Hi, new adventurer

MY name is Robyn. i live in Southern California..

I've lost a found and ton of weight... over and over......

This summer i made a big change in my fitness.... i joined a Taekwando studio. I'm 4 weeks in and a white belt...Every 8 weeks with some dedication i should test for my next belt...

As i transform i cant wait to see how my weight changes.... Very exciting....

I really look forward to having before and after shots... white belt and then a year from now in my blur belt....

Oh yeah and i competed in my first tournament yesterday. I am not a big fat Panda... I am "The" big Fat Panda!!!

All is good but i did wear spanx under my uniform lol....


  • HankFit247
    HankFit247 Posts: 139

    We're all here to provide assistance and support. Just let me know how I can be of personal assistance.
