harry potter verdict, anyone?



  • vendygirl
    vendygirl Posts: 718 Member
    I saw it this weekend and I loved it. The final battle scene where they fall was a little too long and should have been a little shorter. The deaths of Fred, Tonks and Lupin were way to under played. I also think they needed the Malfoys to stay and cower as they did in the books however having them flee after Draco was with them worked some also.

    I enjoyed it an am sad that Harry Potter has ended but all good things must come to an end. I had forgotten that Snape died the way he did as it has been awhile since I read the book.

    All in all it was well done overall.
  • melaniecheeks
    melaniecheeks Posts: 6,349 Member
    I really didnt enjoy the last book, and felt it worked much better as a movie - really good stuff, that I look forward to seeing again.
  • WA_Teacher
    WA_Teacher Posts: 1,042 Member
    I also think they WAY underplayed Fred, Lupin, and Tonks' deaths.

    me too! i wish they had shaved even 3 minutes of either the harry/voldemort battle or the waaay too long nagini chase scene to show that proper. especially fred!

    Went to see the movie today and I too enjoyed the movie but was dissappointed on the underplay of Fred's death.

    As for those of you that believe the Harry Potter books are demonic; I have this to say.

    Thank God we live in America where you can share your thoughts along with those of us that thank God for JK for getting so many children interested in reading.
  • ChantalGG
    ChantalGG Posts: 2,404 Member
    Ending was lame, hence why i never was into it because it is a children s movie with adult themes. Does not compare to Goonies, The Never Ending Story, or The Dark Crystal.
  • _beachgirl_
    _beachgirl_ Posts: 3,865 Member
    Saw it with all the kids, from ages 20 to 7, we all loved it! I agree with some of the criticisms as far as the Harry/Voldemart morphing scene, and not giving the deaths of Fred, Lupin and Tonks a little bit more of a part, but over all it was a good adaptation. My 10 year old thought that Snape was really Harry's father! Thinking back to that part of the movie, it could seem that was what they were implying.....now I'm going to have read the book again!
  • beautynthalight
    beautynthalight Posts: 167 Member
    oh man i thought that for a brief moment as well
  • pumpkinmoccasin
    Harry Potter basically sums up my childhood :) The fact that I turned 21 and got to see the very final installment of the last bit of Harry Potter that's ever going to be released is sort of a (bittersweet) turning point for me... I'll always have the books and the movies, but now I'm grown up and so are the characters that I grew up loving <3 I'm a sap hehe.

    Speaking of sap, I cried at least twice in the theatre, though I was basically on the edge of tears for the entire first half because I'm emotional about it being done with. I thought the movie was really well done, but it helps that I refused to re-read through the last book until the movie came out (I read it twice when it first came out--marathon as soon as I got it at midnight and then again, more slowly, for details), I seem to enjoy films more in general when I have some distance from the source material. I was a little disappointed that they didn't go into better detail of Prof. Snape's relationship with Lily, so I'm going to be a bit miffed if they don't have that in the deleted scenes on the DvD :P

    I'm planning on re-reading the series when Pottermore goes live, but for now I'm enjoying some more grown up literature (then I'll have a nice break back into simpler stuff <3 hehe!)
  • k2quiere
    k2quiere Posts: 4,151 Member
    Trust me, you weren't the only on who cried, for some of those same reasons. Harry Potter is a strong piece of my daughter's childhood; I was teaching them how to read with the first book. The movies always came out around their birthday, so it seems that as Harry grew up, so did my children...definitely a bittersweet end of an era.
  • DeathIsMyGift
    DeathIsMyGift Posts: 434 Member
    Saw it at midnight in 2D (like others, I think 3D is overrated). There are SO many things I can say but I'll try to keep it short..ish:

    1. I really wanted to see Harry come to Mcgonagall defense when the Callow spit at her. That entire scene with Harry and Luna under the Invisibility Cloak in Ravenclaw tower was left out. Sadface. (Would have also been nice to see Ginny insist on Luna take Harry up to Ravenclaw tower instead of Jo Chen)

    2. Harry and Voldermort 'morphing' into each other while flying sort of miffed me off. In fact, pretty much everything after that was just wrong.

    3. Fred, Tonks and Lupin's death. I feel that they could have shown more of Fred dying but as far as Tonks and Lupin (I love both characters) I feel that it was played out well. In the book, it was sort of glossed over anyway, (in my opinion)

    4. I'm glad they showed the 'baby' thing at Kings Cross. I was wondering how they would do that in the movie, I think it translated well lol

    5. This last movie was such an avalanche of information. If you didn't read the book I can honestly see how you'd be a bit lost. Heck, I read the books 3 times and I was even like "wait, what?" LOL

    6. Neville and Luna - I liked it. I wish they would have gotten together in the book but I'll settle for the movie love.

    7. Snape. Oh good gosh, I love Snape. I was a big bailing baby throughout the entire "Princess Tale" scene. I waiting years to see that played out on screen and I was very pleased.

    8. I said I would keep this short...sorry lol I'm sure I'll think of more stuff later

    Also, as far as Harry Potter being demonic. I use to think the same way when I first got "saved" (yes I'm a gay born again Christian). I would go to Wal Mart and put the LEFT BEHIND books in front of all of the Harry Potter books. Silly I know but as I've grown in my faith I can separate fantasy from reality........plus, I've lightened up a bit.
  • chanstriste13
    chanstriste13 Posts: 3,277 Member
    saw it again tonight and liked it better. still missed a few things. why in the world didn't harry fix his own wand at the end before snapping the elder wand? they should have kept that in. but i cried even more this time around with snape. if he weren't a fictional dead man, i'd stalk him. or i could just 'bother' him potter puppet pal style...

    le sigh...

    i <3 snape.

    and i never doubted him for a moment when i read the books - i always knew he was dumbledore's man through and through!