Are there any other haters out there?



  • joimichele
    joimichele Posts: 382
    Silly question, but how about fruit?

    I never feel satisfied with just fruit so I usually eat it with a meal just to get the nutrition I need.
  • squishyjenn
    squishyjenn Posts: 245 Member
    I hate breakfast as much as you do but I found a solution! (at least for me) get the Great Value mixed berry thingy in the freezer section at walmart. It's got like 4 types of berries in it. Throw that in the blender with a little bit of water and some Crystal Light Fiber powder packet (or any type, really) and blend it! You can also add two tbsp of flax seed, doesn't change the taste at all imho, and that'll add some more protein to it. The nutritional facts for it (really filling) are under SquishyJenn's Flaxseed Smoothie in the food diary thing. I'm pretty sure I made it public.
  • boomboom011
    boomboom011 Posts: 1,459
    i love EVERY MEAL! I dont skip meals! PERIOD! Obviously thats why i need to lose 20 pounds!
  • ammient3
    ammient3 Posts: 82 Member
    I don't care for breakfast food MAYBE once in a great while but I make a smoothie every morning and put just about anything and everything in it, all different kinds of fruit, yogurt, always raw spinach leaves (the taste is hidden in the fruit), ice and a tiny bit of water or juice!! It's not considered sitting down eating a breakfast but your getting all your food intake for it in a drink!!! Just a idea for you!!! Good Luck!
  • SLaw4215
    SLaw4215 Posts: 596 Member
    I personally don't care to eat when I first roll out of bed however, with the goal of changing bad habits and learning to live a healthier lifestyle I pack my breakfast daily. For about the first month I had to force myself to eat by 10am every morning. It used to be that if I ate early in the morning I would be hungry again an hour later so I associated eating breakfast with over eating. Now that it is a part of my regular routine most days, it's just one of my three meals. My internal clock got used to it.

    If you really don't like breakfast foods then don't eat the typical breakfast food. Eat crackers and cheese or something. The goal is to jump start your metabolism after sleeping all night. Try to keep it simple for now...drink a class of juice. Try a Fiber One product - the brownie's are awsome -- what rule says you can't eat a brownie for breakfast? The Fiber One brownie's are better for you than a pop tart!
  • MysterriGal
    MysterriGal Posts: 52 Member
    If you want to eat traditional breakfast like foods for breakfast, you can try and modify some breakfast ideas you do like. Ever try turkey bacon? Some brands can be pretty good and better for you than regular bacon, good chopped up and mixed with peppers, tomato and light cheese (ie laughing cow) in a wrap. Or saute some chopped up veggies, throw in some protein like a slice of deli turkey, good omelet filling, but instead of egg, use a tortilla and make a quesadilla.
    A fruity salad is good too, regular salad base (ie lettuce, spinach) filled with strawberries, blackberries, blueberries and blackberries, some almonds and your choice of main protein (ie grilled chicken or turkey bacon) with a tbsp of dressing (Italian is good!) Muffins are good too, if you can find a good recipe with decent stats. (I'm not much of a baker, so I don't have a recipe to share.)
    Stuff like that can give you the mentality of eating "breakfast food" without hating your life doing it. And as everyone else said, anything goes! They say breakfast should be your biggest meal (easier said than done) so lunch or even supper foods should be fair game, though I myself like lighter things in the morning.
  • jmikels67
    jmikels67 Posts: 116
    Although I love breakfast foods, the time to prepare is often an issue for me. I have discovered a couple of good alternatives - 1) Fiber One bars - only 140 calories, and tons of fiber - which is good for you and fills you up. There are several good flavors - my favorite is oats and chocolate - feels like I'm getting a naughty snack! Also, Aldi (if you have that chain) has a Fit and Active Meal Replacement bar that is 180 cals - and has lots of protein. Also very tasty - comes in chocolate peanut butter or double chocolate. Also feels naughty but isn't! Aldi's version of Fiber One bars are also excellent and much cheaper than the name brand. Depending on what I've had the day before, sometimes the fiber bar holds me better till lunch time, sometimes it's the protein one. However, it's a quick, tasty way to get the body started for the day - and a good alternative to regular breakfast food!
  • finallychelle
    finallychelle Posts: 349 Member
    Kippers and fried eggs (and a dollop of salsa) get my day off to a great start for 280 calories. Two fried eggs, two strips of bacon and 2 tablespoons of salsa is only 220 calories. Sometimes I'll eat a couple of chicken franks and an apple or orange. There's lots of great stuff to choose from so lay down your sword and make your peace with breakfast... ;o)
  • pumpkinmoccasin
    I really don't care for waffles or pancakes, and if I ever eat them it's always without syrup and people think I'm crazy. Just not my cup of tea. I like eggs a lot, though, I could eat eggs for every meal