't think that maybe you shouldn't waste your time and money and you should have stopped watching them... I mean really??? You hated them ALL... But yet you really saw 8 movies!!! Wow...
  • Ginial1479
    Ginial1479 Posts: 45 Member
    I'm thinking I saw I different film cause I thought it was crap. Mind you, I've hated them all. Was so anti-climatic, didn't get my emotions going like the books do. By the end I thought, oh you know what, who cares if Harry dies (and I really care when I read the books). There was no drama! I expected to cry but I didn't. And all the subtle nuances were missed. I love how Hermione throws herself at Ron in the books because he wants to help the house elves, and then when they join the front lines with their kitchen knives.... I Never got the sense watching it like this was the biggest battle of wizarding history and their entire future depended on it. There was no real grief for the dead or celebration at their victory. It was so emotionally lacking. But that's what you get from totally wooden actors I guess.
    Oh and the last fight between Harry and Voldemort is supposed to happen in the great hall, in front of everyone, with the ghosts of his parents, lupin, sirius etc walking round him giving him encouragement. Pfffffft.

    Wow... After hating, 1, 2 and 3... You didn't think that maybe you shouldn't waste your time and money and you should have stopped watching them... I mean really??? You hated them ALL... But yet you really saw 8 movies!!! Wow...
  • Ginial1479
    Ginial1479 Posts: 45 Member
    I really don't wanna be THAT person, but your topic title gives me a twitch. It was Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows Part 2 or shortened... Harry Potter 7 Part 2

  • nerdyandilikeit
    nerdyandilikeit Posts: 2,185 Member
    me me me! I thought the movie was great!

    Although, I am SO sad that it's over. I think in part this is because I'm having a difficult time finding another book series to really get into.

    The Abhorsen Trilogy (Sabriel, Lirael, and Abhorsen) by Garth Nix
  • melgillis
    melgillis Posts: 75 Member
    The best one! So glad it ended on a postive note. Hogwarts survived and Harry broke the wand.
  • mikethom
    mikethom Posts: 183 Member
    I took Friday off work and went to see it; it was marvelous! I think it is amazing to see the progression of these movies and the actors and the storylines. I don't think we've every had a franchise that truly grew up before our eyes like this one has!