Needed: heathy, easy recipes for kids

NotGoddess Posts: 1,198 Member
edited September 29 in Recipes
My kids have been visiting their father over the summer. A break for me and it has given me the opportunity to really improve my fitness and eating habits. They'll be back at the end of the month and I want to make sure 1) I don't slip in my own goals 2) I cook dishes that are healthy for all of us. So I need ideas for dishes that are a little more kid-friendly.

They love vegetables, with the exception of raw tomato pieces and bell peppers. Broccoli is their favorite followed by cauliflower and carrots (California mix is a staple in my freezer). But I'd love to introduce new vegetables and ways of preparing them for variety so they don't get bored and eat more junk food when they are out of the house.

Also-any fish ideas would be welcome. I love fish but I rarely prepare it for them because their idea of good seafood is fish sticks and popcorn shrimp. I usually just bake the fish plain, which they don't much like. I would love any ideas on preparation or ways to dress it up to make it more appealing to them.



  • usmcmp
    usmcmp Posts: 21,219 Member
    My kids are 2 and 3 so they like fish sticks and chicken nuggets. I just slice fish into strips, coat it in bread crumbs and bake it or chop chicken up, coat it in bread crumbs and bake it. I've tried mashed potatoes and mashed cauliflower mixed but they don't eat the mashed potatoes any way.
  • sister_bear
    sister_bear Posts: 529 Member
    You probably have things more under control than you think. Just don't buy any junk food. :)

    I grew up on grilled and broiled fish. Feeding me fishsticks was like punishment when I was little. lol

    How old are they? Perhaps involve them in the cooking process and they'll be more inclined to try it.

    You might look at some dishes with squash. There's quite a few things you can do with squash and it can still taste kid friendly with some cheese or cinnamon on top.
  • jujubean1992
    jujubean1992 Posts: 462 Member
    chicken breast is my best friend! i just put it in a baking dish throw in some seasonings and add water or i've even used lemon juice... there is a delicious lime-tomato-basil chicken recipe i have on here. my son is 18 months and doesn't like much of anything i make but he always eats the chicken i cook. i'm not very creative when it comes to veggies though...
  • DakotaKeogh
    DakotaKeogh Posts: 693 Member
    This site has been a life-saver to me as a single parent.
  • mislove68
    mislove68 Posts: 240
    I have a 15 month old So I am just starting to explore what things to give him to eat. But What about sweet potatoes? I like to cook them up in a skillet with other mixed vegi's and black beans. He like that. also sweet potato fries are awesome too!

    recently I heard about using corn flakes to bake your chicken and it comes out like the texture of fried chicken. I am thinking about giving this a try but with a healthy less sugary cereal.
  • tmarie2715
    tmarie2715 Posts: 1,111 Member
    I flake baked fish and mix it into rice with sesame oil and a little bit of low sodium soy sauce for my 3 year old. He doesn't even notice it is there. :)

    We also like polenta flowers (or any cookie cutter shape you have). Slice polenta and cut with cookie cutter, brush with a little olive oil, grill or pan fry. Serve with marinara to dip.
  • whimsy38
    whimsy38 Posts: 158 Member
    I give my kids w. Wheat flat bread and we make pizza' with part skim mozzerella. Mine won't do veggies on pizza but maybe yours would.
  • CelticDestiny
    CelticDestiny Posts: 61 Member
    My almost 3 year old loves ham and cheese roll ups for a quick snack. I use the boar's head deli ham a slice of american cheese and I put a slice of tomato in the middle. Really any kind of lunch meat any kind of sliced cheese and any kind of veggie can be used. I'm all about quick healthy snacks for my kids.
  • lalilalu
    lalilalu Posts: 102 Member
    I make really tasty fish burgers, I just blend up some white fish fillets, spring onion, garlic, lemon zest and egg white. Fry them up and serve them in wholegrain rolls with salad and homemade tartare sauce (low fat mayo and pickles). Yum

    Soup is also very popular with my toddler. She loves chicken and corn, minestrone and lamb and barley. They are so quick and easy to make and a complete meal with lots of goodness in them...
  • NotGoddess
    NotGoddess Posts: 1,198 Member
    Thanks so much for the suggestions-you've given me a lot of ideas to play with.
    Thanks for the website, Brett-looks like I'll find a lot of great info there.
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