needed friends for support !

hi im in need of some friends for support ive lost 7lbs so far and hope to lose much more im struggling to do excise cant seem to motivate myself any tips would be great thanks


  • Catnoise
    Catnoise Posts: 1

    Ditto! I'm not sure how to go about linking up with you through the site but I will have a go. I've lost 3lbs so far and still have a looooong way to go yet until I reach my goal. Feel free to link up with me (just in case I can't figure out how to do it myself).

    Exercise - I had a baby 6 weeks ago by C-Section so I'm REALLY limited to what I can do exercise wise. That doesn't stop me though. I walk absolutely everywhere (literally miles!) and try to walk at a brisk pace as much as possible. When walking at a brisk pace I try to take bigger steps so as to simulate a lunge whilst walking. I can really feel my muscles on my inner thighs working hard when I do this! Jog up the stairs at home rather than walk and try to go up the stairs as often as possible during the day. Just these small things are a good start and will work. Once you get moving and see the difference it makes to how you feel in yourself and your weight loss it will motivate you to do more.

    Good luck!
  • jessii1990
    jessii1990 Posts: 12 Member

    Firstly well done on your current achievement, thats fantastic! I struggled getting motivated to do exercise as well, ive just started slowly easing myself in to it, because i knew if i just dived straight in i would be put off quickly. I started with just little extra things a day like walking the dog further than normal. Ive even now started jogging with him! I also play my wii fit more often, the aerobic games are great fun!

    Good luck!
    Jess x
  • zoodalia
    zoodalia Posts: 294
    Hey, you're more than welcome to add me!:) x
  • Hi,

    I know how you feel, its hard to get motivated esp when its raining outside where I live :(

    But everything you do is burning calories and the fact you have lost 7lbs means your on the right track :D

    Just keep focused and if you have one bad day just get on track the next day. Good luck :D Feel free to add xx
  • Waynes_World
    Waynes_World Posts: 333
    Feel free to add me ;)

    I wish you the best of luck along your journey !
  • catmcnor
    catmcnor Posts: 5

    Exercise doesn't need to be hard work, keeping you're heart rate low uses stored energy (fat burning) resulting in weight loss. walking, swimming & cycling are ideal fat burning exercises. You just need your age and weight to work out your fat burning heart rate then use a monitor and it's as easy as that.
    Figure out if you are better exercising alone, in a group or 1 on 1 if the gym isn't for you or the outdoors try different activities to see if you enjoy any, a few I like are ice skating, badminton dance and aerobics classes, when it's fun and you enjoy it it doesn't have the dread that a looming gym session has, however since I have stopped going for it at the gym and just staying in my fat burning zone I take my headphones watch the tv and before I know it I have walked a mile and a half in 30 mins and burnt 200 cals.
    Good luck x
  • Mad_Dog_Muscle
    Mad_Dog_Muscle Posts: 1,251 Member
    Feel free to add me if you like! Can never have too many friends to support! :drinker:
  • bkw2488
    bkw2488 Posts: 190 Member
    adding you :smile:
  • ReinventingLisa
    ReinventingLisa Posts: 104 Member
    I new to this website and just started today. I'm looking for support as well. I'm at my highest weight this morning, and have almost 60lbs to lose. I'm hoping to lose 10lbs a month.
  • shevyface
    shevyface Posts: 46
    Hi! Welcome aboard.

    I know how you feel. It took me a long, long time to get into exercise. For awhile I was just counting calories and that was it. I lost some weight that way but it didn't really start peeling off until I started exercising. At first I'd go walking, do outdoor things more often, and either ride my stationary bike or mountain bike. Now I'm doing the Insanity workout. It's amazingly hard and you will sweat like never before but it has really worked/is working for me. But anything where you're getting your heart rate up is burning the lbs off!
  • charms25
    charms25 Posts: 1
    Adding you :)