Hubby is making me feel bad for posing for pics *sorry so lo

So long story short...I have lost over 80lbs...feel amazing, look amazing and i am very proud of all my hard work. Hubby is very supportive and complimentary of all my hard work and sucess, however he always gives me a hard time when having someone take a pic of me. Yesterday I fixed my hair put on makeup and a new outfit posed for the camera and was about to change my twit profile pic then he said 'let me stop you from embarassing yourself, don't be one of those people who is always posing for the camera bragging about how they look and posting different pics!" I was like WTH...I told him I am just so happy with the NEW me. After years of hiding not wanting to shop, go anywhere and get dressed up I finally love the way I look. He said I was just trying to justify the fact that I was showing off and bragging. Hubby is a handsome and very fit guy, but he is also a very private man who hates having his pic taken so am I over reacting or is he just being a freak?


  • yanicka
    yanicka Posts: 1,004 Member
    How about he mind his own business, it's not a pic of him. And quite have every right to brag.
  • tsmom1128
    tsmom1128 Posts: 151 Member
    Girl, do your thing... he just doesn't want anyone looking at your sexy self!
  • emmaNEEDSskinny
    he is being a freak in your words.
    you have every right to feel amazing and show it off!
  • See_Jenn_Run
    I think he's overreacting - maybe he's worried that his smokin' hot wife is going to attract some attention from other guys now! :) If you're not in some skimpy outfit, I'd say go ahead and celebrate your success woman! You've earned it!
  • asilmegan34
    asilmegan34 Posts: 256 Member
    I can see both points of view. You should totally be proud of your achievements and have a right to show that off, but there also comes a point where too much is too much. Personally I get annoyed when people go overboard with anything on social media. I have friends who create facebook profiles for their newborn kid and I think thats the stupidest thing ever and it annoys me. However, someone that has gone on a weight loss journey should be able to show off, just make sure it's a classy way of doing it and not a "I'm better than everyone" way.
  • tbisca1
    tbisca1 Posts: 142
    How about he mind his own business, it's not a pic of him. And quite have every right to brag.

    Amen! lol my fiancée is the opposite he is always trying to take my picture now and I am not at that point yet where I want it taken!
  • meli_medina
    meli_medina Posts: 594 Member
    How about he mind his own business, it's not a pic of him. And quite have every right to brag.


    Be proud of who you are, and brag away! You've worked hard to get here, so even if he doesn't feel the need, you should feel the need! Again... brag away!
  • lauram1153
    lauram1153 Posts: 145 Member
    No way if i lost 80 lbs i would be asking strangers if they want to take my photo..! no seriously i think your totally right to want to show of be proud of what you've achieved its amazing. And just think your photos are probably inspiring someone else out their to start trying to loose weight. could he be feeling sligghtly concerned that if he's always been the fit healthy one he might be finding it hard to get used to the new confident you x
  • myrbg
    myrbg Posts: 93
    tell hubby to put his crazy in a bottle and throw it away! YOU HAVE EVERY RIGHT TO FEEL GREAT! you've achieved something great and i think it's wonderful that you want to share it! even if it is via photo, who the hell CARES! i don't mean to speculate, but maybe your man is jealous of all the good attention you're getting?! or he doesn't want any body else thinking you're a hottie with a body besides him?! sounds like some major insecurity there. BRAG ALL YOU WANT MAMA, 'cause you can and you should!
  • foxxybrown
    foxxybrown Posts: 838 Member
    He may be a little nervous that you are seeking affirmation from others. He's adjusting to the new you too and may not want his wife flaunting herself for everyone else. Do your tweeting when you're alone! ;-)
  • Dunis
    Dunis Posts: 1
    That is crazy!!!!! Take the pic, yes brag absolutely, you worked your *kitten* off!!! You deserve the praises you'll get when that photo is uploaded!!!!

    Congrats =)
  • Atlantique
    Atlantique Posts: 2,484 Member
    It's easy to forget that when you make such major changes to your life and appearance, our loved ones ALSO have to deal with a great deal of change that they didn't ask for and may find difficult.

    Many, many, many men become terribly insecure when their wives or girlfriends begin to get a lot of attention. They worry that you'll attract something better and be out the door. Most of them don't want to admit this, but some of them will if you can get them to open up. It sounds as though he's not quite ready to handle having a hot, outgoing wife yet.

    The other possibility here(and I'm just throwing it out there as I know nothing of your situation) is that he's always been too controlling and you're just starting to notice it now as you've found your voice and self-confidence. Often times, when we don't feel good about ourselves for some reason, we're willing to put up with things that we wouldn't even consider when we're feeling more confident. So it's possible that there's always been a dynamic of your husband trying to control you and you're just finally noticing it with your renewed confidence.
  • mssweetjay
    mssweetjay Posts: 142
    Girl its nothing wrong in taking a pic of yourself!!!!! Do your thang!!!!!
  • missfabulous
    missfabulous Posts: 5 Member
    he sounds a little insecure and maybe afraid. reassure him with love and attention. congratulations on ur accomplishment! u worked had and deserve to be proud
  • shelld70
    shelld70 Posts: 106
    I agree! You have worked hard. You deserve feel good about that and show your progress. I don't think this is "bragging or showing off". I have always hated getting my pic taken. I am getting more comfortable with it and it's hard for me to see the progress myself, so pics help with that. You keep it up and post a pic! :happy:
  • farmgirlsuz
    farmgirlsuz Posts: 351 Member
    Maybe not so much a freak as a little insecure? (OK maybe a LOT insecure!) Be proud of what you have accomplished-share it with the world! You have worked so hard there is no reason NOT to feel great and want to share it. If he doesn't like his picture taken too bad for him, but don't let him dictate how YOU feel!
  • mommachef
    mommachef Posts: 52
    I think our men also get a little jealous when they see our new bodies. They see how sexy we look and how powerful we feel and they worry that we might stray.

    So some of his weirdness about your photo is probably coming from that place, too.
  • TazzyDB
    TazzyDB Posts: 224
    Men that do not have to lose weight or have never had to worry about it, do not understand. My husband is the same way. Although their lack of compassion is unforgivable, try to celebrate your success and do not let him bother you.

    I am SO inspired by the fact that you've lost 80 pounds. I have just started (again) and have 90 to lose. You may not know me, but I am very, very happy for you.

    Have your picture taken.
    Share your pictures with us.
    Celebrate you success.

    You go, girl!!!!!
  • AEcklar813
    AEcklar813 Posts: 184 Member
    I think he is over reacting not you. You have EVERY right to brag. That is a HUGE accomplishment. And you can bet when I lose 80lbs Not one will I be doing a victory dance but I sure will be posting some new pics of me somewhere. I'd be bragging too! You deserve to brag. I wouldn't want a pic of me 80lbs heavier on my facebook so I'd be changing my pic =)
  • djthom
    djthom Posts: 651 Member
    It sounds like he's the one overreacting. It's great that you want to take your picture. It means you finally feel good about the way you look and you should be proud to show it. For too long most off us have been unhappy with how we look and have tended to avoid having our pictures taken. I say be proud and pose for those picture. Tell your husband we here at MFP love seeing updated pictures of people happy and proud of all the hard work they have done finally paying off!
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