13 healthy foods that will make you fat.

susanswan Posts: 1,194 Member
Here is an interesting post on some "diet" food mistakes. I learned something. you might find it interesting, too. Sorry, just a link. It is one of those where you must click "next".



  • omid990
    omid990 Posts: 785 Member
    gah! i loved everything on that list!!! :sad:

    not the sushi... anything but sushi...:frown:
  • heresmyinsidevoice
    heresmyinsidevoice Posts: 311 Member
    That was an interesting post. Good information to know. Thanks for sharing that.
  • Paperthinwaferthin
    Paperthinwaferthin Posts: 16 Member
    It depends on the type of sushi.
    If there's no fattening sauce, fried fish/meat and you take it easy on the soy sauce it will still be healthy
  • candistyx
    candistyx Posts: 547 Member
    It just says that sushi with high calorie ingredients and salads with high calorie ingredients are high calorie... duh...

    ...also... mayo? On sushi? really... I hate mayo at the best of times but that sounds like a terrible combo...
  • all4my3boyz
    all4my3boyz Posts: 94 Member
    Great info, thanks for sharing!
  • xraychick77
    xraychick77 Posts: 1,775 Member
    this article is misleading.

    certainly all those foods of course, like ANY food if over consumed will make you fat. but in general most of those foods are healthy. and as far as the veggie burger getting up to 1000 calories..is WAY off. i eat veggie burgers all the time. and I come NO where near 1000 calories..heck i dont ever go over 300..even with cheese. i average around 250 cals. i dont know what the deal is with these types of 'articles'. most of those foods provide excellent sources of nutrients. NUTRITION. and of course like anything eating in excess will make you fat.
  • pauljsolie
    pauljsolie Posts: 1,024 Member
    Only two from the list are in my diet. Wraps and salad. I use hummus on my wraps and the only cheese I use is swiss, somewhat low in calories and low in sodium. I don't use croutons, nuts or seeds in my salads and always have the dressing on the side. Woohoo, I guess I'm learning something afterall. Thanks for the post and the link.
  • Lleldiranne
    Lleldiranne Posts: 5,516 Member
    Most of them weren't a surprise. It really boils down to paying attention to what's being added in and how much. For example, the general recommendation for juice is 8 oz a day max (1/2 what the site talks about).
    Do people really see sushi as a diet food? I've always thought of it as a naughty indulgence! (All that rice!)
  • KaylaBlu2019
    KaylaBlu2019 Posts: 118 Member
    It was a great list! Goes to show that anything you eat can by sabotaged by add-ons and extras!
  • LisaMarieee
    LisaMarieee Posts: 176 Member
    this article is misleading.

    certainly all those foods of course, like ANY food if over consumed will make you fat. but in general most of those foods are healthy. and as far as the veggie burger getting up to 1000 calories..is WAY off. i eat veggie burgers all the time. and I come NO where near 1000 calories..heck i dont ever go over 300..even with cheese. i average around 250 cals. i dont know what the deal is with these types of 'articles'. most of those foods provide excellent sources of nutrients. NUTRITION. and of course like anything eating in excess will make you fat.
    I agree with this.
  • pauljsolie
    pauljsolie Posts: 1,024 Member
    Sushi - Nope, not with all the extra crap that goes into it.
    Dried fruits - Nope, way to dense in calories. Healthy maybe but alot of people eat too much.
    Granola - Nope, lots of sugar and the corn syrup they use to bind the bars together.
    Muffins - Maybe, depends on what they put in them. Typical bakery muffins, loaded with calories.
    Half and half - Nope, never.
    Wraps - Maybe, you can use humus and all veggies. The one pictured is loaded with fat and sodium.
    Bottled Teas - Loaded with sugar, and people drink a whole bottle which is 2 servings.
    Rice cakes - Nope, empty calories and to make them tasty they add salt and sugar.
    Veggie Burgers - Yes. I can't believe they are 1000 calories, even with adding cheese and veggies.
    Orange juice - Nope basically orange sugar water.
    Microwave meals - Nope, no way way too much sodium in most of them.
    Salads - Maybe, depends on the extras you add and the dressing. Most use way too much dressing.
    Tofu - No comment, never tried it.

    Yes articles can be misleading but I think the crux of the issue is that people think these things are automatically healthy when they have to know what is in the food they are eating. Caveat Emptor!!!
  • joanneeee
    joanneeee Posts: 311 Member
    this article is misleading.

    certainly all those foods of course, like ANY food if over consumed will make you fat. but in general most of those foods are healthy. and as far as the veggie burger getting up to 1000 calories..is WAY off. i eat veggie burgers all the time. and I come NO where near 1000 calories..heck i dont ever go over 300..even with cheese. i average around 250 cals. i dont know what the deal is with these types of 'articles'. most of those foods provide excellent sources of nutrients. NUTRITION. and of course like anything eating in excess will make you fat.

    this article is stupid. quoting for truth.
  • Paperthinwaferthin
    Paperthinwaferthin Posts: 16 Member
    Veggie burgers=1000cal!?!?
    I must say, every veggie burger I've ever eaten has struggled to be anywhere near even 200 cals.
    And I can't say I've ever had a veggie burger that was held together with cheese...
  • Angellore
    Angellore Posts: 519 Member
    I have seen deep fried veggie burgers, but even they are probably not quite 1000cals.

    I knew pretty much everything on the list, and the only thing I eat regularly is dried fruit, because I like raisins in my porridge of a morning, but I weigh and record them, so it doesn't matter.

    Truth is, you can eat anything on this list as long as you include them in your food diary and they don't take you over your limit.
  • jamaicaqueen24
    jamaicaqueen24 Posts: 23 Member
  • ChantalGG
    ChantalGG Posts: 2,404 Member
    Good article for people just starting out on healthy life style. i know all of that stuff and pretty much count all my food i even ask restaurants about their foods. any extra wrap i tear off and dont eat. Rice cakes are pointless and orange juice is a treat that i dont drink any more unless i am using a small amount to sweeten my smoothies.
  • froggy1057
    froggy1057 Posts: 13 Member
    Who eats a wrap that big, I use a whole grain tortilla.
  • rc630
    rc630 Posts: 310 Member
    For people who know a lot about nutrition and how to eat right, yes this article is dumb.
    But most people don't know the calorie and nutrition contents of most foods, so they think anything advertised as healthy must be lower. I know fo one friend in particular who has always been really thin and never had to watch her weight, and when she started gaining in college was asking me about the calories in foods. She really had no clue that things like nuts and avocados were high in calories and fats, and didn't realize how many calories were in the large amounts of dressing, butter, etc. that she used. This is a great article for people just starting out in watching what they eat.

    I also think it applies more to items at restaurants, and what to be wary of ordering, rather than what to make for yourself at home.
  • krystynam
    krystynam Posts: 1
    Most of that stuff is COMPLETELY UNTRUE if you know anything about nutrition, they're making everything into a worst case scenario and scaring people away from eating foods that are good for them. For example it says "you might as well have had a quarter pounder" when looking at the amount of cheese that SOME not all or even most veggie burgers contain, that is absolutely ridiculous and just TERRIBLE ADVICE!! Even if the caloric content was higher or the same at a quarter pounder(which is highly unlikely) There are so many much much worse ingredients in a burger especially one from a fast food restaurant. Don't listen to this ridiculous article it wont help you lose weight, just make sure to monitor whats in the foods your eating to the best of your ability, but MOST importantly you need nutrients and there are very few ways to get them without a decent amount of calories. Just try your best to keep track but its most important that you get the nutrients you need everyday while keeping to a RELATIVELY low calorie diet.
  • Schwiggity
    Schwiggity Posts: 1,449 Member
    Wait...so if I have the tempura roll drenched in spicy mayo it's not healthy?