Weigh In!

I have been weighing in every morning with no clothing on and before I eat anything. I heard that is the way you get the most accurate weight. I don't like that it goes up and down so much. I have noticed that if I even eat one little thing bad for me, the scale goes up. For example, yesterday I ran, ran stairs, ate healthy all day, but had thin crust veggie pizza for dinner and dipped a piece of french bread in olive oil and a salad with Italian dressing. I went up 2 pounds!!!!! I hate it and I get discouraged. Does everybody else have the problem of going up and down so much? Should I weigh in weekly instead of daily? I feel like I lose all week about 2 then I gain back 2 on the weekend when I eat ONE CHEAT MEAL!! I guess I need to not eat a cheat meal. HELP!


  • minburke
    minburke Posts: 241 Member
    It's not real weight it'd be the water weight maintained 1 by your muscles repairing after the stairs and 2 from the sodium in the pizza. Try and only weigh once a week or if you do have to weigh yourself keep this in mind so you don't freak :D
  • same here!!! i went up 1.8 lbs this morning because i had some pizza last night but after i drank a glass of water went back to bed for 2 hrs and weighed again it was back down .6 so its probably just water weight, the lovely sodium in it that makes us bloated
  • Kelly_Wilson1990
    Kelly_Wilson1990 Posts: 3,245 Member
    I only weight weekly for that very reason.
  • savvynurse
    savvynurse Posts: 292
    Key is to accept the fact that from day to day your weight varies. Mainly water related to sodium intake. Pick a day.... any day,,,, and use that as your OFFICIAL weigh in day. And go by those numbers each week. I can't tell you not to hop on the scale on a daily basis cause I do the same thing
  • Teeladog
    Teeladog Posts: 157 Member
    I used to weigh every day but the fluctuations were killing me. I switched to once a week and have been much happier with that. Not saying that I don't occasionally get on the scale mid-week but I almost always regret doing that.
  • abrn93
    abrn93 Posts: 77 Member
    I just weigh in once a week, Sundays when I get up...I work nights so 4pm for me. I used to weigh in every day but I would get so upset trying to figure out what happened. How in the world can you have a change of 5 pounds in the same day? So forget daily weights...and as far as cheat meals...I figure you gotta live-so if I have a cheat meal then I do an extra two laps at the track, take the dog for another walk, go for a hike etc. You can't be too hard on yourself all you can do is just keep at it.
  • I used to weigh myself everyday and would get too discouraged so now I only do it every 2 weeks - it's a mental thing for me - I'm only losing about 1 lb or 2 every 2 weeks so it takes me longer to see results. I also only weigh myself in the morning.
  • GaveUp
    GaveUp Posts: 308
    I get up in the morning and weigh and yest that happens to me too. Then I can have 2 cups of coffee, step on the scales and WOW like 3 pounds.. its crazy
  • speednut
    speednut Posts: 82
    Weigh in once a week. Best time is morning after you get up. You will not drive yourself crazy this way. I do mine on Saturday mornings.
  • sexforjaffacakes
    sexforjaffacakes Posts: 1,001 Member
    change your weigh day, to before your usual cheat meal day rather than after, as it takes your water levels etc a while to get back to usual
  • jazzy1129
    jazzy1129 Posts: 39 Member
    Everyone is different, but I was advised by a doctor to only weigh once a week for multiple reasons. 1) it becomes a obsession $ 2) your weight does fluctuate from day to day . So I try to weigh no more than 2 a week usually on Sundays and Wed. When I do weigh, I am completely naked and its right after I have went to the bathroom.
  • Thanks GuyS!!!
  • caart4
    caart4 Posts: 4
    I agree, you should weigh in once a week not everyday. I weigh in every Thursday morning before I eat or drink anything. I am loosing an average of 2 lbs a week. And as far as the cheats, I believe if you don't meet your cravings then you will never be successful. Just be sure to not go crazy with it, get it moderate portions. And make uo for it with eat salad or things that haveess calories or do more exercise. Remember 3500 calories = 1 lb gained or lost.
  • mjhuff1121
    mjhuff1121 Posts: 112
    Hey lady!
    I weigh myself every 2 weeks... on the 15th and the last day of every month. I also measure myself those days. I just make sure that it's not a workout day, or if it is, to exercise after I weight. I weigh myself first thing in the morning after using the bathroom, and wear minimal clothes - usually panties and a tank top. Once in a while I get on the scale mid point, and never like it.... last week jumped on right before bed and was down 4lbs!... then I got again first thing the next morning and was back up the 4lbs, which was my starting weight. Disappointing to be sure :sad: ...Its much more exciting and encouraging to get on every two weeks and actually SEE the difference. Just my way of doing it.
  • That's it!! No more everyday weigh-ins! I think waiting until Thursday every week will keep me wondering and make me push harder anyway. When I lose a significant amount of weight a day then mentally I feel like it is OK to cheat that day...NOT GOOD! I am excited to change my strategy and weigh-in on Thursdays. I will keep you posted