mom's of little ones, how do you find the time?



  • Rae6503
    Rae6503 Posts: 6,294 Member
    My husband also works a weird schedule (either 5am-5pm or 5pm-5am) so he's of no help in covering workout times. I get up at 5am to do Turbo Fire. I love it though and it really seems to be working. It's a little expensive but you get 10 or so different workouts so you don't get bored as quickly.
  • missyjg99
    missyjg99 Posts: 246 Member
    I've been waking up before they do (5 am unfortunately) to work out, or right after I get them to bed.

    We started a busy mom's group, if you want to join us for support. friend me on facebook!/profile.php?id=651736167

    and i'll add you to the group! If any other mom's want to join, the invitation is open.
    Thanks. I will definitely join!
  • heresmyinsidevoice
    heresmyinsidevoice Posts: 311 Member
    Hey there! I have an active little guy and I also have a job with erratic hours. For a long time I was struggling with the same thing as you - trying to find the time between all the things I had going on with myself, my son, work, and all the other errands that all us moms find ourselves doing that just need to be done. Feels like there's never enough hours in the day.

    So far the best thing I've stumbled across is some good workout DVDs - right now I'm really gung-ho on Jillian Michael's Ripped in 30. The whole workout takes 30 minutes and of all the fitness DVDs I've done, this one feels the most effective. All you need for it is a couple handheld dumbbells (just a small weight will do - even 2.5lb dumbbells work great for some of it for me to be honest), a mat or blanket if you're working out on a hard surface and your own body for resistence. It's divided up into week interval programs, so it's like 4 DVDs in one.

    A DVD is great because you can just throw it in anytime - my son even does the workout with me and he thinks it's so fun - or I'll just find him something else to do for a half hour - coloring, puzzles, etc to keep him busy if he's not into working out with mom. Anyway, hope that helps! :) This website's great too because there's all us here to motivate you! You can do it! Good luck and stay determined and focused! Yay for moms!
  • jennieodwyer
    jennieodwyer Posts: 1,036 Member
    I do Lindsay Brin's workouts in the morning before the baby is up. I like her bootcamp workouts the best because they consist 10 minute intervals that you can mix and match to customize the workout based on how much time you. Lindsay specializes in pregnancy and postnatal workouts.
  • erzille
    erzille Posts: 524 Member
    I understand! I am a working Mommy of 3. My hubbie works 7p-7a roting shift. During the school year, I usually work out to my DVDs after the kids go to bed. During the summer, they join me, doing whatever they can. My mom has them for the month of July (a blessing!) So I just work out whenever I get a chance, since I do not have any dealing with the kiddos. I have been trying to wake up early on the mornings when my hubbie is home to go walking....but morning workouts are a little tougher for me!
  • MaeKhaleesi
    MaeKhaleesi Posts: 61 Member
    It's incredibly difficult to find time to workout when you have young children. I've found that letting my 4 year old "workout" with me helps a lot. He's entertained, we're both keeping active, and we get to spend that time together!
  • jwhit31
    jwhit31 Posts: 450 Member
    I have four kiddos. The oldest is 14 and is gone visiting relatives for the summer. The other 3 are ages 6, 4, and 3. I get up at 5:30am, 6 days a week and workout before they get up (I have gym equipment in the garage). I also do a second workout around 2pm when the kids are napping. Three times a week I do C25K on the treadmill in the evening. Hubby is here to watch them for that half an hour though.

    I know for a lot of people it's hard to get up early. The way I see it is, what's more important to me, the extra sleep or becoming one step closer to a healthy me? My husband always says, if you have time to sleep you have time to workout. I guess that's the Marine in him!!!!
  • bloodbank
    bloodbank Posts: 468 Member
    I try to stay active with my babe (she's almost 2) - I chase her around, we jump & dance... when it's time to head out to the playground I choose the furthest one, toss her in the wagon & walk like I mean it the whole way there while pulling her (ends up being 30-40 minutes round trip)... when she's super into something she's playing with I'll jog in place nearby for as long as she doesn't want/need me (so 10-20 minutes at a time)... I take advantage of nap time to do walk/run intervals on my treadmill and I put a stationary bike in the livingroom so that after she's gone to bed at night I can do a little pedaling while my husband & I catch up & watch some tv.

    Edit: I also do bodyweight exercises (pushups, situps, planks, squats, dips) 3x/week, but that's something that doesn't take very long, doesn't matter if it gets broken up, and I just fit in when I can.
  • jessbennett1986
    How old is your little one? My daughter is 13 months old and it is extremely difficult to workout. I'm fortunate enough to have my husband home by 730 pm so that I can run at 8. If you are into walking or running and would rather be outside than doing workout dvd's I would suggest a running stroller. I've desperately wanted one for awhile so I don't have to wait until so late to go for my run. I saw one at target for around $100 which is pretty cheap for a running stroller so I'm hoping to get one soon. Also, I've tried MANY workout dvd's in the past and it's really great for the first 1-2 months. They do work really well at first.Then it starts to get really boring so beware (just my opinion). I have a whole shelf of beachbody dvds that go unused for most of the year. I have a hard time working out outside during the winter so I'm not sure what I'm going to do when it comes time. Good luck!:smile:
  • JennsLosing
    JennsLosing Posts: 1,026
    i actually gave in and joined a gym that offers child care while your working out. best thing ive ever done for myself if you ask me. I get some time alone to work out and the kids get some social time with other kids. mine are 4 yrs old and 11 months old.
  • ennaejay
    ennaejay Posts: 575
    do something you ENJOY, either while your LO is sleeping or something you can do while she's safely playing in the playpen or playroom and within sight & earshot. If it's something you enjoy, you'll be more apt to make the time for it.

    do something that's QUICK,

    and do it REGULARLY.

    most of all, be patient with yourself, we all have to fight to find & make the time. Good luck & stick with it!

    p.s. ditto the Shred; it's amazing! :)
  • DestinyDarbi
    DestinyDarbi Posts: 260 Member
    I read a couple comments. Honestly.. I can't find time to even do a 20 minute workout everyday! I don't have a workout schedule. If, by chance, my husband is home, I'll go run. If not, then I don't. BUT, I have found that you burn a lot more calories just cleaning the house than you probably realize. So.. if you can find something to clean while the kids are running around like chickens with their heads cut off, do it! Or just chase the kids around... that's worked pretty well for me too :laugh:
  • marquesajen
    marquesajen Posts: 641
    Play tag! Lots of kid games are cardio intensive, and they are more difficult for us lumbering adults, so you'll really feel the burn.
  • kim_mc
    kim_mc Posts: 321 Member
    I am the mother of 3 boys ages 8, 2, and 10mos. I also work full time overnights. I just have to workout at home. There is no time to go to a gym or anything like that. If the kids nap at the same time, I do it then but that doesn't happen too often. Otherwise I do it at nigth when they go to bed. If I have to go into work then I just try to squeeze in a short something.

    My favorite program is Turbo Fire and I used that to lose my baby weight. it's super fun! I liked Jillian Michaels Ripped in 30 because it's short so if you don't have a lot of time that day then you can squeeze that in. I also did INSANITY but nto my favorite. We have an elliptical at home that I am going to start using. Basically I just do whatever I can in the time that I have!! Good luck to you!
  • Yocum1219
    Yocum1219 Posts: 400 Member
    I manage time on my lunch break at work or after the kiddos have gone to bed. I even use my 2 yr old as a weight. I put her belly on my feet & she holds my hands, and as I lift her (I look like a demented frog) I get an awesome inner thigh workout! My boys call them Mellie-ups! For quads, sit on the couch, she's on my ankles, and she gets to go up & down while holding my hands. Biceps curls too! I have 3 lb weights for triceps that I have on my bathroom sink that I alternate arms while brusing my teeth, doing makeup, etc. Getting my kids dancing around the living room helps too. Every little bit adds up at the end of the day. And while in the pool, if my daughter is just in her floatie, I hold on to her & kick my legs a lot & twist my body to work out as many muscles as I can. Get a great burn even if no sweating! :-)
    Intake is important too! I did a lot of this beforehand...sporadically. Now it's a matter of making sure I do something at least once a day & keeping the calories under control. And what a difference it's made! And all since March 1st!!
  • sunyg
    sunyg Posts: 229
    I'm a SAHM to 4 with a husband that works so much I'm a single parent most of the time. I try to get up before they do, but with a 7 month old that can be hard to do. So I make sure that if I don't get up before they do I still do it at night when they go to bed. I do the Bob Harper DVDs. But they are an hour.

    Sometimes what I will do is workout through the day. I will do the Bob Harper challenges on youtube with my 3yr old. Or I will on one day do squats, lunges, what ever for my legs and then the next day do my arms. I can do a lot in 5 minutes.