Back in the saddle

Hi Folks,
I'm one of those people who's been dieting off and on since I was 16. I start off strong and then make excuses. "Work was really busy", "I had to study for a test", or "PMS" are some of my biggest go-to phrases. Lately I just keep saying "I'll do better tomorrow".

A year ago my husband and I started a "biggest loser" style challenge with some friends and I lost 35lbs. I've since found at least 20 of them. I decided to take up Running recently but the only time I find I can get it done is if I get up at the crack of dawn and I'm really not a morning person.

Part of me really wants to give up. But a bigger (I like to think better) part of me wants to be happy and stop hating myself. I need to make a schedule and a plan. Any suggestions for time-blocking this stuff in?


  • utaviator
    utaviator Posts: 55 Member
    I think you'll find a lot of us that are just like you. The only advice I can give you is to give yourself permission to put yourself first!
  • julierose66
    I'm not sure about your work schedule or the flexibility you have, but I find it easiest to exercise during my lunches. I don't like to get up early in the morning and once I'm home I really like to relax, cook dinner, and hang out with my husband. That's why doing it during my lunches has been effective for me in the past. I bring a change of clothes to work and walk or jog, sometimes with coworkers. Getting a group together at work has helped in the past too. I'm just like you though, and trying to get back on track today! Good luck!
  • clairibou1
    clairibou1 Posts: 124
    i would like to hear the answers to this one. i have started running, but i have so much trouble finding a solid time to do it. i think it would help me get it done more easily if i had a set time to do it, but mornings are hard, and running even 1 1/2 hours after eating is not the best plan for me...
  • rwd5046
    rwd5046 Posts: 302
    Sometimes early moring scrafices are the only time you can block in the time for excerise. It gets easier once you start and will soon become habit. Another thing about early morning is its the first thing accomplished in the morning which has a way of making you feel good about your day and through the day. It's also completed for the day, unless you get spunky and do something in the afternoon as well. Good luck and get started.
  • peterkin923
    Take the time for YOU!!!! Even if it is 20 mins a day......
    I am in the same boat....I keep making excuses as well.....but something you said that stood out to me is you want to be happy and stop hating yourself.......I said the same thing to myself this weekend....and yesterday I took a 15 min walk outside with my 4 yr old....I know it wasn't much...but it was more than I did the day before....and I am going to do it everyday.....after dinner.....period. I deserve it....and I want it....and in the end it will make me feel so much better about myself. Start off small and eventually it will become a daily part of your life (and mine too!!)
  • RaeannePemberton
    RaeannePemberton Posts: 382 Member
    hello. i know exactly what you mean. what i have found to be helpful, after a lifetime of fat issues... is realizing that it's not a diet. it truly cannot be a diet.... because diets end. and this will never end. this is a lifelong journey for health and fitness. there will be days of cake and chips, but there will MOSTLY be days of healthy choices and movement.

    as for exercising, i do think the morning is the best, but i am a morning person. for me what really helps is just getting it done and starting my day on a positive note. i have been known to get up as early as 3:30 to run with some of my running partners who can't meet at any other time... because it's a priority. i will not miss a workout if i can help it. and i always feel good about it.... maybe not til i'm done, LOL but still.

    there is no contest or diet that is going to do this for you... it's just you. and you have the power to make this change. start small. shoot for BETTER, not perfect. and you will get there. i am living proof.
  • roxiedo
    roxiedo Posts: 154
    I think you'll find a lot of us that are just like you. The only advice I can give you is to give yourself permission to put yourself first!

    Totally agree - put yourself first!