Gym Buddy [Leicester UK]

Is there any body on here who goes to the David Lloyd Gym (Meridian Park) in Leicester?

I have been going on my own for a while but it would be nice to be able to along with someone else who has similar goals.

I tend to stick to the gym the most and then do swimming when I feel my joints need a break.

My exercise routine at the moment consists of a 30 min run (with some slow walking after every 5-6 mins), then a 20 min session on the cross trainer and then some weights work on the machines (that part I have been a bit lax with recently). I do this 3-4 times a week and go straight after work. I think I am loosing the will power because I dont feel like I am seeing results but the main cause of that right now is the diet I guess.

I just wonder if it would feel more fun and motivating if I was going along with someone else who goes through the same ups and downs.


  • covshark
    covshark Posts: 17
    Sadly I am a bit too far away from you, as I am in Rugby. I just wanted to drop you a line to say that I go through the same ups and downs but that little voice inside tells me not to give up :-)
  • fionarama
    fionarama Posts: 788 Member
    I can't emphasise enough how important it is to use the gym instructors at gyms. If you are demoralised , bored, don't feel you are getting anywhere, make an appointment, tell them what you are doing and change your routine. It really helps. Build a relationship with them, you can have chats with them whenever you like and once they get to know you they can be really helpful.
  • JoceyyySmall
    JoceyyySmall Posts: 155 Member
    I can't emphasise enough how important it is to use the gym instructors at gyms. If you are demoralised , bored, don't feel you are getting anywhere, make an appointment, tell them what you are doing and change your routine. It really helps. Build a relationship with them, you can have chats with them whenever you like and once they get to know you they can be really helpful.

    I second this!
  • SquishyVicki
    SquishyVicki Posts: 280 Member
    Sorry - I'm a little bit too far as well being in Chester but feel free to add me if you want a little online support.

    The only thing I can suggest based on your post is that you perhaps need to mix things up a little? My gym instructor has told me that you need to update your exercise routine every month or so to keep your body guessing; that can mean changing your type of exercise (swapping cross trainer for the bike) switching to interval training or changing the times and speeds that you work out. She has said that if we don't do this then our body will get used to the exercise we are doing and therefore no longer needs to push itself. Honestly I have no idea whether that is true as it is just what she has said to me but it seems to be working...

    Another idea could be to push yourself together an awesome play list on your iPod to go along with your workout; something that will up the tempo and keep you working hard. :o)

    I hope some of this helps!! Vx
  • jle78
    jle78 Posts: 7
    I'm afraid my work routine is too irregular to commit to being a gym buddy, but if you fancy a workout sometime when I'm around just let me know!

    I would also second the point about variety: I can happily swim laps for an hour and feel pleasantly exercised but not stretched; put me in a step class for an hour and I'm exhausted! I would make use of the range of classes the gym offers, and mix them up- try spin, step, body pump, circuits etc and see what you like. You'll soon get chatting to the other people in the classes and may find that they'd like to buddy up.

    Good luck! You WILL be the most beautiful bridesmaid!