need encouragement people please!

Hi my name is Jackie, I'm new on here. From the UK - please add me as a friend.
Have finally had to admit to myself that I need to lose weight. I'm currently writing a book about the woes of being me at my age. Here is an extract to give you an idea of my mindset....

"Call me cynical but at twenty-one years of age with the stretch marks of a pregnant woman and the *kitten* of an old one, I do not feel lucky at all. I was always very skinny growing up and then my horrible, evil high school deicded to install a vending machine full of utter crap in our cafeteria. Over a period of two years, gone were my stick thin legs, my washboard stomach and cheekbones. In came curves in all the wrong places.
“You’re growing up, you’re becoming a young woman!” my mother protested. Oh really? Well puberty could get stuffed then as far as I was concerned. And unless the definition of becoming a young woman is stuffing your face with chocolate throughout the day, I was pretty sure I was just getting fat. "


  • paradog
    paradog Posts: 378 Member
    Welcome aboard! Lets start the process with the idea that the past is over and today is a new beginning. Drink water, follow your plan, take a walk, go for a run, get moving. Don't skip any meals. When you feel like a craving is going to take over, drink a full glass of water. When the day is is over, let it go. Tomorrow will be another day to start anew. If today goes well, duplicate it. You did it once you CAN do it again. Find support!

    Things I do when I don't want snack: walk my dog, read a book, take a nap, talk with a friend or supporter, drink water, clean...repeat as needed.

    Good Luck!
  • scattymum1
    scattymum1 Posts: 12

    You will find all the support you need are in here as people are fab! Whatever your dilemma or question...someone has already been through it or answered it! Just remember to be honest with what you log even if over the calorie goal as it all helps. good luck. x