A swift kick in the butt

mandapanda001 Posts: 370 Member
edited September 29 in Motivation and Support
Hello my beautiful friends,

I know we all have our off days and there are days when we just don't want to eat right and exercise and I am here to tell you its OK. We are human and some days it just isn't possible and there is no sense in beating ourselves up about it or feeling guilty. I have had my share of times when I fell off the wagon and definitely was able to get back on and keep trucking. Without the support and motivation I get from MFP I would definitely have not gotten to the point I am today. Just allow yourself to feel what you are feeling, its OK. So my mission today is to give you a kick in the butt and to say you can do this. Look at how far you have come, that is an awesome achievement and if you had asked yourself way back when you started this journey where will I be I am sure you didn't imagine the greatness that you have accomplished. YOU CAN DO THIS!!!! Just remember to keep that positivity and help those who are having an off day because one kind word from you may be all they need to turn things around!!Much love to you all :):heart: :smooched: :flowerforyou: :love:


  • BerryH
    BerryH Posts: 4,698 Member
    So true! Just what I needed to hear today. Read my latest blog post and you'll see why. Oh boy what a weekend away from MFP's beady eye that was!
  • sc1572
    sc1572 Posts: 2,309 Member
    This made my day! The other day I had a horrible day and went on a binge. And even worse, the next morning I sprained my ankle at the gym. I was so down about it the day it happened, and came on MFP for support. Everyone's encouraging messages help so much and made me realize that this is a minor setback, and shouldn't hold me back.

    :) Have a GREAT day!
  • TDBrims
    TDBrims Posts: 138
    HIya this is my first post on here only having recently come across MFP but I felt I had to post as this is SOOOOO true. I have been on a mission to lose weight since January 2010 and slowly slowly catch a monkey I am doing it having dropped from 16st 10.5lb to my current weight of 12st 8lb. Yes it has taken me a while but that is because I allow myself to roll with the punches and join in celebrations etc with gusto...yes I could have done it quicker but I would have struggled and this way I feel I am in control of changing my eating habits forever and not just crash dieting only to put it all back on again which I have done more than once in my lifetime and I refuse to do it again. Life is a series of ups and downs just be gentle with yourself on the downs and embrace the ups :)
  • mleipe
    mleipe Posts: 54
    I had a bit of an "off" week end - down at the lake with good friends we hadn't seen in a year, at a lot, drank a bit, did get some exercise out in the canoe / kayaks but definitely did not meet my MFP goals.


    1) I still filled in my MFP stuff religiously and looking at net calories I may have gained half a pound to a pound, will find out later today when I weigh myself.
    2) I know how to lose weight! I've lost 25 lbs this year so far and so if I gain back a pound, no big deal, that's just 4% of what I've lost so far this year and I can get rid of it doing the same things I've been doing all year.

    Bottom line? I don't feel the least bit guilty or anything about overdoing it on the week end! I know I can recover and as long as this sort of week end only happens a few times a year I'm good, I'll still get to where I'm trying to go weight-wise.
  • copperdave
    copperdave Posts: 146
    Thanks! I needed that!!!
  • Mad_Dog_Muscle
    Mad_Dog_Muscle Posts: 1,251 Member
    True So True!! Great post!
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