In all things Moderation

So Im learning that I can not keep up with a weight loss regimen of all pure and holy foods...what works for me is everything in moderation, but it seems that people dont like to hear that, it seems the only way is to be a sold out health nut...I do perfer healthy foods and that is my first choice. Its my opinion that I should know when i can afford to have something and how much of it I should have, but do we need to through the baby out with the bath water? If Im trying to lose weight and I work out regularly your telling me that Im not healthy or wornt loose weight if I have a bag of cheetos? I would not even fool myself into believing that for the rest of my life I will not have a bowl of Ice cream or an oreo cookie ever again! I just know that I cant have 1/2 gallon of Ice cream or a package of Oreos. In all things learn moderation, Its about learning to live life with self control right....I dont know just my thoughts....What say you?


  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    i say i had a chinese takeaway last week, and went out for dinner on saturday, and lost 2 pounds when i weighed myself on sunday... so yes, everything in moderation!
  • MayMaydoesntrun
    MayMaydoesntrun Posts: 805 Member
    I agree 100%! I'll binge like crazy if I "cut" something out of my diet in the name of "clean". I love the idea of it, it just doesn't always work for me. AND life is too damn short to deprive yourself of the little things that might make you smile. :smile:
  • moylie
    moylie Posts: 195
    Amen, sister. While I can totally appreciate the green, clean, organic people out there, I too find that I'm not willing to completely abandon the little things that make life so enjoyable for me (red wine, my husband's home-brew, dark chocolate, a good greasy cheeseburger, Buffalo Wings). That being said, I think each person just has to find the balance that works for them. If you try to make healthy choices 80-90% of the time, then you can certainly allow some of those little vices. That's what makes it worth it for me.

    Moderation, portion control, sensible choices.... it really is a lifestyle choice, and with the help of MFP and being aware of everything we are accountable for has been working for me! Have a great day!
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,423 Member
    I'm with you, moderation makes weight loss possible for me,
    Other people may have a different strategy, that's fine, I don't mind as long as they dont tell me what to do :)
  • VeganGal84
    VeganGal84 Posts: 938 Member

    I'm the same way. I try to choose healthy foods for the most part, but allow myself a few "treats" daily. My mind will go into binge-mode if I deny myself things like chips and cookies.
  • 2bFitNTrim
    2bFitNTrim Posts: 1,209 Member
    I agree. Yes, we all should eat more fruits and veggies, and drink our water. But once in awhile, I'm going to go out to eat, have cake and ice cream, and oh yes, eat a Reese's peanut butter cup. :love: If someone want to eat 100% healthy 100% of the time, I find no fault with that. It's just not going to work for me. To each his own, I say.
  • dad106
    dad106 Posts: 4,868 Member
    I agree! This past weekend, I went out to eat 3 times.. and granted today I had gained about 3 pounds in water weight(there was no way that I ate 10,500 extra calories this weekend!) but i know that by thursday/friday, all of that will be gone and then some.

    Today i hopped back on the "healthy" wagon and will continue to do so until next weekend rolls around... I figure that as long as I bust my rear during the week, I can afford to indulge just a bit as soon as friday hits.
  • vbennett7
    vbennett7 Posts: 99 Member
    If this is to be how we live the rest of our lives, it is not realistic to think we won't ever eat anything unhealthy again! In fact, I was in a weight loss group at work and one week they decided that we each had to have a "no-no". I chose cookies. I had never wanted cookies so badly than I did during that week! ( Before that, I could take them or leave them) So, for some of us, saying we cannot ever eat certain things, is like the forbidden fruit-we want it more than ever. Also, if there is a strong desire or craving for something, we might be better off eating a little of it , otherwise we might just overeat a bunch of other stuff trying to satisfy that craving.
  • ameyc2002
    ameyc2002 Posts: 247 Member
    i agree i love my sweets.. i would never be able to stick to any regular diet telling me i cant have sweets or bread or potatoes. but i seem to be able to just stick with serving sizes.. i also have been out to dinner at even a all you can eat with the family and still lost weight :) just got to be careful on how much you get of certain foods...
  • jaitken_22
    jaitken_22 Posts: 212 Member
    I agree that all things in moderation is good. If I didn't have the odd bit of chocolate or takeaway meal I'd go nuts and I find that doing that but in a sensible amount helps and keeps you going throughout the weightloss. I've tried many diets in the past where you don't have any junk food and it is so hard, so I find that having a treat helps me. Other people may seem different, but I find this helps me and I'm still losing the weight! I went a bit mad on Friday which was bad, nachos, triple chocolate cookie, a cake, and some Dairy Milk chocolate!!
  • Kazimira
    Kazimira Posts: 165 Member
    I am with you! If I couldn't have ice cream, brauts, hell even a candy bar when I damn well feel like I'd jump off this wagon so quick I'd need another candy bar for the sugar rush.

    Maybe someday down the road I'll crave those kinds of things less and less, but right now I'm going to eat what I like, just less of it at a time. I'm enjoying the better life I'm creating for myself and if anyone has a problem with that then they should look within before they start tossing unecessary negativity around. Creating a bad emotional enviornment is not living heathy.
  • BeGreat25
    BeGreat25 Posts: 78
    I totally agree with you women. I have to have a little something something or else I go crazy and start eating everything! But a little bit goes a long ways to satisfy. So yeah in moderation is a plus so as to not go over board and to feel good in and out.
  • perne11
    perne11 Posts: 46 Member
    I totally agree with you!!! I eat pretty much as I always have, but what I have changed is my portion size and I add in more fruits and veggies into my diet now. I've lost 32 pounds since Feb 1. I'm happy for those that can eat clean 24/7 but that's not my lifestyle, nor would I want it to be. I am happy, healthy and 12 lbs away from goal!!
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    I think you are on the right track. As long as moderation stays moderation and does not become the norm, then you can still be healthy and thin. That's why they are called "treats".
  • getfitdiva
    getfitdiva Posts: 1,148 Member
    I think I had this conversation a couple of times in the past week about the very same thing. I will never lie to myself and say I will be a clean eater for the rest of my life. I will integrate healthier foods everyday but I can probably guarantee during the course of the week I will have something pre-packaged, eat at a restaurant, have party food, or some type of "fast/convenient food". How in the world can you expect to eat egg whites, all greens, and just water for the rest of your life? - I hardly think that's realistic by any means. This is a lifestyle not a fad diet. Deprive yourself long enough and something will falter. Moderation is key :wink:
  • healthyjen342
    healthyjen342 Posts: 1,435 Member
    ABSOLUTELY! I eat whatever I want..last night..I ate a mini twix (that magically didnt make it into my diary)... but it's okay...i tried that eat all things leafy and nothing else...I was light headed and sickly..I am much happier thinking logically..
  • rainbowbuggy
    rainbowbuggy Posts: 320
    ABSOLUTELY! I eat whatever I want..last night..I ate a mini twix (that magically didnt make it into my diary)... but it's okay...i tried that eat all things leafy and nothing else...I was light headed and sickly..I am much happier thinking logically..

    This is why I love you! LOL too...I agree with this! :-)
  • AnnaPixie
    AnnaPixie Posts: 7,439 Member
    You got it sista! I eat ice cream every day! 90 cals and I'm super satisfied :bigsmile:

    80/20 rule!! I eat very healthily 80% of the time. Pure, natural, fresh homemade produce! The rest of the time its ice cream, cookies, cakes ......... wooo hoooooooooooo!!

    the only problem is when I drink wine I usually go over my allowance, so..........not so good on the weight loss :grumble: :drinker:

    But very good on the happiness :bigsmile: :laugh:
  • MsFitnFabulous
    MsFitnFabulous Posts: 432 Member
    I concur!!!!!

    Oreos rock my socks lol!
  • CARNAT22
    CARNAT22 Posts: 764 Member
    Moderation yes but I am a firm believer in making the most of my calories... 1200 cals isn't all that much.

    So whilst I can moderately eat *say* 3 home made chicken nuggets, 90g of oven chips, 2 tbsp of coleslaw and a small portion of beans if I want to make the most of my calories I will have chicken breast rubbed with chilli and paprika, 200g of new potaotes sauteed with red pepper, red onion and balsamic vinegar with a massive side salad. I have saved about 100 cals so then I can have a moderate amount of chocolate LOL!!

    Yes most things are still fine in moderation but as I say I like to make the best choices to make the most of my daily calories!

    That is not to say I wont have the occasional meal out / take away or that I don't still indulge in a glass of wine here and there..