My Fellow Gamers



  • soldier4242
    soldier4242 Posts: 1,368 Member
    I had been an avid WoW raider for the past 5 years but unfortunately losing interest in the game entirely is the only reason I actually have been taking time to take care of myself. I raided in the top 40US ranking guilds for the last 2 expansions so I was just too serious about it to be thinking about cooking good food for myself and working out before raids, I had raid strategies on my mind!

    I'm glad you made this post though, I wish I had the self control while I was playing WoW to get going on this journey as well. Right now I'm just very casually playing Rift so I haven't given up on the games completely!

    One day I might go back to killing those nasty dargons!

    I am glad you liked it. This thread really seems to resonate with a lot of people. I wish I got involved in WoW sooner but I did not make it until shortly before wow switched over to TBC I did get a chance to get involved with raiding at Karazhan and I have loved it every since.
  • maiituu
    maiituu Posts: 81 Member
    Bump, I don't want to let this topic die, is too much fun! I want to buy F.E.A.R 3 but since I got married I need to pick my game carefully due to the budget, is it any good like the last 2 games? Keep on geeking!
  • Serenifly
    Serenifly Posts: 669 Member
    Got into Counterstrike (on PC) in a BIG way from 13-20 YO ... tournaments the works ... it pretty much controlled my life, and almost didn't graduate cuz of it ...

    I then got into Xbox and Oblivion the Elder Scrolls - and that consumed me for a few years (Thank god I had the walk through book!)

    Then I quit smoking pot, and with that went my 'obsession' with video games, for some reason, I 100% associate the two (FOR ME ONLY I UNDERSTAND THIS) But when I play a game (recently finished Assasins Creed) it makes me miss and think of mary jane again ...

    Now I stick to silly games, like Dance Dance Revolution or now Dance central for my kinect

    (My Biggest gamming accomplishment was I was ranked 11th in the world online for Burnout 3 - then they went stupid with the open world concept and lost my interest)
  • martymum
    martymum Posts: 413 Member
    totally with you guys.

    Hardcore xbox 360 here...desperately waiting november...mw3, AC revelations, elderscrolls skyrim...expensive time of year.

    COD black ops is current fav online am prestige 5 rank 48. We often play as a family cos me, hubby and both children have our own xboxs and often play online together....nothing like a good family zombie killing spree, and yep kids are not stupid and can tell the difference between gaming and reality lol.

    SvelteMartine on 360 if anyone wants to add me.

  • grrrlface
    grrrlface Posts: 1,204 Member
    I'm primarily a console gamer and our Xbox has gone away to the land of Microsoft to be fixed. It's been the worst week of my life. Haha. Not just for me but for my boyfriend. I'm a big fan of RPGs but I occasionally enjoy a nice relaxing game of CoD: Black Ops. :P
    I'm a D&D Dungeon Master too, we have a weekly meet. I loooove making the biggest most ridiculous quests with an epic storyline. It keeps me busy and away from food writing all the encounters and puzzles. :)
  • AmeChops
    AmeChops Posts: 744 Member
    Hey all,

    I am very late on the topic - been trolling around dutch beaches on my vacation. ^^

    I so agree with you all. I am a gamer girl myself and played loads of stuff - Ultima Online, Jumpgate, Star Wars Galaxies and now WoW of course. You can see I am mostly into MMORPGs due to the social aspect of the game.

    I do have an 85 Draenei priest (see profile pic), 85 Bloodelf hunter, 85 Bloodelf Holy pally currently trying to save the world tree. And I am due to level my 80 Bloodelf mage and a couple of low level chars. My chars are split between two accounts, a German realm and an English RP realm. :)

    I did also play Battlefield 1942 a lot and was the bombing officer on board of my other half's bomber. He is currently killing tons of zombies with his little brother.

    And of course am shooting the occasional portal into walls and live life to the credo of "speedy thing goes in - speedy thing comes out"!

    I still managed to loose those 17 pounds - the closer I get to my goal the harder it gets - but I won't be quitting my gaming ever because I love it!

    Lysandra81 - OK, so I think I might have been in a guild with you at some point on the English RP!!
  • I became Namika the Seeker and lost 50 pounds at the same time.

    It CAN be done. The statement that we need to give up gaming is an incomplete statement. Yes, if we spend every waking moment in front of a TV/Computer we won't lose weight.

    The phrase (for those who game morning to night) should be give up "some time" gaming. Once I stepped away from constant raiding, farming or waiting around to be killed by Deathwing, the weight fell off.

    Here's to those who can lose weight and keep their happiness.
  • peejie
    peejie Posts: 43
    I gamed every day this Summer and still lost 12 pounds! But I did give up MMORPGs last year. It was consuming my life and my marriage. My husband and I would sit next to each other at the desk with our computers and game together. I'd get fast food on the way home from work as to not take away from game time. We talked more in game than out of game. We gamed more than we slept.

    I don't blame the game; I blame my own obsessiveness. How can you get bored of a game that has no ending?! There is always another character to level, and new item to obtain, monsters to kill... So I quit!

    Now I cook all the time. My husband does still play MMORPGs, but with much more moderation than I ever did. I exercise almost every day. And I still game every day, just not non-stop between when work is over and when work starts again.

    Congrats on all of you guys' and girls' success and willpower!
  • peejie
    peejie Posts: 43
    Although I do have to add... I will probably try out the Bioware Star Wars MMORPG... I think I have developed some willpower to control my time.
  • So far, SWTOR is pretty awesome!
  • Jaradel
    Jaradel Posts: 143 Member
    My husband and I played DAoC for a few years, but after the birth of our first child we just didn't have the stamina for multi-hour raids - we'd /stick ourselves to our friends and end up falling asleep at our desks! Not very good when you're playing a spellcaster and your armor is only cloth! I also played Vampire: The Masquerade in college for a short time. I like the camraderie of MMORPGs, but I literally don't have the time in my current day-to-day schedule to devote to leveling up characters, questing, raiding, crafting, etc. I have several friends who play WoW and it intrigues me, but I'm afraid that I would get obsessed again like I did with DAoC and neglect other areas of my life that require my attention. Having said that, back in 2002 I lost almost 60 lbs over the course of a year and I was playing DAoC the whole time - it can be done! As long as calories in < calories out, you can lose weight while gaming.
  • I'm a hard core gamer too, and what has been helping me, is that I got a set of stationary bike pedals ($20 at walmart) and I just pedal wheile I play. I sit in a dining rom chair with the pedals right in front of me and my PS controller in my lap. I make sure I pedal the whole time (unless I'm on a boss that needs extra attention :happy: ) So that way if I play R&C for 2 hours I pedaled for 2 hours. It's nothign super strenous, just constantly keeping my legs moving.

    It's totally working for me, 5lbs in 2 1/2 weeks!
  • AmeChops
    AmeChops Posts: 744 Member
    I'm a hard core gamer too, and what has been helping me, is that I got a set of stationary bike pedals ($20 at walmart) and I just pedal wheile I play. I sit in a dining rom chair with the pedals right in front of me and my PS controller in my lap. I make sure I pedal the whole time (unless I'm on a boss that needs extra attention :happy: ) So that way if I play R&C for 2 hours I pedaled for 2 hours. It's nothign super strenous, just constantly keeping my legs moving.

    It's totally working for me, 5lbs in 2 1/2 weeks!

    Oooh...that's sneaky exercise...I LIKE it!! :-D
  • soldier4242
    soldier4242 Posts: 1,368 Member
    I just had my birthday party and it was a blast. My brother got me a new guitar for my rockband2 game and he bought me the RockBand Greenday because I am a HUGE Greenday fan. My wife bought me a 47" flat screen HD TV so I could hook my Xbox up in the basement and I had a group of my friends who pitched in to buy me RockBand3 and some microsoft points. Rockband3 is a lot better graphics wise. They swear they did not coordinate the gifts but this stuff worked out way too well.

    A buddy of mine brought over a microphone stand so I could play the guitar and sing at the same time which works a lot better then I thought it would. I set the singing on expert and the guitar on easy for now. As I get better at both I will bump the difficulty on the guitar. We spent the whole night night jamming out together on our favorite songs and drinking large quantities of alcoholic beverages. So in addition to killing zombies and firelands bosses (btw I have killed one more as of last night check out my armory feed.) I will now be trying to master my band goals on Rock Band 3!! It was a great birthday!!
  • Aeliyah
    Aeliyah Posts: 247
    @soldier4242 - I am so jealous!! Sounds like you had a great night, and Happy Birthday!!
  • VelvetKey
    VelvetKey Posts: 193 Member
    Amazing thread!

    I once read an article by a guy who told everyone to give up MMORPG gaming because it was ruining your life, even if you wouldn't admit it. He wrote that there were 2 kinds of people in the world: those who had overcome their gaming addictions and those who wouldn't admit gaming is an addiction.

    Well, I was disgusted and outright furious with this guy. I was so enraged that I made an Excel pie chart with all of my daily activities right there. (I still have it just in case I need to prove to someone that I do NOT spend my life with a controller/keyboard in my hands.)

    I've heard that WoW is all that and seventeen thousand kinds of amazing chips, BUT....hate to break it to you folks, I'm on a lifestyle-changing diet! (And I mean that both physically and financially.) DDO is the poor man's WoW but I less-than-three it, as it were. I'm very attached to my fabulous cleric and I belong to an awesome guild that supports the fact that I don't choose to be online every moment of the day.

    On the other hand, when I play tabletop D&D, I now have to bring my own food to the sessions. My friends might respect my goals, but they sure don't appreciate my carbonated water in place of soda or hint-of-salt crackers substituting their Doritos.

    Well, I have to pick my battles and they will have to pick theirs, I guess. (This begs for a don't split the party reference!)

    All in all, I have to say that some of my choices in gaming have rather enhanced my weight-loss journey. Why? Did you know that DDR Mario Mix tracks your calories?? WIN! And I'm sure that if you do enough flailing around in Ultimate Alliance you can count it with the Wii Sports Boxing. Plus, and others have already said it, it feels so GOOD to sit down to some pure gaming time knowing that you have already accomplished your food and exercise goals. (And preferably some housework or homework goals, too.)

    In the words of the Guild: Game on!
  • nekoemi
    nekoemi Posts: 121 Member
    So far, SWTOR is pretty awesome!

    I'm jealous!

    I've been anxiously awaiting SWTOR since it was first announced that BioWare was working on an 'upcoming unnamed MMO' since I love Star Wars and I love BioWare games.

    I'm also a former WoW player like many of you (as well as countless other MMOs... EQ1/2, SWG, PlanetSide, Aion, Rift, etc...), and I enjoy almost any type of game.

    Lately I've been playing a little Team Fortress 2 and League of Legends here and there with a few friends, as well as Oblivion.

    I'm looking forward to Skyrim, Battlefield 3, and of course SWTOR later this year.

    I also have a bad habit of buying lots of games that I never get around to playing, so I have a whole stack of PS3 games and games in my steam library that need playing haha! :laugh:

    My steam id is desj16 - feel free to add!
  • mwilco
    mwilco Posts: 1
    Hey guys,

    my very first posting here and found this thread.
    The first sentence catched my eye:
    “You can’t lose weight without giving up the gaming.”

    Well, I guess people here proved that statement wrong, eh? ;)
    I wasn't happy with my belly shape when I was at 89 kg but never really took enough effort to change something.
    Then, around November 2010, I started sports regularly and got very motivated, often I exercised daily (about an hour, jogging + weight lifting). Around that time my girlfriend discovered myfitnesspal luckily.
    Counting calories + more sports got me down to 78 kg a year later. We also ruled out some foods (junk food, processed food, hardly fries or burgers!), we're more aware of how much and what we eat. I don't have my washboard stomach yet but getting there. My girlfriend achieved maintenance mode even (and did way less sports, how the heck!).
    I'm now in the "I start to like what I see in the mirror" phase and...

    I never gave up gaming (nor decreased it a lot). :D Skyrim, L4D2, WoW, Galciv2, you name it!

    It's all about changing willpower, food and sports behavior. Though I admit spending less time in MMORGPs frees up a lot of time (yet still there should be an hour free somehow for sports).
  • Cylic
    Cylic Posts: 4
    Grats on the achiveme.....I meant weight loss!
    I know what you mean that the idea of giving up gaming doesn't even occur to me. Even my friends and family would never say that too me because they know it would never happen. Here to being hardcore healthy gamers! (still working on the healthy part here haha)
  • Timshel_
    Timshel_ Posts: 22,834 Member
    I don't play as much as I used to, but I still use it to destress at the end of some days. Borderlands II right now.