Women - OB/GYN question

Loestrin24FE pill taker - for a couple of years.
This last week, out of the blue, mid-way through my pack I'm cramping a tad, feeling a little bloated, you know.. the usual symptoms. I was sick this past Tuesday and that threw me off on my nutrition/calories & workouts.
Today, there was some light bleeding and now after dinner, the cramps are pretty bad (far from 'severe' but close to normal pms cramps), including my lower back.

Pregnancy has occurred to me, but it's not really possible. I'm one of 97-99% that the pill works 100% for, even just being mostly consistent. I'm very sensitive to drugs.

I've looked up mid-week cramping and most of what I found had to do with ovulation, which is also possible but I've never had this happen before so I'm a little baffled by the whole event. And omg, my lower back is just killing me! I'd think miscarriage if I didn't know better! Oh, the one thing that makes me want to rule out ovulation is that it's not supposed to last more than 2 days and I think I've kind of felt this way since I was sick - just ot round it off, we'll say since Weds. - which would put the symptoms at 3 days already.

As it's the weekend, I can't call my doc and my hope is that it's gone by the time I can but some insights would definitely be appreciated.



  • AlannaPie
    AlannaPie Posts: 349 Member
    I want one the same prescription for years, went off it, then went back on. After a few months I had bleeding out of the blue for weeks, then no period for months. Never came to a solution except to change prescriptions. And no I wasn't pregnant lol
  • Pink_turnip
    Pink_turnip Posts: 280 Member
    do a pregnancy test just to be sure. even if you are certian it isn't that, it's just good to check to be double sure. Other than that though, go to the doctor as soon as you can
  • HopefulLeigh
    HopefulLeigh Posts: 363 Member
    Personally, I'd do a pregnancy test anyways but I'm paranoid about that kind of thing. Could be a kidney stone. You could try upping your water intake in hopes of flushing whatever it is out.
  • sesecat
    sesecat Posts: 124 Member
    My TOM has drastically changed since my eating and exercise habits have changed. I've spotted, I've had MAJOR emotional swings, and the bleeding was heavier. I'm hoping it will calm down once it figures out my new lifestyle.

    So... you're not alone.
  • venigma
    venigma Posts: 6
    Well for one thing, you should not be ovulating if you're on the pill. It is designed to prevent ovulation (as well as thinning the uterine lining and thickening cervical mucus- those are the 3 ways it prevents pregnancy).

    That being said, illness (especially one that's affected your eating habits) can affect absorption of the medication, and therefore alter your usual hormone levels. This can cause cramping, breakthrough bleeding, bloating, breast tenderness, mood swings, etc. It would be similar to the effects of missing a pill or two, but if you take it regularly, you may never have noticed.

    I should also mention that when absorption is altered (either by illness or missing pills), so is the pill's ability to prevent pregnancy. It would still be unlikely, but some doctors recommend that patients use alternate forms of birth control for a few days following illness, just to make sure.
  • muth3rluvx2
    muth3rluvx2 Posts: 1,156 Member
    Well for one thing, you should not be ovulating if you're on the pill. It is designed to prevent ovulation (as well as thinning the uterine lining and thickening cervical mucus- those are the 3 ways it prevents pregnancy).

    That being said, illness (especially one that's affected your eating habits) can affect absorption of the medication, and therefore alter your usual hormone levels. This can cause cramping, breakthrough bleeding, bloating, breast tenderness, mood swings, etc. It would be similar to the effects of missing a pill or two, but if you take it regularly, you may never have noticed.

    I should also mention that when absorption is altered (either by illness or missing pills), so is the pill's ability to prevent pregnancy. It would still be unlikely, but some doctors recommend that patients use alternate forms of birth control for a few days following illness, just to make sure.


    You know, this is probably it (hormone disruption).. it had been more than 3 days since intercourse, I believe, at the point in which I got sick, so effectiveness would not have been an issue. Of course, I should double check all that but you're probably right. I really got back on track today with both diet & exercise... Thank you so much!

    Ibuprofin here I come.. heh.

    For all others: I'm paranoid too so I probably will take a test, but I'm 99% certain of its result; and even if it were wrong, I probably wouldn't know for another 2-2.5 weeks. Unless of course, these symptoms don't go away!
  • arkenny
    arkenny Posts: 125
    Ive had some issues like that...and my doctor said its probably that the hormones in my birth control are to low a dosage...I had been on the same brand for YEARS and that sometimes when the hormones in your body change then you need a stronger level in your BC....
  • arkenny
    arkenny Posts: 125
    Ive had some issues like that...and my doctor said its probably that the hormones in my birth control are to low a dosage...I had been on the same brand for YEARS and that sometimes when the hormones in your body change then you need a stronger level in your BC....