9th time's the charm?

rydogg707 Posts: 7 Member
edited September 29 in Introduce Yourself
Hey all, I'm 32, male, 5'11 and 270 lbs. My goal is to get to around 190 or so with plenty of lean muscle. As my subject as said I've tried this many times before, but I can never follow through, I usually eat right and work out for about 6 weeks or so and then I just either give up or become to busy to continue regularly.

However, I have a feeling that this time around is going to be different. I just finished my bachelor's from DeVry, and I'm 3.5 years into a really steady job, working 8-4, M-F. And being single with no kids means I have all the free time in the world!

Lately though, it's been rough for me getting started. More so, it's making the moment by moment decisions, good decisions. I usually end up saying "eff it" and make the bad decision to be lazy, eat bad food, fast food, pizza delivery, and then either watch TV, or play video games.

Bottom line: I *KNOW* what I am supposed to be doing, I've successfully managed a good diet and exercise program before, but I am just struggling with getting it going this time around, now that I have more free time.

Anyone go through something similar? Have any advice for making good moment by moment decisions?

I should also mention that regardless of when I go to bed, my alarm goes off at 6am, but I end up snoozing most mornings away until about 7am, and then I have no time to make a decent healthy breakfast and make it to work on time. Any tips for getting up when my alarm goes off?

This community seems really awesome, and I love the layout of the site, and the functionality with adding meals and exercises. I am excited to get going, once I can get going regularly!


  • zenchild
    zenchild Posts: 680 Member
    Put the alarm on the other side of the room. Or get one of the ones that runs away from you.
  • kaf330
    kaf330 Posts: 61
    Ah the million dollar question...how to make good moment to moment decisions. i feel your pain, i have found that this site has helped me a lot, especially since i can use my phone to log in my exercise right away instead of waiting til i get on computer. it makes me more accountable...one less excuse. i think a goal helps too... ie special occasion or vacation plans, wedding, class reunion etc. if you dont have one coming up then maybe something you want...new bike, clothes, bungy jumping for first time and make that a "gift" to yourself once you reach a certain weight..then set next goal.
    add me if you like..i see we are neighbors
  • rydogg707
    rydogg707 Posts: 7 Member
    That has also failed since I can sleep-stumble over turn it off and go right back to bed, even though my bedroom is 14 feet long! Maybe I should put it in the other side of my house, or in my office (on my computer, speakers blaring) so I have to walk around to turn it off.... I might try that. Thanks!
  • rydogg707
    rydogg707 Posts: 7 Member
    That is a good idea, some incentive to get myself going, and once I reach that mini-milestone reward myself. I hadn't really considered doing something like that before. Thanks for the tip, I'll have to ponder on that some more.

    I do agree with you, the phone app is a really good thing as it can hold me accountable for my meals and workouts. So far I am really liking this site, and the program, and how easy it is to log all your actions.
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