"Fat" Clothes!



  • scarletfever2005
    scarletfever2005 Posts: 141 Member
    Sell them bad boys on ebay, consignment store, or garage sale. Take the money and put it towards buying clothes that either fit or are the size you want to be. Or donate them to a 501c corp and take the tax write off
  • Michi63
    Michi63 Posts: 20 Member
    I have a pair of 2 sizes to big, ripped, button won't stay buttoned, zipper does it's own thing, shorts that I love! They look horrendous on me but I love them! Won't get rid of them, even though the fabric is tearing away!:smooched:
  • fiabka
    fiabka Posts: 294 Member
    I recently watched a video of myself at Eurodisney a couple of years ago and nearly died at how big my butt was. But the most annoying thing is I have thrown the trousers out. I would loved to have tried them on now to see how far I had come - I now it would have given me a huge boost and helped with the determination - so I would keep a pair but only for the above reasons - just a reminder :smile:
  • newmetasha
    newmetasha Posts: 22
    Get rid of them allll of them U will never fit them again & if you have a baby then just buy ones as u need them :) X