Ravenclaw Common Room



  • korkster
    korkster Posts: 181 Member
    It's my first status check, let's see how it goes.

    Weight: 338.4
    November Goal: 335
    Exercise House Points: 50
    OWL Spirit: 2

    Hope I did that right.

    Have a great day everyone!
  • Samiwhereareyou
    Samiwhereareyou Posts: 281 Member
    that site says for me to be at 21% body fat i should be 132lbs. That seems really thin to be but maybe my muscles will grow stronger and my bones wont poke out cuz they will be hiding behind them.
  • azsuzi
    azsuzi Posts: 1,169 Member
    that site says for me to be at 21% body fat i should be 132lbs. That seems really thin to be but maybe my muscles will grow stronger and my bones wont poke out cuz they will be hiding behind them.
    That's really interesting since we both weigh the same now. You must be a lot thinner than me already (in fact, I know you are since you can fit in size 10 skinny jeans! I'm still in a 12. :ohwell: )
    ps. sue im excited to see which of us reaches 150 first!!!
    :laugh: We've both had it as our goal for months. It will be fun to see who reaches it first!
  • azsuzi
    azsuzi Posts: 1,169 Member
    It's my first status check, let's see how it goes.

    Weight: 338.4
    November Goal: 335
    Exercise House Points: 50
    OWL Spirit: 2

    Hope I did that right.

    Have a great day everyone!
    Hey korkster - you did it exactly right. Now that you've weighed in, you can start tracking your OWLs for this week! Have fun!
  • azsuzi
    azsuzi Posts: 1,169 Member
    It says bicep curls can be used. What about tricep extensions? I usually do some crunches, bicep curls, and tricep extensions after I run. Would be great if all 3 counted towards my 150 :bigsmile:
    Yes, I think tricep extensions should be counted too because its important to work the opposing muscle groups together. Good suggestion!
  • _gwen
    _gwen Posts: 501 Member
    Discussion Topic

    How many of you just randomly chose a goal weight? I know I did, but I didn't really know if it was a healthy goal. According to the BMI chart, the healthy range for me is between 111 and 150 pounds. I just can't see 111 being a healthy weight for me and I'm very close to 150, but I still have quite a bit of body fat hanging on.

    Very interesting question. I have a girl friend who is very petite and has the same problem. I have two websites to offer as a way to judge what is the 'correct' goal weight for yourself:

    Has pictures for both men and women

    Women only. The search feature allows you to target photos by size, weight, and overall body shape.

    From the pictures, I can see what a healthy weight looks like and decide for myself if the number gives me the result I want. 169 is healthy, but more plump than my ideal. I could weigh 125, but I definitely think that is too lean, plus I would need to work very hard to keep my weight that low.
  • tameko2
    tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member
    Discussion Topic

    How many of you just randomly chose a goal weight? I know I did, but I didn't really know if it was a healthy goal. According to the BMI chart, the healthy range for me is between 111 and 150 pounds. I just can't see 111 being a healthy weight for me and I'm very close to 150, but I still have quite a bit of body fat hanging on.

    I picked 150 because it was within healthy for my height and I had last been 145 when I was much thinner.

    I've changed my goal though ebcause its not about the number on the scale, its about body fat %. I would like to be 20% bodyfat which TOTALLY COINCIDENTALLY is probably going to be right around 150. Whcih is on the very high side of hte BMI chart actually (I'm 5'6") while 20% bodyfat is pretty low. Basically, I'm ....meaty?

    I haven't lost any weight this week and I am retaining water and fluctuating like MAD -- scale said 171 this morning and 176 this evening. Nuts. I'm going to say I'm at a null loss but null gain.

    I think I only got 3 Owls - not a good week for me. Exercise minute were better though: I clocked in 320.
  • psb13
    psb13 Posts: 629
    good morning Ravenclaw, happy monday. interesting topic of conversation-i will have to look into it after work. tonight is trick or treat here. happy to say that the treats i have for the kids is something that does no tempt me in the slightest!! got my super early workout in today and ready to have a great day.
    sue, thinking of you as you have your eye surgery today. :flowerforyou:
    have a great day everyone!!
  • TwiFan5
    TwiFan5 Posts: 419 Member
    @TwiFan5 - do you track your measurements? If you're losing inches, the weight gain doesn't mean a thing. With the amount of exercise that you're doing, it may just be muscle weight. Try watching your inches for a while instead. :flowerforyou:
    No I don't actually lol, maybe I should start doing that, what should I use. Thanks
    You will want to get a measuring tape like they use for sewing. MFP defaults to track your neck, waist and hips but you can add whatever you want - like biceps, thighs, bust, etc. When you burn fat through cardio, you will see these areas get smaller which is why your weight may stay the same or get higher, but your clothes may start feeling looser.

    Ok then cool thanks for the advice. :)
  • sundancer1966
    sundancer1966 Posts: 478 Member
    Hi, Here is my spirit post, and my post for House points that I still owe since i have no power, of course, work has power, so I am recharging all my chargeables.

    House points 522

    Hope everyone is well
  • Matchamatcha
    Matchamatcha Posts: 158 Member
    Discussion Topic

    How many of you just randomly chose a goal weight? I know I did, but I didn't really know if it was a healthy goal. According to the BMI chart, the healthy range for me is between 111 and 150 pounds. I just can't see 111 being a healthy weight for me and I'm very close to 150, but I still have quite a bit of body fat hanging on.

    I picked 150 because it was within healthy for my height and I had last been 145 when I was much thinner.

    I've changed my goal though ebcause its not about the number on the scale, its about body fat %. I would like to be 20% bodyfat which TOTALLY COINCIDENTALLY is probably going to be right around 150. Whcih is on the very high side of hte BMI chart actually (I'm 5'6") while 20% bodyfat is pretty low. Basically, I'm ....meaty?

    I haven't lost any weight this week and I am retaining water and fluctuating like MAD -- scale said 171 this morning and 176 this evening. Nuts. I'm going to say I'm at a null loss but null gain.

    I think I only got 3 Owls - not a good week for me. Exercise minute were better though: I clocked in 320.

    Hi Tameko2,

    I chose my initial goal weight to have lost 15kg // 33lb - i.e. 73kg to 58kg, because I guestimated that that was around what I would need to lose to be a healthy size. But now having looked at my BMI, I hit 25 at 60kg. So now my goal weight is basically whenever I feel like. I've always been fat ever since I hit puberty, so I don't really know what my body is going to look like once I'm at a healthy weight range. If I feel satisfied mid 50s I'll stop. If not, I'll keep going for a few more kilos.

    For me, whilst I really don't want to be overweight anymore, I'm not overeager to be skinny either. I just want to enjoy my body at a comfortable weight for me, wherever that is. I don't care about being super thin because I like having boobs and an *kitten*. I really just want to buy clothes easily, and suffer less in the summers from hell we get over here in Australia. Like not having my thighs rub together, and being able to wear short shorts and a singlet/small top without feeling self conscious. Just being able to go out and about with less clothing on would be great. That sounds silly, but seriously, if you can't be in air con or at the beach during 40 °C days, you're gonna want the skimpiest, lightest clothing possible.

    Anyway, my weigh in for this week is no loss, 63.9kg / 140.8lb again.

    I wish I could say that I did a lot of exercise at the beach today (which was utterly lovely), but really we walked across the sand to put down our bags, walked to the water and then lolled in it. Unless I can get exercise calories from sculling whilst floating on my back lol.
  • bethanyweathers
    bethanyweathers Posts: 296 Member
    Weigh in this morning: 228.2 Loss: 1.4
    Work Out Points: 35
    Challenge Points: 5
  • azsuzi
    azsuzi Posts: 1,169 Member
    Happy Halloween Ravenclaw! I got up early this morning so that I could have time to eat something - my surgery is at 3:30, so I had to eat by 7. My diary will most likely look very odd today - from now until after surgery there's no food, water, coffee!!, gum!!, mints - nothing is to pass these lips! My boss wants me to come in this morning since my surgery is so late in the day. I'll work half a day, then probably come home and take a nap so I can forget how hungry I am! :laugh:

    We are still waiting for weigh-ins from:

    Hope you all have a wonderful day!
  • Scarlettdawn764
    Scarlettdawn764 Posts: 856 Member
    Well, with the R & R I was taking from exercise this week to let my body heal, I would have been content to just simply hold steady. But I'm actually down to 137.1. So, I met my October goal mostly (it was 137 and there's still a pesky .1 on there lol). Since my overall goal is to get down to 130 (Which as per another challenge I am trying to lose by Christmas) that gives me about two months to lose 7 pounds. So how about I cut it in half? I'll make my November goal be to get down by 3.5 pounds, so.....133.5.

    My OWLs will be low this week, as per my break.

    Food: 0 (Taking a zero on this because I'm pretty sure I was super bad this week (especially if you count fresco tacos off the drive thru diet menu at taco bell).
    Exercise: 3
    Spirit: 5

    Total OWLs: 8 (not up to my standards. I intend to fix that this week :wink: )
    House Points: 127 (Got some rest so I'm ready to rake in more points this coming up week)

    Can't wait! I'm charged up and ready to go! I eat fruits and veggies all the time, it's my main staple. The exercise challenge will be tougher, but I'll try very hard! I do have a question. It says bicep curls can be used. What about tricep extensions? I usually do some crunches, bicep curls, and tricep extensions after I run. Would be great if all 3 counted towards my 150 :bigsmile:

    Sue, you said you were missing my weigh-in. I posted this yesterday :laugh:
  • cNhobbes
    cNhobbes Posts: 235 Member
    hey all! my house points suck for this week, but here they are (sun-sat): 200
  • _gwen
    _gwen Posts: 501 Member
    *Progress towards week of 10/30 -10/31 update*
    House Spirit (post ) - +1
    Food (Veggies) - +0
    Exercise (150 reps) - +0

    *exercise minutes*
    October Month to date total = 345
    Week of 10/30 exercise minutes = 30
    10/31 exercise minutes - 30 minutes walking
  • korkster
    korkster Posts: 181 Member
    Happy Halloween everyone!

    My first holiday with MFP, and I thought I'd ask how people resist the temptation of candy and what not. I thought it would be difficult at home with all the good Halloween candy, like kit kats, reeces peanut butter cups, mounds, and M&Ms, but surprisingly no. When I felt the munchies coming on, I had some low calorie candy that satisfied my infrequent urges.

    No, the problem seems to be at work. I work for a food company, and everyone here prides themselves on being a good cook. Good enough to bring goodies in the lunch room for anyone to enjoy. This morning I walked in and found cupcakes and brownies with frosting. I'm avoiding them by staying in my kffice right now, but it provided a strong warning as what's to come when we get closer to Christmas. Or evwn Thanksgiving!

    So I thought I'd ask you, my fellow Ravenclaws, what you do when the theme for the holidays are food. Thanksgiving is nothing but food, and not necessarily healthy food at that. Do you stick to portioning? Are there better recipies? How do you avoid hurting people's feelings by not eating their food?
  • Scarlettdawn764
    Scarlettdawn764 Posts: 856 Member
    Checking in with a public service announcement. If you decide to dance in the shower, make sure you have a slip proof surface upon which to shimmy and shake while you shower. That is all.
  • kellyisloved
    kellyisloved Posts: 441 Member
    Weight: 235 (1 pound loss!)

    Total OWLs: 13
    Food: 2 (wow, normally I do way better at avoiding junk-- tough week)
    Spirit: 5
    Exercise: 6
    House Points: 345

    November goal: 230

    I'm excited about this week. Last year I started my weight loss goals when I was 274.6, and as I was losing weight, the lowest I ever hit was 235. Unfortunately, I stopped there and maintained for a while (never quite losing a full 40 pounds), and eventually I gained back a chunk of it, which is why I started on mfp in September. Soooo, even if I only lose .5 this week, I'll be excited because it'll be my 40 pound mark overall AND I'll be finally feeling as though I'm making actual progress again instead of losing weight I never should have regained. :D

    On a completely different note, sending good thoughts your way today, Sue!
  • kellyisloved
    kellyisloved Posts: 441 Member
    Checking in with a public service announcement. If you decide to dance in the shower, make sure you have a slip proof surface upon which to shimmy and shake while you shower. That is all.

    Ooooouch -- are you okay?

    If so, this makes me smile because I can't count how many times I've done this, lol. But if not...ow, sorry to hear it!