Anyone else training for a marathon and trying to lose weigh

Hello all.

I am new to MFP, but not to weight loss. I lost 75 lbs in in 2009-2010 following Weight Watchers and have maintained my loss ever since. Now I want to lose my last 15 lbs, as I am on the higher end of the healthy BMI and I think I have more weight to lose.

I am a very active person and got into running last year. I finished two half marathons and a duathlon. I am now training for a full-marathon that will be held on October 16th. It has been a challenge to keep my activity at a high level (in addition to the marathon training, I take spinning classes and do strength training with my personal trainer) and eat the right foods to fuel my body and keep my appetite in check to be able to lose the weight that I want.

Is there anyone else in the same boat as me? If so, please friend me and maybe we can motivate and support each other while answering several questions that come up in this process :)



  • emmaleigh47
    emmaleigh47 Posts: 1,670 Member
    Hi there! I am not nearly as skinny as you are ... I have lost about 39 pounds and I am currently training for my first marathon as well. I have done 3 halfs and by the end of this year I will have done seven of them. My first marathon is January 8th at Disneyworld! :)
  • jmijaressf
    jmijaressf Posts: 215
    I'm just barely on the overweight/normal area of the BMI chart as well. Despite doing a half marathon last month, I can't seem to make the scale budge! I have another half marathon in a few weeks.
  • michlingle
    michlingle Posts: 797 Member
    I'm sure you'll find plenty of friends in the same boat! I've run Chicago Marathon twice and 5 half marathons, and it is ALWAYS a challenge to get the training in and eat all the right things. I'm not running it this year though, bun in the oven :) But there will be times when you don't feel you're doing well enough but each day is a new opportunity. Best of luck to you!!! Have fun :)
  • hungrymarathongirl
    hungrymarathongirl Posts: 444 Member
    I am trying to lost those stubborn last 10 pounds! frustrating. I am training for my 2nd marathon. I just completed one in May and doing another one in September. Add me if you like. We can support and motivate each other. Good luck and great job on the weight loss! :smile:
  • brittanybee07
    Hey, congrats on loss! AND the half-marathons. I also have run a few half marathons and various other races... Lets face it, it addicting. I would love to run a marathon but I injured my IT Band so I am stuck mostly to light runs on the treadmill and the elliptical trainer until that heals. I plan to run a marathon in 2013... THE FULL MARATHON.. Let me know how you do! =)

    Feel free to add me!
  • Elzecat
    Elzecat Posts: 2,916 Member
    I'm training for my first half marathon in October and have about 10 more lbs I'd like to lose...feel free to friend me!
  • cshore54
    cshore54 Posts: 70
    I have lost 110 pounds but I have not been active except fo some walking. Several weeks ago I decided to train for the Princess 1/2 Marathon at Disney World to be held in February. This past week I finally accomplished being able to wog 1 mile without stopping. I feel like I can go further, but from everything I have read I will train slowly and build up according to the plan I am following. I still have 20 pounds to lose and hope this will help me on my journey. I already got my first running injury. Tripped on uneven sidewalk and shattered the bones in my left hand. I was back out the next day after the cast was applied, but now I run in the street. Always wondered why runners ran in the street, now I know. Good luck to all the trainees and thanks for your stories of inspiration.
  • PeteyRunsNow
    PeteyRunsNow Posts: 24 Member
    Hi im in the same boat! I will send an invite.
  • tigerbluefly
    tigerbluefly Posts: 257 Member
    I'm training for my first full marathon on October 16th as well!!
  • rickydeuce
    rickydeuce Posts: 80
    First one for me is October 30th. I have done two halfs and have three lined up for the fall which fall into my training schedule. I have found some great informative friends on here already and am always looking for more.
  • eamconnor
    eamconnor Posts: 130 Member
    I'm looking for a good fall/winter marathon, and would appreciate any suggestions. As far as giving advice, I find that running in an organized group essential. A lot of mornings, there's no way I would get up and pound out the miles myself.
  • tjalt
    tjalt Posts: 24 Member
    I ran 2 halfs last year and just did my first full in May....and I have to be honest. It is not a good idea to plan on losing weight while training for a marathon. You will be burning SO many calories if you are following a good training plan and it is VERY difficult to eat back all those calories. Heck, it's hard to eat back half of them!

    I gained at least 5 pounds during the 18 weeks I trained. I had to let that go and know that my goal was to finish the marathon - not lose weight. The marathon will be so much more than you think! One bit of advice I do have - drink a protein shake with at least 2 meals everyday = great way to get more caloires and protein without having to "eat".

    Oh, and I know after my marathon I ATE LIKE A PIG for DAYS!!! I ate well but I ate A LOT! No one had ever mentioned that to me :)
  • eamconnor
    eamconnor Posts: 130 Member
    It is not a good idea to plan on losing weight while training for a marathon. You will be burning SO many calories if you are following a good training plan and it is VERY difficult to eat back all those calories. Heck, it's hard to eat back half of them!

    Agreed. You'll get in great shape, but if you're training correctly, you probably won't lose much weight as marathon day approaches. I never did, anyway.

    While you're at it, take special care to make sure you're eating right. Your body needs it more than ever.