Broken Leg - Exercise help?

I broke my leg last week while playing soccer, no I was not pushed it was a freak accident where I landed after a hot with my leg fully extended. I'm on crutches and unable to put any weight on my left leg. I was hoping for any help or advice you have for an injured person trying to lose weight. Maybe exercise ideas?


  • zenchild
    zenchild Posts: 680 Member
    Punches (with or without weights), sit in a chair with arms and use your arms to lift yourself up, any kind of weight lifting, situps. If you're feeling brave (and you have good balance) you could do squats with one leg. You could definitely do leg lifts with the good leg and once the soreness goes down, maybe the broken one too. On the plus side walking with crutches is great for your arms. Once you get good at it you'll be walking as fast as normal.
    I broke my leg as a kid and was in a cast up to my thigh for at least a month and a walking cast for another month. Your leg will be scrawny and weird when the cast comes off. Mine looked like a little toothpick.