
I have been doing better than I was, but I am still struggling with the fight between sleep and exercise :yawn: I guess in order for you to better understand what I mean I should give you a sort of overview of my schedule. I work from 8 am to 5 pm Mon-Fri so I get up at 5:45 to get myself and my two little ones ready and leave the house by 7-ish. Drop them off at daycare, go to work and like I said I'm there til 5 pm. By the time I make it back to the daycare to pick them up and get home (this is IF I don't have any errands to run before going home) it's about 6 pm. Then I cook dinner, feed the kids, do baths, bedtime, and housework. By the time I do all this it is time for me to go to bed myself (about 10 pm) so that I can get up the next morning and start all over again. I have been trying to get up at 5 am to do my workouts but I find myself so tired if I do this that it makes it a struggle to make it through the day. I sort of feel like I have to choose between exercising or getting the rest I need. I should add that my husband and I are separated and he only gets them every other weekend so I am on my own the rest of the time. I just don't know how to make it to my goal without having any time for myself to even exercise, and it is very frustrating to say the least. If anyone has any suggestions it would be very much appreciated!


  • karensoxfan
    karensoxfan Posts: 902 Member
    Could you walk on your lunch breaks?
  • MrsRadder
    MrsRadder Posts: 207 Member
    I am having the same struggle! Feel free to add me! I work and have a family. Busy Mom's need to stick together good luck!
  • sc1572
    sc1572 Posts: 2,309 Member
    I had this problem my junior and senior years of high school, in 2009 and 2010. I had to get up at 5:45 for school, leave by 6:30, school was until 2:30, work until 6:00, and then when I got home I either had too much homework, an SAT class, or a test the next day, and by the time I was done, my gym would be closed. Finally, when I got my own car, I started going as much as I could during the weeks. However, I rewarded myself with an "off" day, or a day of doing yoga. No matter what, I packed in at least 30 min a day and told myself it was worth it.
  • rissyroo2002
    rissyroo2002 Posts: 71 Member
    Do you get a lunch break? Maybe you can walk during that time if you do.
  • crzymom04
    crzymom04 Posts: 14
    First hugs to you I am going through the same thing I work full time, and have four kids, two with health problems, it is so hard to find time to work out because by the time I do, I just want to fall in bed and sleep. Good Luck on your journey.
  • MrsRadder
    MrsRadder Posts: 207 Member
    Try a tape Jillian the 30 day shred is only 20-25 minutes. It's better than nothing :smile:
  • Kristy144
    Kristy144 Posts: 166
    Wow, let me just say your so awesome for maintaing your house hold! I have an idea, on your day off cook a few freezer meals, so it saves you time during the week, pop the meal in the oven-- in the meantime do a 20 min workout dvd 3 times a week in place of you cooking, see if that helps at all!
  • jcaa2011
    jcaa2011 Posts: 34 Member
    I wish I could walk during lunch break, the problem is that I work in an office setting that requires me to dress nice and it is soooo hot outside right now...I don't think I could get any real exercise in while wearing dressy shoes and I can't come back to work all sweaty and disgusting either:ohwell:
  • chelamg12
    chelamg12 Posts: 28 Member
    I was going to suggest the same as karensoxfan....maybe 20-30 minutes during lunch break would help and than have longer workouts on the weekend..also maybe taking an after dinner walk with the kids...playing dance games with them...saving housework till the weekend when you have more time...a few suggestions...hope they help!!
  • ACook42
    ACook42 Posts: 111 Member
    Sounds like you may have to sacrifice a little at lunchtime to do some office workouts...they do say that alittle goes a long way.
    I hear ya when you say you have a full schedule but it does sound like you are very active a shouldn't feel like you are not getting anything done workout wise. Sounds like you are burning calories without even trying so don't be too hard on yourself.

    If and when you do get the alone time ( you said that your ex takes the kids every other weekend) you should make the most of that time to intensify your workouts.

    I hope this has at least made you feel better.
  • Kristin111365
    I agree The Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shread is a great work out and only 23 minutes long. You could also do the Jillian 30 days to Ripped at night.
  • acsuther
    acsuther Posts: 1
    I feel like I struggle to fit in my exercise too. However, I am going to try something new. Whenever I think about "when can I fit in some exercise today?", I'm going to try to do something instead. For instance, seeing your post made me think about it. So, I jumped up and did 20 push-ups against the wall. Granted, I only burned 10 calories but I did SOMEthing and I can feel a burn in my arms. Each sit-up or push-up burns approximately 1/2 a calorie. Jogging in place for five minutes can burn a few, or hopping up and down. Doing a couple of jumping jacks can burn a few, etc. Just try not to overwhelm yourself by tracking it either. Knowing you did 5 or 10 or 20 five minute sessions per day can be entered as "25-50-100 minutes of light calisthenics". And all of a sudden, you're exercising! Good luck!
  • Meg28
    Meg28 Posts: 59
    Wow, you have my sympathy and admiration to do all that! I think most people here would agree that while exercise is important weight loss and weigh mantainance can be done through a good healthy diet. I would focus on that and let the exercise come when feasible. However, this is what I could come up with being totally naive about keeping things neat and tidy with two kids, perhaps you could just schedule house cleaning/errands for two or three days a week and just "let it slide" on the other days so that you could get in a little workout. If not, perhaps you could take a walk at lunch? I agree with you waking up at 5am can be counter productive if you are exhausted all day.

    Good luck and hang in there!
  • lstnlondry
    lstnlondry Posts: 1,794 Member
    Truthfully, I think that's why my house is always a mess!! If it's clean enough for the doorbell to ring then I'm good. You have to find the midpoint. You WILL be the best mommy to your girls once you find that balance. Good luck.
  • MarisaJean82
    Start out slow and set small goals. If you think you need an hour every day it will seem so overwhelming since it sounds like you don't currently have that kind of time. If you commit to exercising for 15 or 20 minutes every other day that might be a little more attainable. Most workout dvd's are broken up into segments so you can get a pretty intense workout in 20 minutes or so. I personally like Jillian Michaels and Tony Little. You could also break up your routine, for instance get some hand weights and do arm exercises for 15-20 minutes every other day, then do squats, lunges, planks etc on the opposite days. I also work full time and have 3 small children, it was very difficult for me to get into a routine but I started out slowly. I have a treadmill in my bedroom so when the kids are in bed I run for 30-60 minutes depending on how much time I have. On days that I can't fit in a run I will do videos for 20 to 30 minutes or just do push-ups, squats, lunges, use my arm weights etc. The point is, no matter how little it seems you are exercising, if you do even just a little bit every day it adds up over time. Anything you do to build muscle will help you burn more fat and calories even when you aren't exercising. Hope this helps some! :-)
  • mommyfirst77
    mommyfirst77 Posts: 119
    It will get better~ I am a 34 yr old single mom of 4, one of which has aspergers.Been divorced almost 5 years now~ I have never taken time for me, but it is getting easier. They are getting older, and I find that I am managing my time better. We have to let some little things go, and get the kids to help pick up every once in a while.... I also work full time, so I understand. Just take a deep breath and try to keep a smile on your face. I also try to turn the music on whenever I can!!!!! I dance while cooking dinner, or straightening up. Trust me it helps!!!! Good luck, and anyone feel free to add me!
  • SailingMike
    SailingMike Posts: 237 Member
    You are a HERO! What a great mom you are and I am sorry your no good ex is a bum.

    Here is my take...

    1. Walk up and down the stairs at work (do it twice each trip instead of once)
    2. Take some walking shoes and wear walking clothes under your nice clothes if you can
    3. Take the kids to the park right when you pick them up and run around with them playing games like tag, pushing them on the swing, motor boat, kicking a ball, what ever... spend 30 min every day doing that and not only will you be happier, but your kids will be too.
    4. Don't worry about your weight, just live healthy and make good food choices throughout the day.

    I wish you the very best!
  • beulahfarkward
    Hey I could do twenty pushups against a wall without getting sweaty! I hadn't thought of "micro exercise". I wonder how much of this micro one could fit in in a day. This could really add up over eiight hours. Without sweat! This might really help me! It might work for you too.
  • Jenscan
    Jenscan Posts: 694 Member
    What I would do is sit down and think about what you do between 6-10 pm. Really, write it all down. You're going to realize a couple of things: either 1) you can eliminate some things or 2) you have more time in the evening than you thought. Let's be honest: no one cleans house for 4 hours a day. Yes, it's tiring and it's hard after a long day, but perhaps a little exercise in the evening might be an option.

    Be realistic that you may just need to let something go every night so you can exercise - a few folks suggested a Jillian DVD and that's a great idea. You don't need to exercise 3 hours a day to lose weight; 30 minutes several times a week will do.

    You can also walk the building during lunch so you don't have to go outside. Throw on some tennis shoes and go, and maybe invite some friends to join you!

    You CAN do this!
  • PhiliciousCurves
    PhiliciousCurves Posts: 395 Member
    Maybe you can squeeze in some time during your lunch. There are a variety of things you can do in 30 minutes, including jumping jacks, jump roping, walking, or leg lifts from the comfort of your desk chair! It may seem like small things, but even the small things make a difference.