MaryB2 Posts: 331 Member
edited September 29 in Motivation and Support
I started counting on June 27th and have lost 10 lbs. I had been losing pretty consistantly until this weekend. This morning I was even up 1 lb since my weigh in Friday. My diary is public so I would love some input on what people might think I'm doing wrong. The only changes that have been made are that MFP dropped my goal calories after the 10 lb. loss. It went from 1350 to 1300 and I usually try to stay under, although never under 1200.


  • Shweedog
    Shweedog Posts: 883 Member
    Time of the month? I gain 3-5 every 28 days! Just water weight though and it goes away with extra water drinking.
  • thodgman
    thodgman Posts: 1
    Keep up with the exercise, that's always my downfall. If you exercise at least four days this week, I bet you'll see a loss at the next weigh in. Good luck and hang in there.
  • bossymom
    bossymom Posts: 41 Member
    I viewed your diary for the past couple of days. I noticed that your sodium intake went over a few days. That could be causing water retention/temporary weight gain. I also noticed that your sugars were over a little ,too, and too much starchy food can also cause water retention. You're doing well with your calorie count! Bu7t these little things can make losing weight more difficult. Also, I feel MFP goal for sodium is too high. I try to keep mine at 1900 or less each day. This is easier to accomplish when I don't depend on processed foods.

    Keep your chin up! You're doing great! Good luck!
  • gnrshelton
    gnrshelton Posts: 358 Member
    The only consistent thing I see in your Diary is that your almost always over on sugar and fat. Probably the Starbucks for the sugar. I would start to watch those. Even though you watch your calories it's also about sugars and fats. If you watch those it might help. Also I always had a problem with bread. When I ate bread it sometimes halted my loss. Good Luck.
  • Mary,
    I started out at 215 and dropped about 10 lbs. a month just with the calorie watching and minimal exercise until I reached about 185. When I hit that weight I really need to step up and challenge myself more with exercise and maintain the same calorie intake to continue to drop. I also found that I had to be choosier about the type of foods I was eating, eliminating more of the bad snacks and fast food and eating more natural healthy alternatives. Now any time I diverge from eating right or slack off on exercising I go right back up to the 180s. It is an ongoing life change that helps you get from this point down and you have to decide how committed you want to be. I know I go up and down fighting it but know that I will win the battle and so will you :-)
  • twooliver
    twooliver Posts: 450 Member
    Here are some suggestions from a fellow MFPer!

    1. Sodium...if you do some research you will find the recommend daily allowance should be around might try to lower this number.
    2. Exercise...may be time to up your game here
    3. Calories...I'm a believer in mixing it up from time to time...I go through periods where I stay in my calorie range (1400-1600) and then when the lose gets stuck I start eating back my exercise calories until that stops working...then I return...

    Sometimes you've got to play with some ideas and see what works for you. You're body will slow down the weight loss as time goes on...but it will continue to lose if you stick with it!
  • KelsieLee
    KelsieLee Posts: 8
    First, congrats on losing 10 pounds already! Second, I would wait a week or two before you panic - there are two possible explanations for your plateau that are perfectly normal and even healthy. (1) If you are exercising, it is possible you are beginning to gain lean muscle. Muscle weighs more than fat, so that may account for a temporary plateau or reduction in rate of losing (2) Everyone's body adjusts differently to weight loss. Your body may need to stabalize before your metabolism rate continues to increase. If you continue your healthy diet and exericise AND are still at a plateau after a week or two then I would reasses your diet and exercise plan.
  • MaryB2
    MaryB2 Posts: 331 Member
    Thanks everyone for the responses. I went ahead and planned everything I am having today to see what it would be at with the fat, sugar and sodium. I added in a couple of beers because I have pool league tonight. What I planned was barely under on everything and left me way under on calories. I think I need to go to the grocery store tomorrow and pay attention to everything, not just calories.
  • MaryB2
    MaryB2 Posts: 331 Member
    Actually I'm taking lunch and going to the store now. :-) Maybe I can find snacks that will change my day up some.
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