I'm crying :(

We just got back from vacation and I was looking at pictures of the trip. I looked huge. I have never been big EVER. I was always the skinny one. I was so thin people would actually say to me " no one can look like you without being anorexic". Now they say " fattie lay off the cookies". I am in tears right now because I cannot believe I let myself get this way. I can't even blame having kids because I put the weight on 2 yrs after my last one was born. I'm glad I'm here now and I'm glad I saw the picture because I didn't know how bad it was. I can now look at this picture and work harder.


  • Caperfae
    Caperfae Posts: 433
    I'm sorry you are upset. You have come to the right place though.
    All the best in your lifestyle change journey.
    Your next vacation pictures should make you smile :)