Busy mom needing motivation help.

lisota6 Posts: 10 Member
So I joined this site last week. The first few days were great. I was able to keep track at work and home. It really helped me make better choices and take responsibility for what I am eating. Unfortunately, I have no access to the internet when I am away from home and work;therefore, I tend to make poor choices. At 43 I have begun peri-menopause and I swear I have gained 5 to 7 lbs since it began. I am 5'0" and 142 lbs. My goal weight is 125 lbs. Not only to feel better and fit into my old clothes but also to help control my IBS and pain in my bad knee. I would gladly take motivation tips anyone would like to share.


  • GeminiStayFresh
    What really motivated me was exercising and really seeing my body change. I have muscles when I never did before, and being accountable for my good makes me take responsibility for my life. I am a single mother who works full time and commutes, but I find a way to fit in exercise no matter what !
  • jrcox520
    jrcox520 Posts: 130 Member
    I just remind myself that I have to log what I eat. I keep my diary public to everyone so I don't want to enter anything incriminating, haha. I am also short (5'1") but I weigh a good deal more than you. :) It also helps to plan what you will eat the next day and enter it in advance.
  • pelleld
    pelleld Posts: 363 Member
    I just sent you a friend request. Our stats are similar.

    The 2 most important pieces of advice I would give you: 1. continue to log your food daily, even wehn you don't feel like it or even when you make bad choices. You'd be surprised how it all adds up! And it holds you accountable. And 2. Exercise!!!!! I was doing Curves before I came here, added in Jillian Michaels DVDs and they have TOTALLY changed my body.
  • Jodi_O
    Jodi_O Posts: 32
    My husband gets up in the morning and plans what he is going to eat for the rest of the day. Once he has his calories all planned out, he logs them. This way if he is going to have a sweet treat later, he already knows how many calories he'll have left.
  • sammys1girly
    sammys1girly Posts: 1,045 Member
    I am 40 and also have a bum knee (training injury from running my first 5K this spring) and ibs, although I haven't had too many issues with the ibs lately, thankfully. I have lost almost 10 pounds since I joined here about 3 months ago and am starting to get into a slump where it's hot and I don't feel like working out or I REALLY want some more junk food. But logging is key with me...if I don't log, I overeat. I had been working out hard at the gym for over a year and hadn't lost an ounce. Once I started keeping track of what I was eating, it started coming off. I am 5 ft 1 as well and started at 135, currently just under 126. My original goal was 125 b/c I wasn't sure it was do-able. Now that I know it is, I am aiming for 120.
    Be sure to find some exercise you enjoy or you won't be motivated to do it. If nothing else, squeeze in a couple walks every day. Also weight training really helps tone up and while you might not lose at first, eventually you will from the extra calories that the muscle burns. I also pre-plan what I'm going to eat if I am going to be out and about during the day and try to stick to it. Feel free to friend me :wink: