1200 cal intake is not working for me.



  • tonilizzy88
    tonilizzy88 Posts: 920 Member
    the answer here is simple.... eat more natural food and up ur intake. if you do that you WILL start to loose again. also drink plenty of water.. (this helps me big time)
  • jenniferg83
    jenniferg83 Posts: 278 Member
    you also might not be losing weight because you're eating unhealthy. and stuff that is processed. fruits veggies and water etc will help. you're gong to do damage to yourself.
  • VeganGal84
    VeganGal84 Posts: 938 Member
    what they said.

    Good luck, you want this really badly, so I know that you'll figure it out and get where you want to get. :heart:
  • JessiC1984
    JessiC1984 Posts: 97 Member
    I saw there was one day this past week that you didn't even break 600 calories. All of your food is processed. Sugar and sodium are everywhere in processed foods, whereas they've stripped nutrients from them to make them "fast and easy". There is NO way you'll lose weight eating this way. Your body thinks it has to protect you from starvation, so it'll never let go of what it's been hanging on to if you keep eating this way. Everyone told you the same thing, if you take their advice (notice they're all getting closer to their goals) then you will see results. Take a tour around others' diaries to get some ideas of some good healthy foods that will fill you up AND actually nourish your body.
  • Angela_MA
    Angela_MA Posts: 260
    I understand your frustration and I have been there; however, lowering your calorie intake will only lower your metabolic rate. This is bad; very,very bad. You want your metabolic rate to be high. Cardio and strength training helps in charging the metabolic rate as does eating necessary calories to help your body function.
    I know your goal is to lose the weight; however if you continue to eat small amounts and then burn all those calories away you will damage your metabolic rates and thus after awhile you will have to even eat less. It is a vicious cycle you do not want enter into. I recommend upping your calorie intake. Perhaps try zig zagging or upping protein and decreasing carbs.
  • erinem182
    erinem182 Posts: 14
    People need to stop reading ficticious websites and start reading exercise and nutrition journals with clinical studies.

    If you keep your protein levels at the recommended amount per day, and restrict your calorie intake - your body will primarily burn and lose FAT while keeping your protein and glycogen stores at equilibrium.

    If however, you are fasting completely that is when you will lose protein/glycogen stores.

    1200 calories is a GUIDELINE, it is not 100% necessary and cannot possibly account for every single person on the planet.
  • Ultima_Morpha
    Ultima_Morpha Posts: 895 Member
    I am going to echo just about everyone else...you need to eat more and it needs to be healthier, less-processed foods. If your diary is up to date, then you aren't likely getting enough water, you aren't eating hardly any fruits and vegetables, and the sodium/preservatives in the processed foods could be holding you back.

    Keep in mind that calorie counts at their most accurate are still usually averages and derivations--you could still be off by your total calories in the multiple percentage points!

    Consider also that the closer you get to a healthy proportion of lean muscle and body fat that your losses will clow down. Your body is going to naturally hold on to some fat to protect essential processes.

    You are very close to your goal. Eat AT LEAST your BMR+portion of exercise calories with a lot of lean protein, vegetables, and fruits. Add some healthy fats like olive oil, almonds, fish, and coconut oil. Drink 6-8 glasses of water a day (I drink a gallon, but am much heavier than you and I notice it when I am short a day).

    In general, I believe that weight loss IS about calories in/out...but our bodies just function better when we eat better quality calories. I am in maintenance mode for the moment, but I eat very clean when losing and notice a huge difference in how I feel. We evolved eating whole, natural, un-processed foods...the preserved stuff we eat out of cans and boxes hasn't been around long enough for us to make an evolutionary change.

    If you've been exercising for a while, consider also that you are adding compact muscle mass. You could still be losing inches...best not to focus on the scale too much as you get closer to ideal BMI.
  • Bacardibarker
    Bacardibarker Posts: 48 Member
    I have the same problem and not shifting the weight.
    Are you eating too much sugar?
    Although I stay within my calories, I go way over the sugar levels. I’ve now stopped eating 3 portions of fruit a day and trying to eat more veg.
    Last week I managed to lose 1lb.

    Good luck. :o)
  • ArroganceInStep
    ArroganceInStep Posts: 6,239 Member
    Lower sodium, increase your fruit and vegetable intake, and specifically increase your fiber intake. If you really want to do something, consider a cleanse, but I don't think you need that. I looked at your diary and you have a LOT of fast carbs. Try to replace some of those with veggies. It'll help.
  • Nachos88
    Nachos88 Posts: 47 Member
    :smile: Wow thanx guys.

    I haven't been eating fruits or veggies lately, I didn't realise it until now. :embarassed:
    I will however change that immediately. I appreciate the honesty from you guys.

    I will try and eat atleast 1800 calories, 1200 plus the 600 calories that I burn.
    I can;t promise that I'll eat all that but I'll try.

    I'm gonna keep reading and evaluating each of the messages you guys wrote.

    Sorry, if this was a dumb entry...I just needed help and opinions.
    I feel stuck and I'm trying to move on from where I'm at.

    Thank you for reply guys!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • watchmeshrink16
    watchmeshrink16 Posts: 205 Member
    I'm dealing with the same situation. Just try to vary your calorie intake as you inceease it. I think that may avoid plateaus if that is what you are dealing with.

    Good luck!!!
  • Sublog
    Sublog Posts: 1,296 Member
    I know we've talked about this a million times. But...I've tried the 1200 calorie intake for about 3or 4 weeks now and I've seen no weight loss. Soooo....I'm gonna lower my calorie intake but I'm gonna keep my exercise routine up burning 600-700 calories a day.

    I'm just fustrated by lost time really. sigh.

    Anyone on same page with me here?

    How do you measure your food? Most women should be losing weight on 1200 calories per day. Do you cheat at all during the week?
  • stephspov
    stephspov Posts: 3
    They are correct. If your body isn't getting the amount of calories needed it will hold onto what you do take in. Your body thinks it is starving, so it won't let go of what it has.
  • jagh09
    jagh09 Posts: 555 Member
    I echo a lot of what's being said already. But here are some suggestions:

    1. You don't have a ton of weight to lose, and sometimes that makes it harder

    2. You have to increase your water intake! Maybe you're just not tracking it, but in your diary there are many days that you don't reach your water goals. Especially if you're exercising a lot, you have to replenish your water.

    3. Eat more whole foods, fruits, veggies, etc. Aim for lean protein (maybe less full-fat cheese), whole fruits, vegetables, nuts and beans.

    4. Eat back your exercise calories.

    5. Set a weigh-in day, same time, same location, same outfit. Only weigh in on that day/time. Your body fluctuates daily, so the scale will daily too.

    6. Don't starve yourself! You are a beautiful, healthy, young woman. Take the time to do this right for yourself. It's a lifetime change, and you have a lot of lifetime ahead! There will be some slow times and some plateaus.

    7. Maybe change up your exercise. Add some weights, some variety to what you're doing. Add in some pilates/yoga and stretching.

    Most of all, hang in there! Stay positive and take care of yourself. You can find the way.
  • jagh09
    jagh09 Posts: 555 Member
    One other thought - weighing and measuring your food is key. Sometimes you over/under estimate what you're eating. The only way to be accurate with calories is to weigh and measure everything.
  • jagh09
    jagh09 Posts: 555 Member
    :smile: Wow thanx guys.

    I haven't been eating fruits or veggies lately, I didn't realise it until now. :embarassed:
    I will however change that immediately. I appreciate the honesty from you guys.

    I will try and eat atleast 1800 calories, 1200 plus the 600 calories that I burn.
    I can;t promise that I'll eat all that but I'll try.

    I'm gonna keep reading and evaluating each of the messages you guys wrote.

    Sorry, if this was a dumb entry...I just needed help and opinions.
    I feel stuck and I'm trying to move on from where I'm at.

    Thank you for reply guys!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    It's not a dumb entry. Everyone gets frustrated with this process and needs to sound off once in a while. That's why MFP has message boards! You can do it!
  • Twasney
    Twasney Posts: 186 Member
    :smile: Wow thanx guys.

    I haven't been eating fruits or veggies lately, I didn't realise it until now. :embarassed:
    I will however change that immediately. I appreciate the honesty from you guys.

    I will try and eat atleast 1800 calories, 1200 plus the 600 calories that I burn.
    I can;t promise that I'll eat all that but I'll try.

    I'm gonna keep reading and evaluating each of the messages you guys wrote.

    Sorry, if this was a dumb entry...I just needed help and opinions.
    I feel stuck and I'm trying to move on from where I'm at.

    Thank you for reply guys!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I don't think it was a dumb entry at all! Its awesome to have a group of people out there that will help keep you accountable! You have inspired me to keep honest and make my diary public! I don't eat the best every day, but maybe if my friends keep me accountable then I will keep myself accountable.

    Good luck, you aren't alone and we ALL have the days/weeks where we feel stuck or lost or worried.

    Thanks for being brave enough to ask!

  • Ilovedrinkingtea
    Ilovedrinkingtea Posts: 597 Member
    I never once started losing until I ate back my exercise calories, now I am stronger and fitter than ever before and losing weight. You NEED to eat more!!! Programme your goals to one pound per week loss and just do what MFP tells you xx
  • chevy88grl
    chevy88grl Posts: 3,937 Member
    Most of the time when we are severely restricting our calories (like only eating 1200 calories) and not losing weight ... if you INCREASE your calories you will see a loss. Our bodies NEED food in order to feel comfortable losing weight. If you aren't eating enough - you will not lose weight. Your body needs fuel to function. Try upping your calories 100-200 calories for a few weeks and see what happens.

    I've gone from 1700 calories to 1900 calories to 2000 calories to 2200-2500 calories a day (these are NET calories - I eat back my exercise calories too). My body would LOVE for me to eat around 3000 calories, but I simply do not want to eat that much.
  • pa_jorg
    pa_jorg Posts: 4,404 Member
    Your diary doesn't show any fruit or veggies. First, start by adding those. The next thing you need to do is increase your calories, not decrease. I know it sounds strange at first, but it really works.