I wish people would notice :(



  • sonpari24
    sonpari24 Posts: 62 Member
    same here but then i told myself that i m doing it for my own self ...i should not b bothered by other ppl attitudes .....n trust me one day they all will notice ......by that time u wud be more stronger n healthy:)
  • mommyoftwins05
    mommyoftwins05 Posts: 645 Member
    Have YOU noticed yet? I'm not trying to be mean at all so please don't take this the wrong way. I've lost just on 7kg and I can't tell. I can't expect other people to notice if I can't tell....

    I'm a lot bigger than you though, so 7kg on me isn't much.

    I'm doing this for me... no-one else. If people notice, it's a bonus. But in the end, I only want to please me when I look in the mirror.

    Yeah I've noticed a little in my belly.. plus my shorts are getting loose on me
  • mommyoftwins05
    mommyoftwins05 Posts: 645 Member
    I've lost nearly 30 lbs and it seems the only people who notice are those I work with who also know I am trying to lose weight. Friends at church compliment my husband on his weight loss and don't say a peep to me. hmmm

    Wow I hope they notice soon
  • kunibob
    kunibob Posts: 608 Member
    A lot of people who see you regularly won't notice the changes because they're gradual. Also, sometimes people don't like to comment on weight loss because they aren't sure if they're imagining it or not, and they don't want to sound rude if they're incorrect. People pay a lot less attention to one another than we pay to ourselves. ;)

    Hopefully you are seeing positive changes in yourself, and that's what really matters! The compliments will come...hang in there! ;)
  • PrincessSparkle5253
    A lot of people say they didn't say anything because they didn't want to offend me (perhaps they think that by saying I've lost they're implying I was once bigger)
  • newfielover
    newfielover Posts: 104 Member
    Im sure you are beatiful!!! And if they don't say anything they might be thinking it.....
  • calliope_music
    calliope_music Posts: 1,242 Member
    my husband can't tell that i've lost weight. the only people who really can are people i haven't seen in a while. i think it's because he sees me every day!
  • HansTied
    HansTied Posts: 81 Member
    Those are the Exact Words I heard from my Mom..."I can definitely see a change!". I do feel that I have lost SOME weight, but until I weigh again at the Dr's on Monday, I am only guessing. But I really think I have. It's just that when there is so much to start with, it is hard to believe that a few pounds will be noticable to anyone.
  • NotGoddess
    NotGoddess Posts: 1,198 Member
    What are you wearing?
    You don't want to buy a new wardrobe, but you said your shorts are loose. Maybe go buy a new shirt that hugs your form more than what you are wearing now. Plus you can try on things in the dressing room and ask for a stranger's opinion. I've found they are pretty open when they know they aren't going to see you again and I've gotten some great advice on what works and doesn't for my shape.
  • pinkita
    pinkita Posts: 779 Member
    To those of you who haven't had anyone notice your weight loss--are you still wearing your old clothing sizes?? I didn't get comments until I got rid of my "fat" clothes and started wearing my smaller sizes :)
  • Nikkiairforcewife
    Nikkiairforcewife Posts: 164 Member
    Is it possible your dad meant, "Where did she lose it from? She doesn't need to lose any." That was my interpretation when reading it.

    I look forward to the day that someone notices. My husband knows I have, but has been honest saying that he can't tell yet. But in my case, I have a lot more than you to lose. I hope when I reach 20 lbs. that SOMEONE will notice other than myself.

    And it makes sense that someone who doesn't see you every day or week would notice because they haven't seen the gradual change. They'll see the big change.

    I'm torn between telling people that I'm trying to lose weight so they will be supportive, and NOT telling anyone so someone will notice. :P

    I like the comments that people made about buying smaller clothes. If you're hiding your trimmer figure under your baggy clothes, they won't be able to tell.
  • candistyx
    candistyx Posts: 547 Member
    Some people think its rude to comment on other peoples weight even to compliment them on a loss. I have noticed people on blogs saying they were offended when they were told they'd lost weight so I assume those same people wouldn't have commented on other peoples either.
  • ImperfektAngel
    ImperfektAngel Posts: 811 Member
    People didnt really start to comment on my weight loss til I had lost around 40 lbs. Some didnt say anything til about a year later. The scale and taking measurements is what will show your weight loss, dont depend on others noticing when you yourself can see your progress ;)
  • kunibob
    kunibob Posts: 608 Member
    To those of you who haven't had anyone notice your weight loss--are you still wearing your old clothing sizes?? I didn't get comments until I got rid of my "fat" clothes and started wearing my smaller sizes :)
    I think it's partly this (which reminds me, I need new clothes!), and also partly depending on how people store fat. I have a friend who stores all her weight in her stomach, and we all noticed she was losing weight after about 10 lb. I tend to lose inches evenly all over my body, so people didn't notice until the 30 lb mark or so.
  • JoeB71
    JoeB71 Posts: 115 Member
    Don't let it discourage you at all. Remember, you're loosing weight for "you" not anyone else. I know it feels good to have people notice & make a big deal out of your progress but don't let it be your only motivation. You're doing great so far. Keep up the good work.
  • azingale
    azingale Posts: 74
    My fiancee knows i've lost 10lbs because I told him (because its my mini goal for my bikini :) ) and plus he sees this site. I guess he told my dad last night that I lost 10lbs. My dad asked him where?

    I don't know whether its discouraging people not noticing... or makes me want to work harder just to make them notice lol..

    I'm hoping when I reach 15lbs they will

    I'm only 5'2 and I started at 144.6 and I'm at 134.5... My goal is 115.. (maybe 110 we will see) so not sure if they will ever notice hmm

    Well, you're doing *great* so far! 10 lbs when you're 5'2 is a LOT! I'm sure they will notice soon!!!

    I'm in the same boat as you are - I'm 5'3. I'm down to 121.8 now - less than I was all winter. Maybe it's because I was buried in sweaters all winter, and when spring came around, I wasn't wearing anything fitted since I was so unhappy with my body. People are just barely noticing my tan... yet it is the most color I've had in years. I *have* a color now... before, I was so pale I was translucent. People are just barely noticing the hair color change (a whole bottle of Sun-In so far... cheap '80s highlights rock...) But no one has noticed that I'm losing weight. I notice it, and not just in a wishful-thinking kind of way, though I'm still far from where I want to be. It's disappointing. Maybe people will notice when I'm at my goal and I'm actually happy...