I am new

Hello, my name is Mandy. I am 26 years old. I am a mother of one little girl. I have been trying to lose weight for three years. I have lost a little bit but I am trying to lose about 40 more lbs. and I need some help from some of you if u can help me. Thanks for my friend JoAnn for letting me know about this site.

Ladies what do you think I should start? and How to I get this weight off me? I am 166 to 170 right now I want to be 120 or 130. Please help. I am 4'10 and this isn't how I am suppose to be.


  • BlessedMoon
    BlessedMoon Posts: 65 Member
    Hi! I'm trying to lose bout 60, I've done it a few times before. I just gain it back when I let my guard down. The best advice I can give is to be consistent. It sounds like you're on the right track though. If you keep logging your food and exercise you'll see where you need to improve. Just don't deprive yourself. If you feel a craving, make sure you eat well the rest of the day and get a workout in to burn off the extra calories. Good luck!!